Chapter 141 If I don’t get out, I’ll let the dog go (7/7)

After sending that Liu Hanxiang back to his original position with one kick, Jiang Xiaobai said faintly, “You continue, we are just passing by.”

Later, he gestured to Thu Hai and Yuan Yang behind him and prepared to leave.

But watching the movements of the three people 3, one of the several awakened people on the opposite side looked like the leader, and the man about 30 years old looked at the two behind him.

By the time the two turned and rushed towards Liu Hanxiang over there and they had already fought, the leading awakener and the two companions next to him had already flashed and rushed to Jiang Xiaobai and the others, and the weapon in his hand flicked slightly. , I took a look at Jiang Xiaobai with interest.

After groaning slightly for a few seconds, the leading awakener slowly said: “Little brother, since we have all met, it’s better to stay and let everyone have a good time.”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Liu Hanxiang over there and then looked at these rough men, and he understood why Liu Hanxiang and these guys had a conflict.

Jiang Xiao “Four Nine Three”

Bai shook his head secretly in his heart, “Sure enough, a long and beautiful woman would be more dangerous than an ordinary awakened person in the dimensional space.”

To put it in a nasty sentence, like these…the awakened who entered the dimensional space and hunted and killed dimensional creatures for a living, almost all belonged to the group that was eliminated.

In order to make a living, this is to gather in the dimensional space all the year round to face the dimensional creatures, all with their heads on their waists.

Therefore, the evil thoughts in these people’s hearts will surpass ordinary people over time.

Therefore, once you encounter those… women who are outstanding in appearance and strength in the dimensional space, they will become wicked.

But now that the other party allows himself and others to join, Jiang Xiaobai is still unclear about the other party’s plan.

After all, although these things are not uncommon in the dimensional space, they must be quiet after all.

If Jiang Xiaobai and others are allowed to go out, once the information leaks afterwards, no one is sure what will be the trouble.

Therefore, the best way is either to kill the mouth together, or to pull Jiang Xiaobai into the water together.

Although Jiang Xiaobai is not going to help Liu Hanxiang, it doesn’t mean that Jiang Xiaobai has any good feelings towards several guys.

Wen Yan was a little impatient and said: “If you want to play, you can play by yourself, don’t get involved with us.”

Hearing this, the face of the middle-aged man with a slight smile on his face just now sank suddenly, “Boy, you are not saving face”

Jiang Xiaobai whispered: “Say it again, please go away round, if you don’t, I will let the dog go.”

With that, Jiang Xiaobai held the Daha in his arms by his neck and held it in the air.

And Daha, who was caught in the air by Jiang Xiaobai, also showed a picture of “I am super fierce” to the three three awakened people beside him.

Look like.

But with the cute look of the big Hana and the little milk dog, no matter how you look at it, it is selling cute.

Therefore, seeing this scene, the awakened people around him couldn’t help laughing out loud, and looking at Jiang Xiaobai’s gaze seemed to be a mentally retarded person.

The man opposite… the leader of the awakened team already sneered: “I’m so scared to let go of the dog! Boy, just the little milk dog in your hand, I’m afraid I will pinch it to death by accident.”

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai snorted softly, and the hand on his neck suddenly loosened.

As the limbs touched the ground, in the sight of a few people, Oma changed from the original little milk dog to the blood wolf king form.

The lead awakener:…Looking at the two-meter-high Daha in front of him, the smiles on the faces of the awakened people on the opposite side suddenly stopped, and their eyes protruded. It seemed to be surprised by this scene.

This is a dog, don’t you think we haven’t seen a dog! In just a second or two, a little milk dog that originally seemed harmless to humans and animals turned into a violent scent in front of him. Dimensional creatures.

This completely stunned the three awakened people who were obviously shallow.

Glancing at the reaction of the three people 3 opposite, Jiang Xiaobai raised the corner of his mouth and patted the Daha next to him. He said with disdain: “Go, let me see how he pinched you to death.”

Daha lowered his head slightly, and when his head turned to the three people on the opposite side, 3, the blood-red eyes were already full of fierce light.

As the wolf’s mouth opened, the fangs in it were exposed, and after a low growl, the body had already sprang out, like a red shadow flashing in the air.

When they appeared again, they had already rushed to the front of the three people 3 on the opposite side.While the forelegs were waving, five sharp and sharp claws waved. When the three people 3 hadn’t reacted at all, they directly moved the most side one. The awakened man tore in half.

In an instant, blood was sprayed.

“Nine, a dimensional creature of the ninth-level star mechanic.”

Looking at the teammates who were torn in half and couldn’t die anymore, feeling the fluctuations of star power from the big ha body next to them, the faces of the remaining two awakened people turned pale.

Originally saw Daha transform from a little milk dog into a mighty blood wolf, the other party was already frightened.

Now I even discovered that this is a dimensional creature that is a blood wolf that turns out to be a ninth-level star mechanic. My heart is already scared to Liu Shen Wuzhu, where the idea of ​​fighting Daha almost never even thought of it, these two awakened All of them turned their heads to escape from a distance…. Facing the two awakened ones who quickly turned and fled, Daha’s eyes showed a humane disdain.

Afterwards, the blood-colored energy in the wolf’s mouth was gathered, and two blood blades were already formed in the air and turned into two red lights flashing, and the two awakened people in front were directly cut off.

After the two people uttered a miserable howl, they both fell to the ground, watching their internal organs mixed with blood all over the floor.

The movement here is not insignificant.The two awakened people who were besieging Liu Hanxiang took time to notice the movement here, and their hearts stopped for a moment.

Where did he dare to stay in this place, turned his head and ran behind him.

But before he ran far, he was easily solved by Daha.

At this point, Jiang Xiaobai’s gaze was turned to Liu Hanxiang, who looked at the brutal and violent Daha stiff on the spot, not even daring to move.

Perhaps he felt Jiang Xiaobai’s gaze, and Liu Hanxiang’s body shuddered abruptly at this moment.

Facing Jiang Xiaobai’s line of sight, there was already a faint worry and fear.

But what made Liu Hanxiang breathed a sigh of relief was that after Jiang Xiaobai glanced at him, he indifferently withdrew his gaze and left with the two men and a wolf.

But when Liu Hanxiang just took a breath and sat down on the ground, he suddenly felt a shadow in front of him.

He quickly raised his head, and in Liu Hanxiang’s sight, there was already an extra wolf mouth full of tusks, hideous and frightening.

“Ah! 1.


The wolf’s mouth close at hand and the violent aura directly caused Liu Hanxiang to cry out in horror, and the blood on his face quickly faded, leaving only a piece of paleness.

“Silly dog, gone”

It was also at this time that there was a faint voice over there.After hearing the sound, Daha lowered his head and looked at Liu Hanxiang in front of him. go.

In the forest, glancing at the scared Liu Hanxiang behind, Jiang Xiaobai snorted softly while walking.

“I, Jiang Xiaoqi, don’t…pity the fragrance and cherish the jade.”

: Since it was put on the shelves, it has been bursting every day, and it is a bit unbearable. I was completely dizzy when I wrote today. I will take a day off tomorrow to restore my energy. For the time being, I will continue to restore the 7th shift the day after tomorrow! Hope you understand and support. !

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