Chapter 187 This time the misunderstanding is big (1/5)

The next day, when Jiang Xiaobai came home and just made dinner, the doorbell suddenly rang.

Jiang Xiaobai walked to the door while teasing the dog. When the door opened and looked at the well-mannered, elegant middle-aged man on his body, Jiang Xiaobai was startled, “Uncle Zhou, why are you here?”

The middle-aged man is no one else but Zhou Jia’s father, Zhou Hanshan.

He was also a good friend of Jiang Xiaobai’s parents.

After entering the door, he smiled and said, “I have been on business all day and there is no one at home. Then Nizi stayed in your Xiaobai’s house all day long. Can I not come?”

With that said, Zhou Hanshan handed the gift box in his hand to Jiang Xiaobai and said: “It happens that a friend of mine here gave me some meat from the ninth-level golden dimensional creature, the blood-winged python, just a few days later. It’s about to participate in the national college competition, so I’ll have someone do it for you to bring it to supplement and cheer.”

“The flesh of nine-level golden dimensional creatures”

Hearing these words, Jiang Xiaobai and Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin who were approaching behind were all bright.

Among dimensional creatures, the more advanced dimensional creatures, the more energy contained in their bodies.

And the energy contained in the flesh and blood of the ninth-level gold-level dimensional creature is not inferior to the energy contained in the general high-level bronze star orb.

More importantly…The energy contained in the flesh and blood is easier to absorb, and it will not take a long time to draw out and absorb like the star power in the star orb.

“It just so happens that we just finished dinner here, Uncle Zhou, let’s have some together!”

Jiang Xiaoxin also spoke at this time.

Zhou Hanshan and Jiang Xiaobai’s family relationship has always been good.

Even after the death of Jiang Xiaobai’s parents, Zhou Hanshan’s conditions are getting better and better, and he often helps Jiang Xiaobai and Jiang Xiaoxin.

Naturally, for Zhou Hanshan and Jiang Xiaoxin, the indifference and unfamiliarity in the past…

Zhou Hanshan smiled and said: “Also, it has been a long time since I have eaten Xiaoxin’s food that you made, then eat something first, and then eat the food made by the golden dimensional creature…”

Seeing a cyan whip on the back of Zhou Jia’s hand during the serving process, Zhou Hanshan frowned and asked, “I’m injured.”

Hearing this, Zhou Jia glanced at the whip marks on the back of her hand and said vaguely: “It’s nothing, I accidentally injured it before!”

Naturally, the injury was not last night. After training last night, Jiang Xiaobai “one shot into the soul”

All the injuries on Zhou Jia’s body were healed directly, without leaving any scars.

And the whip marks on his hands were completely newly left after returning home.

Thinking for a while…and continue to train, Zhou Jia is not in a hurry for Jiang Xiaobai to treat.

Of course, it is impossible for Zhou Jia to tell Zhou Hanshan about these things.

To let Zhou Hanshan know that he couldn’t beat Jiang Xiaobai now, it would be too shameless.

Seeing that Zhou Jia was unwilling to say more in this regard, Zhou Hanshan did not pursue it.

It just so happened that Jiang Xiaoxin had brought the last soup to the table at this time.

Picking up a bowl, after the meal was served, Zhou Jia will go and yell “Dad”

Zhou Hanshan raised his hand to prepare to take over the bowl in Jia’s hand.

However, before Zhou Hanshan’s hand touched the bowl, he saw another slender hand taking the bowl in Zhou Jia’s hand in the air.

Zhou Hanshan: “”

Zhou Hanshan thought about it for a while, and felt that he might not have heard it just now. When Zhou Jia handed the bowl over, he did shout “Dad”.

Ah! But you stretched out your hand to pick up the bowl because you followed this hand and looked at Jiang Xiaobai, Zhou Hanshan’s face was dumbfounded.

After a while, I took a look at the whip marks on the back of Zhou Jia’s hand, and thought of Jiang Xiaobai’s usual reaction at this moment.

Zhou Hanshan didn’t know what he was thinking of, his body suddenly shook, and then he shook again, feeling as if he understood something.

For a while, Zhou Hanshan’s body froze as if struck by lightning, and his gaze constantly swept over Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaobai’s body, his eyes filled with deep surprise and shock.

“These two kids actually played that kind of game”

Thinking about it, Zhou Hanshan’s eyes were already half-squinted.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai, who had just caught Zhou Jia and handed over the rice bowl, felt Zhou Hanshan’s weird look on him, and his heart suddenly burst.


Because of my “father love like a mountain”

Because of his skills, Jiang Xiaobai has become accustomed to others calling himself father.

And in the past month, under her own skill, Zhou Jia, who was affected by the skill, also called Jiang Xiaobai’s dad several times.

So, subconsciously, Jiang Xiaobai just… took the bowl with his hands.

It’s no big deal to put it like this on weekdays.

But the point is that now Zhou Jia’s father is… sitting next to him as well! In front of Zhou Hanshan, Azi Zhou Jia shouted, “At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai also has a kind of “wow” in his heart. dog”

a feeling of.

I also feel that the bowl in my hand has become heavy and hot.

As his mind turned quickly, Jiang Xiaobai immediately put the bowl in his hand in front of Zhou Hanshan, still with a smile on his face: “Uncle Zhou, I will help you get it.”

Looking at the bowl in front of him, Zhou Hanshan said softly

With a bang, the previous sense of easygoing has also been reduced.

Noting Zhou Hanshan’s reaction, Jiang Xiaobai gave a wry smile.

Afterwards, Zhou Hanshan swept away his usual easygoing and became a little unsmiling.

This change made Zhou Jia confused and a little unclear.

After a few people ate the food that Zhou Hanshan had brought with them, the gold-level dimensional creatures were used as ingredients, and Zhou Hanshan also got up and prepared to leave.

However, before leaving, after pondering for a while, Zhou Hanshan suddenly patted Jiang Xiaobai on the shoulder and said meaningfully: “Now, you are still young, only sixteen to sixteen, and there are some things. After entering the university and becoming an adult, it will not be too late. .

In addition, for some games, it’s best not to touch them randomly, because the impact is not good, you know”

When talking, Zhou Hanshan suddenly felt melancholy.

Suddenly I feel that my little padded jacket for more than ten years is no longer warm by myself, but by other people.

Thinking of this, when Zhou Hanshan glanced at Jiang Xiaobai, some coldness and dissatisfaction appeared in his eyes.

If it were other times, perhaps Zhou Hanshan’s reaction would be even more intense.

But now, in Zhou Hanshan’s opinion, Jiang Xiaobai can accept Zhou Jia’s kind of…respectfully so calmly, it is conceivable that it is too late to say anything now.

Although Zhou Jia was confused when he heard it, Jiang Xiaobai understood what Zhou Hanshan meant.

Regarding this, Jiang Xiaobai felt that what he said was inappropriate, and could only respond with a wry smile.

Dammit, this is a big misunderstanding.


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