Chapter 144 What the hell are you? (3/5)

“Your second talent skill is this ability, why didn’t you tell me before”

After a while, after a little calmer, Xu Yan asked through gritted teeth.

“You didn’t ask me! You just asked me to use your talent skills when you came.”

Jiang Xiaobai spread his hands, his face full of innocence and sincerity.

Seeing this, Xu Yan couldn’t help being speechless.

After a while, thinking of Jiang Xiaobai’s previous words, Xu Yan suppressed the urge to beat people in her heart and asked: “Listen to what you said just now, you kept your hands when you just used your talent skills. What would happen if you used your talent skills with all your strength? Effect”

“It’s nothing, just… it’s just a blow.”

Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while, and used a more vivid vocabulary to describe it.

“Blow it up”

The corner of Xu Yan’s eyes jumped.

Let alone feeling, Xu Yan couldn’t help straightening her legs just thinking of the scene.When she looked at Jiang Xiaobai, she still had a bit of jealousy in her eyes.

“Are there any more?”

After taking a breath to relax, Xu Yan continued to ask.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Xiaobai went on to repeat the effect of the skills Yuan Yang said yesterday.

After all, it is impossible for Jiang Xiaobai to use talent skills.

Rather than… hiding and tucking 493, it is better to express it first.

After knowing that Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills were not… after directly causing damage to the target, it could also have the effects of mental talent skills. Looking at Jiang Xiaobai in front of him, Xu Yan was silent. .

The talent skill is to kneel down.

Although rare and weird, it can be accepted after all.

But what is the second talent skill in the back that caused people to partially explode and treat Jiang Xiaobai as his father.

Do you have such a cheap talent skill?Xu Yan feels that her worldview and knowledge of the awakened person’s talent skill are all in a mess at this moment.

Fortunately, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t directly use that…incidental ability against himself.

Otherwise, thinking of her name as Jiang Xiaobai’s father, Xu Yan is afraid that she will really have the idea of ​​killing people.

Is Jiang Xiaobai’s natural skills weak? It may seem weak to ordinary students.

But in the eyes of Xu Yan and others, you can know how powerful it is.

You know, according to Jiang Xiaobai, these two talent skills will almost be triggered forcibly as long as they don’t exceed Jiang Xiaobai’s large level.That is to say, they can’t be prevented.

Coupled with the effect of this talent skill, it is simply not an exaggeration to describe it.

But the abilities of these talented skills are simply chilling in people’s hearts.

At this moment, Xu Yan really wanted to ask, “What kind of ghost talent skills do you awaken from?”

It wasn’t until after a full five minutes that Xu Yan, who had recovered, took a deep breath again.After turning off the machine next to her for the first time, she felt relieved.

Xu Yan can’t remember how long she hasn’t felt this kind of complicated, worried and panic.

Today, it is true that Jiang Xiaobai, a little rookie who is only in the Stardust Realm, feels this long-lost pressure.

Immediately looking at Jiang Xiaobai, Xu Yan pondered for a while and said: “Ah, what? I already know about your talent skills. From now on, you can practice and master it in private.”

Originally, Xu Yan thought that Jiang Xiaobai had recently improved a bit quickly, and it was very likely that the second talent skill could not be fully controlled, and she wondered whether she should help Jiang Xiaobai familiarize and master her new talent skills.

But now, how can Xu Yan even dare to help Jiang Xiaobai master the talent skills, and then the words changed: “You have to rely on yourself in this aspect of talent skills, and in the next time, I will focus on training your combat skills. , Your fighting style is still those in school… “Basic Fighting Skills”.

Although there is no problem coping with the normal college entrance examination, if you want to participate in the national college competition, this way of fighting is too simple, and it also lacks effective lethality.”

Jiang Xiaobai nodded.

“Basic Fighting Skills” carries the two words basic, and the moves in it are relatively simple, and it is more about explaining how to mobilize the whole body’s force skills to make the most powerful play.

Correspondingly, it is indeed a lot worse in terms of lethality.

“So what I will teach you next is a fighting technique that will be learned only after being used in the Stardust Realm, “Star Force Fighting Techniques”.”

“”Astral Fighting Techniques””

Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows and said the name.

Xu Yan explained: “Strictly speaking, this fighting technique can only be learned after it belongs to the Stardust Realm.All the moves in it are powerful and most effective moves.

And it also contains the control of star power, which makes the power more powerful.Even in schools such as Jiangnan University, if you want to redeem it, you need a lot of points.

Its value is not inferior to many top combat skills.”

Mentioning this, Xu Yan sighed and said: “Originally, what I prepared for you was another relatively mild fighting technique, but after knowing the effect of your talent skills, I temporarily changed my attention.

However, although “Astral Fighting Techniques” is powerful, it consumes a lot of star power, and the difficulty of mastering is also more than ordinary ones…The fighting skills are much greater, so the choice is slightly less powerful. , The fighting technique that does not consume star power or the “Astral Fighting Technique” is your own choice.”

Based on Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills, Xu Yan can judge that Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills are very strong.

However, both talent skills are biased towards support types.

Therefore, there can be no changes in talent skills, only Jiang Xiaobai’s personal strength can be changed.

Once Jiang Xiaobai’s own strength can be improved, it will be matched with Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills.

For that picture, just thinking about it, Xu Yan couldn’t help but shake her body.

And after Jiang Xiaobai heard Xu Yan’s introduction to “Astral Fighting Techniques”, his eyes were bright.

It’s okay to consume a lot of star power! I want to enter the Stardust Realm from the Astral Mechanic Apprentice and directly need 90,000 Star Power Points.

When the time comes, the star power will be nearly ten times more than people of the same realm.

There is no need to worry about star power consumption.

Immediately, Jiang Xiaobai decisively chose to learn “Astral Fighting Techniques”.


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