Chapter 143 If you continue, I’m afraid you can’t stand it! (2/5)

The next day, after arriving at school, Jiang Xiaobai directly approached Xu Yan.

After seeing Jiang Xiaobai, Xu Yan took Jiang Xiaobai directly to the training ground in the school.

After entering one of the separate training rooms, Xu Yan said: “After confirming the training direction with you, I need to understand your second talent skill in detail.”

With that, Xu Yan hooked her finger at Jiang Xiaobai enough, “Come on, use your second talent skill to make me feel it.”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai is a little bit guilty: “So what, Mr. Xu, your level is too high, and my talent skills seem to be of no use to you.”

“It seems that your second talent skill is the same as the first talent skill, which is biased towards influence and is affected by the target’s strength level.”

Xu Yan frowned slightly.

After a while, Xu Yan turned to leave the room.After a few minutes, she walked in with a machine the size of the boss’s black and white TV.

Seeing this machine, Jiang Xiaobai also recognized it.

The machine in Xu Yan’s hand is a machine that interferes with the level and star power.

The effect and principle are similar to the negative anti-poison that Yuan Xiaoning took at the beginning, and it can suppress the level and strength of an awakened person in a short period of time.

The only difference is that the potion is time-effective, and once the machine leaves the floating range, it will lose its suppression effect.

“How much does your talent skill affect the target’s required level”

After putting the machine on the ground, Xu Yan turned her head and asked.

“Well, within one big level higher than me.”

Jiang Xiaobai said truthfully.

Xu Yan nodded and commented, “It can affect enemies within a large level, but the skill range is not very limited.”

It’s hard to say about talent skills.Some Awakeners’ talent skills are very effective, but they are too restrictive.

There is even no shortage of talent skills that can only be used by enemies with lower levels.

Then, after debugging the machine on the ground, and putting a star orb into the machine and starting it, the room suddenly had a light shield with a range of nearly one meter.

Standing in this mask and feeling the condition of her body, Xu Yan nodded, “Okay, I temporarily suppressed the level to the seventh floor of the Stardust Realm. You can use your talent skills on me. I feel it…”

Looking at Xu Yan with her usual face and thinking about Xu Yan’s request of herself now, Jiang Xiaobai was slightly embarrassed.

In fact, if it is the first talent skill, it would be okay, at most it is… people kneel down.

But the second one seems to be a bit difficult.

After all, it was different from the time when he was in the basement.At that time, Jiang Xiaobai just wanted to stop Yuan Xiaoning, so he used his skills to interfere, and Yuan Xiaoning learned about it after a while.

Now, using talent skills in front of Xu Yan, Jiang Xiaobai is really embarrassed.

But in the face of Xu Yan’s urging, Jiang Xiao did it.

Then, after nodding, a small star power was already concentrated and dissipated.

At the same time, when I was waiting quietly, I felt that my part seemed to be itchy.

Subconsciously, Xu Yan wanted to scratch it, but when thinking of Jiang Xiaobai, Xu Yan held back, and at the same time urged, “Why are you still stunned, why hurry up and use your talent skills to me.”

Jiang Xiaobai didn’t speak, secretly holding a cloud of star power a little more than before.

At the next moment, Xu Yan also felt that the itchy part of herself suddenly twitched.


This unexpected feeling made Xu Yan’s complexion suddenly tighten, and she took a breath.

The body also stiffened, and his face became unnatural for a moment.

Even Xu Yan’s naturally open hand suddenly became a fist.

Fortunately, this feeling came suddenly, but it disappeared very quickly, but it returned to normal in an instant.

Then he put his gaze on Jiang Xiaobai again, faintly feeling a little impatient.

This time, don’t wait: Xu Yan speaks, Jiang Xiaobai is already the first step.

“Boom, boom, boom, boom…”

In an instant, the cramping sensation of dense rhythm like drumming suddenly came from the local area, and there was a special feeling faintly mixed in it.

Under these successive strong feelings, Xu Yan’s fist that had just been loosened clenched once again, and her face sank at this moment.

“Under this surging strange feeling, sweat is already overflowing in the palm of Xu Yan’s fist.

It was also when Xu Yan felt like this was almost unbearable.

On the opposite side, Jiang Xiaobai, who was paying attention to Xu Yan’s state, coughed lightly, “So what, Teacher Xu, do you want to continue? I’m afraid you can’t stand it!”

To be honest, Jiang Xiaobai was quite happy looking at Xu Yan’s current state of wanting to talk.

But if Jiang Xiaobai continues to increase star power, I am afraid that he will see red next.

At that time, even if Xu Yan requested all this afterwards, Jiang Xiaobai can guarantee that there will be an accident.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobai asked after the click.

Xu Yan, who had always gritted her teeth because of the feelings in her body, heard Jiang Xiaobai’s words and thought that Jiang Xiaobai was asking if she should use the talented skill farmer on herself.

Immediately…Mano is ready to nod in response.

But before the words were spoken, Xu Yan suddenly reacted, and suddenly raised her head to look at Jiang Xiaobai, “Wait…, you just used your talent skills to say that, my game… there. The problem is the reason for your talent skills”

Jiang Xiaobai gently “hmm”

There was a response.

After getting confirmation from Jiang Xiaobai, Xu Yan didn’t feel bad all over.

Originally, Xu Yan thought it was because she didn’t know what was wrong with her, which caused those…strange feelings to emerge one after another.

Where I want to get it is entirely because of Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills.

It is a woman, and Jiang Xiaobai’s teacher, but because of the students’ reasons, a local reaction has been caused.The feeling in Xu Yan’s heart can be imagined for a moment, and the face of the cold and arrogant in the past is already blush.

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