Chapter 191 To set the right goal (5/5)

Xu Yan, who was next to him, looked at these…The students who had been hit hard also felt a headache.

Not to mention them, even Xu Yan wanted to say “” in her heart at the moment.

come out.

Even if it is Xu Yan, facing so many dimensional creatures, if you want to solve them, although it is not a trouble, it will take a lot of effort.

After all, waving your hand to slap mosquitoes also requires a wave.

And Jiang Xiaobai’s process is really easy and unreasonable, that is, if he rushes to the pile of dimensional creatures, those… dimensional creatures will die.

Whoever sees this, I’m afraid it will feel uncomfortable in my heart.

Originally, Xu Yan wanted Jiang Xiaobai to do it directly, and by this time to show some of her strength to Wei Zidong and other students, and then increase their confidence.

Where did I think that things went against my wish, and my confidence increased without saying it, but it was obvious that these hapless children were hit.

After pondering about this, Xu Yan pondered: “As a student, you must set the right goal and try to catch up, instead of getting hit by something.”

Hearing this, Wei Zidong’s eyes lit up, and after taking a deep breath, he said in a deep voice: “Mr. Xu is right, Jiang Xuedi is so good, it is a good thing for us at Yucheng Middle School, and we will also take Jiang Xiaodi As a 07 goal, I continue to improve myself.”

However, Wei Zidong didn’t know that Xu Yan hadn’t finished speaking.

The second half of the sentence is to tell them not to target Jiang Xiaobai, an inhuman monster, and to choose a more normal person to compare, such as Zhou Jiayu and Jiang Xiaoxin.

But looking at Wei Zidong and the surrounding students… who looked slightly slower, the remaining words couldn’t be said.

Xu Yan is really worried that after she tells the truth, she will make these guys directly autistic.

…In the field, at this moment, the dozens of awakened people who originally belonged to the train looked at Jiang Xiaobai, who was as if a god of death walked and died, and their expressions were also shocked.

There are many awakened people who are about forty years old in the scene. These years, they have traveled north and south, but no one has seen people like this or even saw Jiang Xiaobai approaching, those… awakened people who are closer. It’s even more “fog grass”

Backed quickly with a sound.

Now they don’t know at all about Jiang Xiaobai, and don’t even know what Jiang Xiaobai’s talents are, but the surrounding situation is enough to make people move. Who knows if one accidentally involves himself in the process. Minutes later, because of Jiang Xiaobai’s joining, these…the death rate of dimensional creatures has more than doubled. Now, there are only a hundred dimensional creatures left in the field. about:.

With this small number of dimensional creatures, even without Jiang Xiaobai’s hands, those…the awakened can be solved in minutes.

But at this moment, the preacher suddenly cried out in pain.

Hearing the sound, everyone turned their heads and looked at them.

An awakened person fell to the ground at this moment, with a few bone spurs stuck in his body, and the blood could not stop flowing out.

And in this awakened person about three meters apart, there is also a dimensional creature.

It’s just that this time the dimensional creatures are more purple and black than those around them, and their eyes are as golden as light bulbs.

There are bone spurs on his body that can be seen by the naked eye.

During the growth of the bone spurs, this dimensional creature also had star power fluctuations emerging, and it was a level of ninth-level star mechanics apprentice.

Obviously, the injury of the previous awakened man was caused by this dimensional creature.

And after wounding the awakened one, I don’t know if it was because Jiang Xiaobai killed too many of his comrades before, or because Jiang Xiaobai was the closest to this dimensional creature.

This dimensional creature’s two toad-like eyes rolled, and it turned out to be staring at Jiang Xiaobai.

After that, in the roaring room, he already jumped and charged towards Jiang Xiaobai.

“Oh, courage enough! Dare to stare at me.”

Glancing at the movement of this metaphysical creature, Jiang Xiaobai raised his brows lightly.

In just a few seconds, the distance of nearly 100 meters was rapidly shortened in the span of this dimensional creature, and it was already less than ten meters away from Jiang Xiaobai.

During the whole process, unexpected luck was good, and the passive effect of Jiang Xiaobai’s skills was not triggered.

As it approached, this dimensional creature was roaring low, and the bone spurs on its chest…bone spurs were already shot out, flashing in the air and rushing towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Seeing the spurs shooting at him in the air, Jiang Xiaobai chuckled.

For the surrounding…the awakened and even the students behind, the speed at which these…bone spurs shoot out can be said to be extremely fast.

But for the current Jiang Xiaobai, it seems to be slowly drifting through the air to get feathers, as if the speed has been slowed down several times.

Raised his hand slowly, one hand slowly swept through the air.

In the eyes of the people around and behind, only Jiang Xiaobai’s right hand was swayed, and there were already more than a dozen slender bone spurs in his hand.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai take his attack lightly, a bit of surprise appeared on the face of the dimensional creature opposite.

After that, he screamed again…With a sound, the star power in the body was fluctuating, and he was preparing to repeat the old trick.

But with the first time, how could Jiang Xiaobai give the other party a second chance?

Slowly picking up a bone spur that he had previously grasped from his hand, Jiang Xiaobai fluttered to the side.

However, the dimensional creature that had already rushed in front of Jiang Xiaobai 493 and was about to attack Jiang Xiaobai again. .

However, what makes people feel strange is that the direction that this dimensional creature is rushing at the moment is not Jiang Xiaobai, but the bone spur that Jiang Xiaobai has just thrown aside.


With the two hands together, after directly catching the bone spur, the body also fell lightly.

But the attention of this dimensional creature was completely attracted by the bone spur thrown by Jiang Xiaobai, and he didn’t notice at all. Other dimensional creatures that I died.

As the body fell from the air while maintaining a half-kneeling posture, the bone spurs on the dimensional creature’s body penetrated into the body of this dimensional creature without any hindrance.

And one of them happened to be aimed at the local position.

Then, he stabbed in deeply.

Suddenly, a heart-piercing howl suddenly came out from the mouth of this dimensional creature, and the sound was stern and tragic.

The awakened people around saw this scene, as well as the location of this dimensional creature’s blood flow, obviously it is not their own matter, but without exception, could not help but take a breath, and the local muscles contracted slightly.


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