Chapter 134 What is the real horror (7/7)

After Yuan Yang killed the last blood ape in front of him, Jiang Xiaobai, who approached from one side, just wanted to talk, but a sour smell came on his face.

He turned his head and glanced around.After seeing the vomit of Yuan Yang and Thu Hai before, Jiang Xiaobai silently stepped back and let the fresh air surround him.

“I said, what are you doing?”

Turning his head and pointing to the sour and smelly place over there, Jiang Xiaobai asked.

Upon hearing this, Yuan Yang and Thu Hai both glanced at each other unconsciously.

The truth must never be let: the third person knows.

Almost instantly, when the two eyes met, they had reached an agreement.

Turning his eyes, Thu Hai quickly said, “Well, Yuan Yang said that he had eaten too much in the morning, and he was rushing fast and he was rushed by the bloody smell and he didn’t hold it back. Then I saw that he vomited and couldn’t bear it. live.”

Although this explanation is a little weird, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t go into it.

After gestured to Yuan Yang and Thu Hai for a moment, “Well, I was a little happy just playing, the ones at the back…… Starball, or you guys help clean up.”

On Thursday, Hai and Yuan Yang glanced at the hundreds of corpses scattered over there, their expressions changed.

With so many blood ape corpses, it takes at least 20 minutes to collect all 493 Star Orbs.

The sea was okay on Thursday, Yuan Yang is exhausted now, just want to lie down and take a good rest.

But don’t wait: Yuan Yang speaks, Jiang Xiaobai already speaks slowly: “Those………star beads, after you collect them, we will divide them equally.”

“make a deal”

As soon as he said this, Yuan Yang’s eyes lit up and he nodded affirmatively.

Lifting the knife is… rushing towards there quickly.

That was a star orb.Although it was only an ordinary bronze star orb of the fourth to sixth level, the value of hundreds of them was considerable.

Therefore, Yuan Yang felt the infinite power in his body for a while.

On Thursday, Hai also followed closely without nonsense, and his eyes were brilliant.

I entered the dimensional space with Jiang Xiaobai twice before, not only the process was easy, but the harvest was also expensive.

Therefore, the previous two experiences have already made Thursday Haiyin understand a truth.

Follow Xiaobai’s younger brother and have meat to eat.

At this moment, his gaze scanned the corpse of the blood ape in front, and Chu Hai confirmed this even more.

In the process of fetching star orbs, the two would sometimes dig middle-grade or high-grade star orbs from the bodies of some blood ape leaders and even blood ape hunters.

At this time, both of them will be happy like a child, excited.

After waiting for almost half an hour, both of them collected these…The star beads in the blood ape corpse were all collected, and then Jiang Xiaobai took out a large bucket from the space ring After the prepared clean water was rinsed and the star beads were allocated, they only signaled to Yuan Yang and Thu Hai.

“Go, change to the next wave”

“Uh…and continue”

On Thursday, Hai and Yuan Yang looked at Jiang Xiaobai who stood up and asked in amazement.

Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth lightly picked “It’s early, of course we must continue.”

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai’s enthusiastic look, Yang looked at each other on Thursday.

Both felt the same idea in the eyes of the other party.

The dimensional creatures in this dimensional space will suffer.

…Knowing that the two can chase them along the way, Jiang Xiaobai did not continue to delay.

After determining the direction, the body has already gone all the way.

But a few minutes later, in the sky above this meta-space, there were already heart-piercing dimensional creatures howling.

The voice was like weeping, and the grievances were full of pain, causing Yuan Yang who heard here and Thursday Hai Hai’s mind to burst out some pictures.

Then the body trembled uncontrollably.

Until a few people spent more than four hours in this meta-space, Yuan Yang couldn’t help but began to tremble a bit, Jiang Xiaobai chose to return with a bit of meaning.

It is worth mentioning that because of this high-intensity battle and the constant use of star beads to restore star power in the process, Yuan Yang’s level is directly in the middle of the battle…make a breakthrough.

This makes Yuan Yang, who is exhausted at the moment, feel a lot of comfort in his heart.

On the way to the dimensional space gate, Jiang Xiaobai’s attention is directly on the system in his mind.

With the rapid decline of a large number of system points, the previous hundreds of thousands have become a few more than 10,000 achievement points at this moment.

The skill “Growth Pain” in Jiang Xiaobai’s second system

It has already been promoted to level five.

“Growth Pain Level 5: When the skill is released, it has an effect on the target or part of the target within ten yards, so that the target or part of the target within the range will feel a corresponding impact in a certain place, and its power It depends on the intensity of host perfusion.

The effect is affected by the enemy’s strength.”

Different from “I hit an arrow in my knee”

After this skill was upgraded to level 5, the probability was only increased to 50%%.

“The Pain of Growth”

After being promoted to level 5, the effect turned out to be from the original single skill to the current range skill.

The range of ten yards is already equivalent to the range of nine meters, which is not too small.

Before, Jiang Xiaobai earned achievement points mainly by “an arrow in my knee”

Passive effect.

And the “growth pain”

More only for taunting and angering those…dimensional creatures.

After all, the release objects before Growing Pain can only be carried out one by one, which is too troublesome.

But now, as this skill has changed after its advancement, the situation is different again.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth already provoked a meaningful smile.

“This time, dealing with those………dimensional creatures, it’s………more convenient.”

Yuan Yang and Thu Hai, who noticed Jiang Xiaobai’s smile next to him, listened to Jiang Xiaobai’s words and noticed the smile at the corner of Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth and sighed unanimously.

Now, Yuan Yang and Thu Hai can hardly forget that Jiang Xiaobai kicked a few blood apes to his side, and the blood apes were completely motionless at all, waiting to die.

When he killed it, the other person’s eyes showed a picture of relief.

It is conceivable that these things before…The blood ape was played by Jiang Xiaobai to the point that it was no longer interesting.

Several times, Yuan Yang and Thu Hai appeared to kill them several times…The blood ape was completely a weird idea to help them get rid of them.

And today, the dimensional space where the blood ape is located is tossed by Jiang Xiaobai, and thousands of blood apes have been destroyed.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobai is likely to change another dimension to continue tomorrow.

It’s just that I don’t know which dimensional space creature should turn to be so unlucky tomorrow that Jiang Xiaobai stared at it.

After today, no matter…

Whether it is Yuan Yang or Thu Hai can be determined.

Although the dimensional creatures are terrifying, they must be divided into objects.

When these guys meet Jiang Xiaobai, those…dimensional creatures will know what the real horror is.


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