Chapter 136 Can’t get up (2/7)

After more than ten minutes, Zhou Jia had already left the practice room contentedly.

And Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help grinning while touching his shoulder.

I don’t know if Zhou Jia and Nizi have been with Daha for a long time recently, and they are always offering their silver teeth.

Jiang Xiaobai really wants to yell and have the ability. I will show you a place to bite and bite. But thinking of his current physical fitness, it is estimated that he is really invincible, so think about it and endure it.

…The next day, after arriving outside Yuan Yang’s house early, after almost twenty minutes, Yuan Yang was almost directly thrown out by Yuan Xiaoning.

At the same time, Yuan Xiaoning still directly said to Jiang Xiaobai: “As long as you don’t die, just toss about it.”

Looking at Yuan Yang, whose face was exhausted and sad, Jiang “Four Nine Three”

Xiaobai asked puzzledly: Didn’t you have a good time yesterday, depending on how satisfied you were afterwards, how can it be that your elder sister abused you again today?

“Yuan Yang glanced at Jiang Xiaobai with a vaguely resentful look.

After returning home last night, it was indeed taken by Yuan Xiaoning to the basement to continue the beating, nicknamed training.

But in the past few days, Yuan Yang has almost got used to it.

The reason why Yuan Yang saddened was that when he returned to the room to practice with star beads last night, Yuan Yang suddenly thought of the star beads in his hand, but it was just that Daha’s ration was… a moment of depression.

And recalling everything that happened in the dimension space yesterday, and the scene where he and the sea spit out on Thursday, Yuan Yang felt deeply resentful about entering the dimension space.

It’s just that Yuan Yang couldn’t tell Jiang Xiaobai about all this.

“By the way, my elder sister asked me to tell you about it. Last night, he had already dealt with Chu Xianglan’s brother, and even the family had dealt with it together, so there would be no more threats.”

After all, it was a student, who was saying this…everywhere…When he cut the grass and wiped out the roots, Yuan Yang still felt a little uncomfortable.

Jiang Xiaobai was a little surprised by Yuan Xiaoning’s resolute and resolute manner.I originally thought that it would take another two days for Yuan Xiaoning to solve these…The follow-up troubles.

But I didn’t expect it to be resolved after a day, and the matter was resolved so thoroughly, even the family with Chu Xianglan was resolved.

After nodding for a moment, the two of them were already in the car.

After meeting with Thursday Sea, sitting in the car and heading outside the city, Yuan Yang also asked curiously: “Xiaobai, which dimension space is you going to today?”

Speaking of this, Thursday Hai is also full of interest.

After all, just yesterday afternoon, each of them had harvested hundreds of Bronze-level Star Orbs.Such a bumper harvest made Thu Hai almost dreaming yesterday.

Afterwards, he thought for a while, Thursday Haiti: “Would you like to go to the dimensional space where the previous bloodthirsty wolf was.”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and looked directly at Jiang Xiaobai’s reaction. On Thursday, the sea couldn’t help but wonder.

It stands to reason that the dimensional space where the bloodthirsty wolf is located has already entered once, facing these…the dimensional creatures are also relatively familiar.

In addition, the dimensional space where the bloodthirsty wolf is located is also Daha’s hometown.With Daha, the safety will be relatively high.

So Hai did not understand on Thursday that Jiang Xiaobai would directly reject this proposal.

It seems that he noticed the doubt on the face of Hai Hai on Thursday. Jiang Xiaobai sighed and said quietly after he pondered for a while: “The other dimensional spaces are good, but the dimensional space where the bloodthirsty wolf is located is because it is too familiar, so I went in. I am worried that I will not be able to afford it.”

“What do you mean by not getting up?”

On Thursday Hai Hai didn’t understand.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai picked up the matter of the blood wolf king and his wolves in the dimensional space where the bloodthirsty wolf was last time with Yuan Yang.

Now that a few days have passed, Jiang Xiaobai doesn’t know how many little brothers have gathered under the hands of those blood wolf kings tossing in the dimensional space.

After all, once he enters the dimensional space, all the tossing movements are with the radiation range of thousands of meters.

In the process, those… the blood wolf king will definitely be passively attracted to 0… if the time comes again by those… the blood wolf king The younger brother of the Blood Wolf King followed closely, and it was really difficult to start urinating later.

Hearing what Jiang Xiaobai said, after understanding the situation in the dimensional space where the bloodthirsty wolf is located, the corner of Hai’s mouth was twitched on Thursday, and there was a sentence in his heart that he didn’t know how to say it.

When other people choose to enter the dimensional space, they first analyze the strength of the dimensional creatures and their own safety.

But when I came to Jiang Xiaobai, I thought about choosing the dimension space to choose whether to wave up and whether to start.

This invisible blow made Chu Hai suddenly feel heavy breathing.

In the end, after discussing it, several people decided to put today’s dimensional space target in a dimensional space where the dimensional creatures such as the gale leopard are the most dominant.

The dimensional creatures such as the gale leopard and the bloodthirsty wolf are relatively similar, and they are both dimensional creatures that are biased toward speed.

It’s just a bit worse than the bloodthirsty wolf in terms of level, and basically the level of the dimensional creatures inside is the same as the dimensional space where the blood apes were yesterday, between the fourth-level star mechanics and the sixth-level star mechanics. .

Relatively speaking, it is more suitable for the current Yuan Yang to practice hands and conduct actual combat training.

Therefore, after talking about the target location, several people are already sitting in the car toward the dimensional space position 1 where the wind leopard is located.

1 put forward.

After a few people arrive, the time is only about nine o’clock, but as Jiang Xiaobai said before, because the dimensional creatures like the gale leopard almost always like to act alone, so many awakeners will also choose to enter. Hunting in this dimensional space.

Even if it is only 9:99, it is still early, and there are already a lot of awakened people around this military base.

These…After taking a look at Jiang Xiaobai’s trio 3, the awakened people gathered around slowly withdrew their gazes and didn’t make much sense.

“Hey, why is she”

But just when Jiang Xiaobai was about to enter the military base directly, the next Thu Hai suddenly snorted.


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