Chapter 135 People are not as good as dogs (1/7)

Needless to say, Yuan Yang during this trip to Dimensional Space, even Thu Hai is exhausted now.

You must know that when Yuan Yang is fighting, his pressure is the greatest.Not only must he guard against other blood apes at any time, but also protect Yuan Yang from being attacked by other blood apes at the same time.

But thinking of the hundreds of bronze star beads in their pockets this time, both of them have smiles on their faces.

It’s full of pots! “Kacha, Kacha…”

It was also when the two of them were thinking about the harvest this time, while chewing something, the crisp sound suddenly rang from Jiang Xiaobai’s side.

Lifting his head to look at Daha in Jiang Xiaobai’s arms, Yuan Yang couldn’t help asking: “Xiaobai, what is Daha eating?”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai’s right hand shook, and a star orb had already appeared in his hand.

Then he took it to Daha’s mouth, “Daha’s ration! This stupid dog has been eating more and more recently, and he has to eat about 20 or so: Bronze-level star beads a day.”

During this time, Jiang Xiaobai could also feel that Daha’s star power fluctuations were much stronger than before.

If it is ordinary food, even the ingredients of those fierce beasts can be eaten by one person than Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia combined.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobai still feels that instead of…

Anyway… Jiang Xiaobai doesn’t have much right now, just the bronze-level star beads.

In the current situation of Jiang Xiaobai, he basically said goodbye to the bronze star beads, which was just right for Daha as a ration.

Originally, the two were still immersed in the joy of harvesting a large number of star beads.

But watching Jiang Xiaobai’s small mouth move lightly in his arms, his teeth biting the star beads, there was a rattling Daha, and when he heard Daha eating twenty star beads a day, the joy in the two people’s hearts was like a tide. dissipate.

Although both of them know that Daha’s identity is a ninth-level dimensional creature, the thought of the star orb that made them happy just now is only Daha’s rations, which makes the two of them unhappy.

It’s like those in the school…the third year students, except for…those…those who are a little weaker to form a team to enter the Dimensional Space One It is estimated that the number of harvests may not necessarily be 20 in a day.

It is naturally less even if it is evenly divided.

I’m so angry! I’m not as moisturized as a dog.

Thinking of the scene where people are not as good as dogs happened to the two of them, and when they looked at the Daha in Jiang Xiaobai’s arms, Shuhai Hai and Yuan Yang suddenly felt a sense of speechlessness and choking.

Back in Yucheng, and then agreed to a time tomorrow morning, no matter what…

Yuan Yang’s protest, Jiang Xiaobai has turned over and went home.

In the evening, after Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia came back, Jiang Xiaobai, who stopped practicing with star beads and had dinner together, cleaned up the dishes, Jiang Xiaobai went into the practice room to exercise and digest.

After practicing with the sandbags for half an hour, Jiang Xiaobai stopped, and turned his attention to the skill tree in his mind, thinking thoughtfully.

According to Jiang Xiaobai, these skills are still vaguely hidden basic skills, and there are four or five, 45.

Moreover, since it is a skill tree, these are basic skills.

There are also some advanced skills based on the original skills.

It’s just that Jiang Xiaobai doesn’t know these… what are the requirements for advanced skills to be activated.

Does it mean that I can advance these skills after I enter the Stardust Realm, or does it mean that all the basic skills are turned on?

Of course, Jiang Xiaobai is more inclined to the first possibility in his mind.

After all, according to the current performance, if you wait until all the basic skills are turned on before you can turn on the advanced skills, I am afraid that you will have to wait until you enter the Galaxy Realm.

That time was a bit too long.

At the same time, while Jiang Xiaobai was thinking about something, in the living room at the moment, Zhou Jia turned her head to look at the practice room from time to time.

For the whole day of today, Zhou Jia was thinking that she actually called her father to Jiang Xiaobai last night.

Thinking of this, Zhou Jia was absent all day today, and her heart was full of shame.

And if things are known to Jiang Xiaoxin or others, Zhou Jia estimates that she might choose to kill people to ensure her stalwart image.

Therefore, after thinking about it for a while, in order to avoid things that the loved ones hurt their enemies, Zhou Jia still feels that it is necessary to have a good talk with Jiang Xiaobai, and let Jiang Xiaobai guarantee that last night’s events will not be known to a third person. .

Immediately, after taking a look at the room belonging to Zhou Jia, after confirming that Zhou Jia had not come out in the room, his two bare feet took Zhou Jia and walked quickly into the practice room.

0 glanced at Jiang Xiaobai, who was standing in front of the sandbags in the exercise room, with a pensive expression, Zhou Jia gently “coughed”

There was a sound.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai, who was thinking about skills, heard the sudden sound behind him, his body was shocked, and his instinctive skill backhand passed.


Caught off guard, Zhou Jia, who had just walked behind Jiang Xiaobai, knelt deeply on the ground.

It wasn’t until he heard the sound of knees on the back that Jiang Xiaobai turned around and turned his head in surprise.

After looking at Zhou Jia, who was kneeling on the ground with black lines and sullen expression, Jiang Xiaobai scratched his head and said, “Well, it’s cold on the ground, let’s get up first!”

Perhaps it is these time, for: Jiang Xiaobai’s skills are already used.

At this moment, although Zhou Jia felt all kinds of things about this kneeling, her face was as calm as water.

…A few seconds later, after she regained consciousness in her legs, Zhou Jia slowly stood up, and at the same time comforted herself in her heart not to get angry. Received the influence of Jiang Xiaobai’s skills.

Obviously, the anger in my heart is not good, but I have to force myself to calm down and not be angry.

At this moment, Zhou Jia finally understood the hardships of life.

And all the hardships come from Jiang Xiaobai in front of him.

Seeing Zhou Jia’s calm face, Jiang Xiaobai felt a little bad in his heart, and couldn’t help but explain: “Cough cough, just now you made your voice so sudden, I instinctively started it, it’s all awakened, you should know.”

Hearing that, after waiting for almost ten seconds1, Zhou Jia responded indifferently with “Oh”

Jiang Xiaobai:……. Facing Zhou Jia’s reaction, Jiang Xiaobai poked his hand and said a little embarrassed: “That’s not good, isn’t Xiao Xin still at home”

Zhou Jia: Jiang Xiaobai, your uncle, actually drove to me again, but is Zhou Jia an ordinary person? It’s definitely dirty like a salted duck egg, and it’s oily.

Therefore, for Jiang Xiaobai’s words, Zhou Jia just snorted and showed her two neat rows of snow-white teeth to Jiang Xiaobai, and then bit down sharply and issued a “knock.”


Afterwards, Zhou Jia looked at Jiang Xiaobai with some deep meaning: “Are you sure”

Seeing Zhou Jia’s actions at this moment, Jiang Xiaobai took a decisive step back and his body bowed slightly, instinctively with protective consciousness B.

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