Chapter 118 What is this thing? (5/7)

As the two people passed Yuan Xiaoning’s side, they approached Jiang Xiaobai.

Perhaps because of the sense of threat from these two people, the three blood wolf kings who were originally on Jiang Xiaobai suddenly howled and jumped to the two people.

But just when the three blood wolf kings just vacated, they seemed to have received a heavy blow, and they all fell to the ground with a whine.

What is confusing is that no one has acted on the three blood wolf kings from beginning to end, and there are no wounds on the three blood wolf kings.

Suddenly, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but glanced at Chu Xianglan over there.

Obviously, if such a situation can occur, it is obviously that Chu Xianglan over there used a spiritual talent skill.

The whole process was completely silent, and it was indeed a bit inexplicably weird.

It’s no wonder that spiritual talent skills are so popular.

“Hey, kid, without these three blood wolf kings, let me see what you do”

Seeing the three blood wolf kings fell to the ground temporarily unable to move, the one of the 07 two who rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai…Wearing a pink jacket and makeup on his face, the awakened who looked a little sissy already sneered. , The voice is neither yin nor yang.

Hearing this voice, Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Daha’s lower body in his arms subconsciously.

Afterwards, Jiang Xiaobai chuckled lightly, pinched Daha’s neck in his arms with his right hand, and directly raised it to the two people rushing towards him.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai facing the two of them turned out to be raising the little husky dog ​​that looks like a husky, the two awakened people were stunned and couldn’t help but laugh in their hearts.

However, before the two of them laughed out loud, there was already bloody energy gathered and spewed out of the big mouth in Jiang Xiaobai’s hand.

In the next moment, these… the blood-colored energy has already gathered in the air into a curved blade about two meters long and swept across the two quickly.


At this moment, the two people are already less than three meters away from Jiang Xiaobai.

This blood blade appeared in the air, almost instantly…crossing half of the distance.

Glancing at this scene, the two of them were shocked in their hearts, and quickly raised their weapons and headed back towards the blood blade in the air.

While blocking this blood blade, the two people who were about to rush in front of Jiang Xiaobai in the next moment backtracked a dozen steps in succession.

After the body stood still, both of them stared at the Daha raised by Jiang Xiaobai with a wicked look, and looked like a dog.

Originally, both of them had just panicked before Jiang Xiaobai took out the little milk dog in his arms as a shield.

How did you think that this little milk dog turned out to be a dimensional creature, and it still had skills.

At this moment, the two of them were frightened. They couldn’t help but look at the proud Daha on the small face in the air, and couldn’t help but vomit: “What the hell is this?”

Glancing at the two awakened who retreated, Bai Leng snorted.

After throwing it casually, Daha was thrown on the ground.

When the limbs touch the ground, Daha’s body is big.

However, in just one or two seconds… it changed from the size of a newborn baby to one… the size of an adult green cow, which was a head taller than Jiang Xiaobai.

Sissy: …Looking at the three blood wolf kings on the ground next to Jiang Xiaobai are similar, but they look bigger and look more vicious.

Feeling the fluctuations in the star power of the ninth-level star mechanics apprentice on Daha, the two awakened people on the opposite side were silent.

Glancing at Jiang Xiaobai over there, the two awakened people can’t wait to swear.

Snake essence disease! You are a high school student, where so many things can make hundreds of bloodthirsty wolves kneel and bow, even if the little milk dog in your hand is also a dimensional creature with a ninth-level star mechanic, I don’t know why, Seeing Jiang Xiaobai with his head slightly raised over there and glancing at Jiang Xiaobai, who had a disdainful face when the two of them, the two awakened people suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

But uncomfortable, uncomfortable, the battle must continue! If you don’t take advantage of the three blood wolf kings on the ground now losing their fighting power to take down Jiang Xiaobai over there, wait: wait for the three blood wolf kings to recover, let alone Thought about it.

Therefore, at the same time that the two set off again, the sissy already roared, “You hold it first, I’ll deal with that kid”

Hearing the sound, Chu Xianglan, who was already returning to Wu Zhong’s long whip to attack Yuan Xiaoning, raised her head and glanced at this side.

When he saw Daha, who was regaining his dimensional biological form next to Jiang Xiaobai, and the ninth-level astronomical power fluctuations from his body, his eyes stared.

“Dammit, where did this bloodthirsty wolf come from?”

It was also because of this momentary astonishment that the offensive in Chu Xianglan’s hands couldn’t help but pause.

Originally, Yuan Xiaoning, who was a few meters away from Chu Xianglan, flickered at this opportunity, and he had already rushed to Chu Xianglan, and the long sword in his hand brought the afterimages and quickly swung towards Chu Xianglan.

Hearing the sound of breaking through the air, Chu Xianglan quickly recovered, and responded with a little panic.

Here, following the sissy voice, after another awakened one hesitated, the weapon in his hand was already swept towards Daha.

The sissy herself jumped up at the moment when her teammates met Daha, and rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai as quickly as a big eagle.

While the body was still moving at high speed in the air, one hand was already reaching out and grabbing Jiang Xiaobai.

However, just as the sissy body vacated and she was about to arrive in front of Jiang Xiaobai, the sissy suddenly felt that the star power that she had originally gathered in the leg position seemed to have lost 493 control, bursts of thorns. The pain came quickly from both legs.

At the same time, a heavy pressure suddenly came from his back, like a mountain.

In the next instant, the direction of the sissy awakener who had passed quickly through the air suddenly went straight.

From the original 30-degree downward angle, he now fell vertically ninety degrees, kneeling directly half a meter in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

“Niliang, what’s going on”

Feeling the pain coming from the legs of this kneeling, the eyes of this sissy awakened person are already completely protruding out of pain.

I don’t know why such a change happened inexplicably.At the same time, the Awakener who was fighting against Daha over there glanced at the teammates who fell from the sky and kneeled as if they were also frightened.

After regaining his senses, the awakened one couldn’t help but stare, “The dog said, let you deal with that kid, who asked you to kneel down for that kid, are you sick?”

A sentence that was intact, but just in front of the awakened one “the dog said”

The three words have just been exported:.

Originally, Daha’s eyes were… he stared, as if he was thinking of something, he couldn’t help but roared, as if he had gone violently, his aura became even more turbulent.

Feeling the changes in Daha’s body, this awakened person has a black question mark face, “What is it for Mao I feel that this guy is suddenly irritable”

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