Chapter 119 You can stand up! (6/7)

Daha’s strength is already strong, and at the moment it is completely irritable, and that fierce appearance completely makes this awakened person completely unable to take care of the situation of the companion next to him.

Taking time to glance at Daha’s situation over there, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help frowning.

If Jiang Xiaobai didn’t guess wrong, Daha’s irritability at this moment is entirely due to the awakened “dog said”

These three words.

What made Jiang Xiaobai frown was that Daha seemed to understand this sentence.

“I don’t know what Zhou Jia and Na Nizi took Daha to see in the past few days, and he can hear these three words. Go back and let Daha kneel on the keyboard and reflect on it.”

Although Daha now has no small nails, he can’t be damaged by Zhou Jia.

After thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes gathered again in front of the sissy awakener in front of him.

In the system reminder just now, after the awakened person kneeled down under the influence of his own skills, Jiang Xiaobai only obtained 800 achievement points.

In other words, after the strength of this awakened person was suppressed, the systematic judgment was also judged according to the standards of the eighth-level star mechanics apprentice.

This can’t help but disappoint Jiang Xiaobai.

Originally, Jiang Xiaobai wanted to use these guys to get a wave of achievement points.

Now it seems that this idea has failed.

At the same time, in front of Jiang Xiaobai, this sissy awakener still looks dazed.

Over there, facing Yuan Xiaoning who was close to him, Chu Xianglan was already beginning to retreat steadily. Looking at the companion who was still kneeling in front of Jiang Xiaobai at this moment, she couldn’t help but roared: “Wang Jian’an, how long will you have to kneel before you can fix that kid,” We all have to finish.”

It seemed that this sentence had reacted, and the sissy awakener in front of Jiang Xiaobai finally recovered.

Glancing at Jiang Xiaobai, who was still looking at him with interest, Wang Jianan moved, his legs were numb, and he did not stand up.

Jiang Xiaobai watched the whole process, and after looking at Wang Jianan’s appearance, he suddenly said “Come on! Don’t worry! You can stand up…!”

Wang Jian’an: Yuan Yang: Realizing that his legs are numb and unable to get up, Wang Jian’an originally looked up at Jiang Xiaobai somewhat defensively. Do it, then you will be in trouble.

But this worry just emerged in his heart. Wang Jianan was full of guard and just thought about where he would want to get Jiang Xiaobai in front of him when he raised his head.

Wang Jian’an, who was already a little confused, raised his head.

In his eyes, Jiang Xiaobai had a smile on his face, and even a look of obvious encouragement on his face.

This look, this situation, it’s like the kind of… the baby fell on the ground while walking, and then the parents clapped their hands to encourage the child to stand up.

Inevitably, under this style of painting, Wang Jian’an was stunned.

After waiting for a second or two to recover, Wang Jian’an’s expression instantly turned weird.

Do you really have a brain disease? Add your sister’s oil. Listening to Jiang Xiaobai’s encouragement, Wang Jian’an, who should be grateful in his heart, feels a little uncomfortable in his heart for an inexplicable feeling, and can’t help but roar.

I can’t wait for a punch to protect the encouraging face directly in front of him and make a smash.

And Yuan Yang, who was next to Wang Jianan, looked at Jiang Xiaobai’s encouragement to Wang Jianan, and it was also a black question mark face.

According to normal logic and circumstances, at this time, shouldn’t Jiang Xiaobai solve this guy directly by hand, but you suddenly come here. What the hell is this sentence and you want to make others not worry. Although this picture looks a little weird, but Looking at Jiang Xiaobai’s encouraging look, Yuan Yang still couldn’t help but think of some pictures.

Then, in comparison with Wang Jian’an and Jiang Xiaobai in front of him, the corners of his mouth twitched, but he didn’t hold back, and directly “poofed”

I laughed out loud.

After I laughed, I found that it seemed inappropriate for me to laugh on this occasion.

If my laughter irritated the guy who was kneeling on the ground, what should I do if he jumped up and hit me randomly and quickly shut his mouth, and then replied a little embarrassingly, “I’m sorry, I didn’t hold back.”

However, the laughter thing means that if you can bear it, you can bear it. Therefore, after just explaining it, Yuan Yang is “puchi” again.

I laughed out loud.

And this time the laughter couldn’t be stopped at all, and he immediately laughed wildly with one hand on his stomach.

Looking at this look, Wang Jian’an’s entire face was blue, and he was completely angry.

Even Jiang Xiaobai himself was almost broken five by Yuan Yang, and Gong laughed out loud, but fortunately he was able to hold it back in time.

Originally, the two sides were… engaged in a life-and-death battle, but Yuan Yang’s laughter echoed, making the taste of the field suddenly change.

Even Yuan Xiaoning over there couldn’t help but pause for a moment after hearing her own brother’s laughter.

As the person involved, Wang Jian’an couldn’t help shaking at this moment.

After his face changed for a while, he finally locked in red, and even his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes at this moment.

At this moment, Wang Jianan had only one thought in his mind.

Kill, kill the two bastards in front of you, otherwise you won’t be willing to die.

It seemed that because of the anger in his heart and the strong killing intent, Wang Jianan felt that his legs had also regained consciousness.

There was no hesitation at all, after a roar containing killing intent, he already stood up from the ground.

Then one hand surrounded by thunder and lightning patted Jiang Xiaobai Manuo with a palm.

In his anger, Wang Jianan now has no regard for capturing Jiang Xiaobai alive, and directly used his talent skills.

It was also when Wang Jian’an waved this palm to himself, Jiang Xiaobai subconsciously wanted to guard against farmers.

Looking at Wang Jianan in front of him, a thought came up in his heart.

“At this point, Jiang Xiaobai’s heart moved, and between the star power in his body, there was already a star power bursting out and directly submerging into Wang Jian’an’s body.

The whole process was so fast that even Wang Jianan and Yuan Yang next to him were not even aware of it.

When I wrote it, I suddenly felt that this was more interesting, so I deleted it and wrote it again, Khan! Seeking support! If you have such a similar plot and interesting ideas, you can leave a message and brainstorm together!!

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