Chapter 188 Sudden change, a new dimension comes (2/5)

The rising sun, although it is only June, has already filled the air with a little sultry feeling.

Sitting on the train heading to the magic city, I thought that I don’t need to face Xu Yan’s special training today.

Thinking of the devastation they have suffered every day in the past few days, a few people are… speechless and choked.

And compared to Xu Yan’s injuries after training, Jiang Xiaobai’s…healing talent skills impressed them even more.

Can you imagine making waves in front of classmates and teachers around you, and still ignorant of the scene? That kind of shame after the fact makes them even have the idea of ​​digging in.

Moreover, it was the first time that Xu Yan let Jiang Xiaobai release “one shot into the soul” to several people.

Later, it coincided with Zhou Jia’s idea, and even asked every student to spare an hour a day to constantly experience Jiang Xiaobai’s therapeutic talent skills in order to achieve the purpose of rapid adaptation.

In the past few days, each of these students even consciously brought a few more changes of underwear at the beginning of the training.

It’s uncomfortable! But thinking of being able to go to the magic city, these students are also excited.

Compared to Demon Capital, Yucheng can be blamed… it’s a small place.

Not to mention, there are more than a dozen universities in the magic capital alone.

4 And there are three of the top three in the country.

Even if you look at the whole country, it is second to none in the first-tier cities.

“Xiaobai, I heard that the beauties of the magic city are very famous. I don’t know if I can have an unexpected encounter when participating in the national college competition this time.”

Next to Jiang Xiaobai, Yuan Yang, who was a substitute for the competition team, was looking forward to the future at this moment.

Without paying attention to Yuan Yang, who fell into the daydream next to him, Jiang Xiaobai’s gaze was placed outside the window.

With the emergence of the dimensional space, the aura in this world has increased, causing many plants to change.

In this wild, you can see some towering dense forests everywhere, and the scenery along the way is also pleasing to the eye.

“Drip, drip, drip…”

However, just as the train was moving forward, in the car in which Yucheng Middle School was located, a red warning device on the door of the car suddenly flashed.

A sharp and harsh sound also emerged in the entire train.

While these sounds appeared, Jiang Xiaobai could clearly feel that the speed of the motor car under him was slowing down rapidly.

“Passengers please pay attention to the fact that a large number of uninhabited creatures are approaching. Please don’t panic and stay in the train waiting for rescue. Passengers please pay attention…”

With the sound of the flight attendant’s announcement, everyone in the field changed their expressions.

Although the dimensional creatures have been controlled by the governments of various countries, they have been in the dimensional space and cannot enter the real world.

But that is in the dimension that has been controlled does not represent those…new dimension spaces.

Whenever a new dimensional space gate appears, there will be great creatures directly emerging.

There were even a few times when the Dimensional Space Gate appeared directly out of thin air in some public places where the flow of people was high, causing a lot of casualties.

However, the appearance of new dimensional space will not appear more than ten times in a year.

Jiang Xiaobai and the others didn’t expect them to be so unlucky at all.The first time they traveled, they directly ran into a new dimensional space.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt the phone in his pocket vibrate a few times.

I quickly took it out and looked at it, and found that it belonged to the push message on the awakened, and there was “urgent” on the prefix.

Two words.

Almost just after logging in, a message has already emerged.

“Suddenly a new dimensional space gate appeared ten kilometers south of Huicheng. The detected energy level was two stars. It is predicted that the dimensional space level will be from the seventh-level bronze dimensional space to the ninth-level bronze dimensional space. The existing train to the magic city is forced to stop, please The awakened people in the vicinity rushed to the rescue train to suppress the riots as soon as possible. After the mission is completed, the mission is delivered through the combat video to realize the reward.”

Upon seeing this news, after determining the level of the new dimension space gate detected above, Jiang Xiaobai felt relieved.

What Jiang Xiaobai is afraid of is… the new dimensional space that appears directly this time belongs to some high-level dimensional space.

Then it will be troublesome.

Later, after reading the news, Jiang Xiaobai raised his head and glanced at Xu Yan on one side.

Sure enough, Xu Yan is also holding her mobile phone and viewing the same news as herself.

After pondering for a while, Xu Yan turned her head and glanced at Jiang Xiaobai, who was indifferent, and then looked at the other school students.

When noticing the slightly pale and panicked expressions of these students, Xu Yan frowned and then stood up, “It just so happens that the dimensional creatures that appeared this time are only bronze. Let me see the results of your training during this period of time.”

Hearing this, everyone still didn’t understand Xu Yan’s meaning.It was clear that they wanted to go out at this moment to fight against those…dimensional creatures.

Suddenly, some of the students had already changed their expressions.

Especially those students who took the train as a substitute, their faces were already showing timidity.

But Xu Yan didn’t care about the reaction of these students.After speaking, she turned around and headed to the control room.

Seeing Xu Yan strode away, Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia, and Yuan Yang all stood up and followed without a hassle.

After Wei Zidong and other students hesitated, they stood up and walked into the aisle.

Other students can only see this.

After showing the Awakened ID and asking the control room to open the door of the carriage where Yucheng Middle School was located, with a group of students, Xu Yan slowly stepped out of the carriage.

But behind Xu Yan, there were only a handful of thirteen people.

In addition to…this time, Jiang Xiaobai and other nine people9 who officially represented the school out of the station, there are another four 44 substitutes.

As for the remaining nearly ten, they were afraid to walk out of the carriage.

Xu Yan didn’t even bother to speak for those…the trash who didn’t even dare to fight.

After reaching the destination, let these people return directly.

It was also after a crowd of people got out of the train and their eyes widened.

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