Chapter 142 You are just a ghost father! (1/5)

Seeing that after returning to Jiang Xiaobai’s side, he will become a little milk dog, Yuan Yang and Thu Hai are a little speechless.

However, the two had no idea of ​​accusing them.

Other than that, if it were not for Jiang Xiaobai to be there today, and only the two of them, then Liu Hanxiang’s behavior before, maybe it is very likely to get them in directly, this kind of completely vain their safety behavior, it is just a fright. It’s cheaper for her.

It’s not an exaggeration to kill it directly if you change it to a bit harder and colder.

The wind leopards in those areas safely left the dimensional space without taking care of them.After Hai Hai got off the car on Thursday, Yuan Yang looked at Jiang Xiaobai with very bitter eyes.

Just when Jiang Xiaobai was about to be unable to resist Yuan Yang’s weeping eyes, Yuan Yang said leisurely: “Let’s talk! Was the situation that I used to be a ghost of you?”

Regarding Yuan Yang’s question, Jiang Xiaobai was not surprised at all.

After all, the last time Yuan Xiaoning and Yuan Xiaoning dealt with Chu 07 Xianglan, Yuan Yang just… saw the scene where Wang Jianan called his father.

This time, how could Yuan Yang fail to notice the strange situation in his own dimensional space.

Although adolescent children are impulsive, they are not stupid.

It’s just that there was Thu Hai before, Yuan Yang was not sure about the relationship between Thu Hai and Jiang Xiaobai, and Thu Hai did not say this.

Regarding this, Jiang Xiaobai nodded decisively and admitted.

This decisive reaction caused Yuan Yang’s mouth to twitch.

However, as the two of them, Yuan Yang would not rise up. He just asked a little strangely: “Don’t you already have two talent skills? What’s the matter with this?”

Jiang Xiaobai had already thought about the wording of the third talent skill that he had awakened before reaching the Stardust Realm.

Immediately whispered: “That… is a derivative effect of the second skill!.”

Yuan Yang thought about it for a while and asked in confusion: “Isn’t your second skill letting the enemy’s part burst up? How can it make people want to call you dad”

Jiang Xiaobai’s face turned black. Does this kid know how to speak and make people burst into parts? Afterwards, he said vaguely, roughly…Explain the two skills as one talent skill, but the difference is It is because the places used for the target are different, and the effects that can be caused are different.

Yuan Yang did not doubt what Jiang Xiaobai said.

Only after listening to the explanation, Yuan Yang rarely fell silent.

After a while, Yuan Yang said leisurely: “You just said that one of the effects of your skill is the pain of growth, and the other is the love of the father.”

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, “What is there?”

Yuan Yang sneered, “The problem is that your paternal love is already gone! Whose paternal love will be accompanied by a partial explosion, such a heavy paternal love, you are only a ghost father!”

Jiang Xiaobai: …Don’t say it, Yuan Yang’s understanding, it seems that there is really nothing wrong with it.

In the face of the enemy, Jiang Xiaobai first showed the pain of growth, what is called a thousand trees and thousands of chrysanthemums! Open, and then the father’s love is like a mountain, which makes people appreciate the heavy father’s love.

Together, it seems that this kind of paternal love is really a bit changed.

But all this is what Jiang Xiaobai said to Yuan Yang by fusing the two talent skills into one.Even if he heard what Yuan Yang said at this moment, Jiang Xiaobai really didn’t know how to explain it for a while.

In the end, I can only recognize it in a dull way, the ghost father is the ghost father! Anyway… the skill is for the enemy, it doesn’t matter.

After that, he didn’t gradually diverge with Yuan Yang on this issue. Jiang Xiaobai turned to ask: “Right, let me talk about your specific feelings. I don’t have any special knowledge about this skill.”

Yuan Yang thought for a while. Although he was a little embarrassed, he still said honestly: “How can I say, anyway…After hitting your skills before, I think of my father when I see you. I can’t do it at all, and I feel like I’m doing it with you. It’s… my son hit Laozi, it’s just tangled.”

Speaking of this, Yuan Yang also has a pain on his face.

And Jiang Xiaobai continued to ask, and then through Yuan Yang’s specific description, it was inferred that the full-level “father love is like a mountain”.

The specific effect.

The concept of children nowadays is different from that of ancient times.

There are often parents who are awakened who train their children to fight, and there will be no situations where… they can’t start at all.

However, Jiang Xiaobai’s skills are first like Yangguan, so that the target of the stroke is covered with… the awe of the father’s love is infinitely amplified.

With this feeling, just move Jiang Xiaobai, and it makes people feel like a heinous bastard.

Simply put, it is…First give the target an effect to make you a filial son who respects and loves your parents, and then let the enemy completely connect yourself with your father in a short time.

In this case, even if the future goal is the kind of…this life is…rebellious and unfilial, for guys whose parents don’t have the slightest awe and affection, they will also be affected by this skill of their own.

If this is the case, then the effect of this skill is very strong! Then after thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobai redefines his own evaluation.

Very strong, but also very cheap.

It’s just that Jiang Xiaobai hasn’t used this skill on dimensional creatures before.

Will the skills be used more 493, those…under the influence of skills, the dimensional creatures really think of themselves as relatives. Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai unconsciously leaned into his arms and lay down on him. Daha, who fell asleep in his arms, glanced at him.

It seems that I have felt something bad or I am having a nightmare.

Daha, who was in Jiang Xiaobai’s arms, trembled fiercely, woke up directly, and looked around with a little panic.

In Yuan Yang’s subsequent threats, Jiang Xiaobai promised that he would not use skills on Yuan Yang again without Yuan Yang’s consent, and Yuan Yang stopped.

When the driver sent himself directly downstairs and waved goodbye to Yuan Yang and returned home, he had just finished washing and Jiang Xiaobai had received a message on his mobile phone.

“Come to school tomorrow morning to start training. This is my number. Save it yourself, Xu Yan.”

“Have you started training? I don’t know what method this woman will use.”

Looking at the content on the short message, Jiang Xiaobai curled his lips and saved the number conveniently.

: To relax today, five shifts for the time being, and adjust the state by the way. I hope everyone understands. In addition, if you think there is any interesting plot or how to use the skills against the enemy, you can share it in the book review and brainstorm!!

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