Chapter 117 Don’t be afraid, my dog ​​(4/7)

In response to Yuan Xiaoning’s eyes full of doubts and inquiries, Jiang Xiaobai twitched at the corner of his mouth.

Not to mention Yuan Xiaoning, Jiang Xiaobai himself is also bewildered.

The last time those wolves kneeled to themselves, it was entirely because of their own skills.

But this time, I didn’t do anything at all! And I couldn’t make these bloodthirsty wolves all kneel at the same time.

“Wait…, the last blood wolf king”

Suddenly, Jiang Xiaobai flashed in his mind.

Afterwards, he glanced at those who were kneeling in front of him…Blood Wolf King, Jiang Xiaobai hesitated for a moment, waved his hand and made an appearance of driving away.

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai’s movements, what was shocking was that the three blood wolf kings who had been kneeling stood up together, and then shook their tails and patted in front of Jiang Xiaobai quickly.

Then, these three blood wolf kings are like “four nine three”

Those in the real world…the domestic pets licked Jiang Xiaobai’s hand just as flatteringly.

Glancing at the reaction of the three blood wolf kings, Yuan Yang next to him was a ghostly messenger, and suddenly “lick the dog” appeared in his mind.

These two words.

On the opposite side, watching Jiang Xiaobai wave his hand, the three blood wolf kings were surrounded by Jiang Xiaobai like domestic pets, and they looked like they were intimate.

Regardless of….

It was Chu Xianglan, Yuan Xiaoning, and even Yuan Yang who were shocked.

Up to now, the few people still don’t understand, the reason for this…The bloodthirsty wolf will suddenly kneel on the ground all of a sudden, it is completely because of Jiang Xiaobai.

But because of this, Chu Xianglan and other talents are even more difficult to accept.

You know, in their opinion, Jiang Xiaobai is just a first-year high school student. How can he have this ability to directly control so many bloodthirsty wolves. “Could it be that the talent of this guy’s awakening is to tame dimensional creatures”

Suddenly, this thought came to Chu Xianglan.

But this idea just appeared, and it was immediately rejected by Chu Xianglan.

At Jiang Xiaobai’s current age, at most…the level of a star mechanic apprentice.

Taming so many bloodthirsty wolves at the same time, even the awakened of the Stardust Realm can’t do it.

Jiang Xiaobai is even more impossible.

“But what’s the matter with him?”

For a time, Chu Xianglan felt that her worldview was “crack”

With a sound, it seems to have broken a little.

At the same time, at this moment, looking at the three blood wolf kings who surrounded themselves and licked the dog.

“Yeah! It’s still a familiar formula.”

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai is sure.

I’m afraid that these three blood wolf kings are the ones who consider themselves the new wolf kings… among the bloodthirsty wolves.

However, I don’t know if the three bloodthirsty wolves have suddenly become kings after being gone for a few days, or is it said that the bloodthirsty wolves returned to eat the blood wolf king’s corpse, and then they were also promoted. In Jiang Xiaobai’s opinion , Even though the blood wolf’s star power and energy are concentrated in the star bead and the wolf king’s heart.

But there is definitely a lot of energy in the body.

However, it is obvious that although the three bloodthirsty wolves have been promoted, it seems that the energy is not enough to make these three bloodthirsty wolves completely evolve into the blood wolf king, so the current level is only an eight-level star mechanic, and one eye is also It didn’t convert.

No wonder Jiang Xiaobai thought so.

After all, according to the data, the appearance of the blood wolf king is too difficult.

If it weren’t for this reason, the situation of the three blood wolf kings in front of them obviously didn’t make sense.

Therefore, after straightening out these things in his heart, surround the surrounding…Bloodthirsty wolf, Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows.

Therefore, the current situation is obviously that these three bloodthirsty wolves have become half-blood wolf queens and have conquered a group of younger brothers to strengthen their wolves.

And now, because of the three blood wolf kings, these… all bloodthirsty wolves regard themselves as the boss, “Xiao, Xiaobai, you can control these… ……..Bloodthirsty wolf”

At this moment, Yuan Yang next to him looked at the bloodthirsty wolves surrounding Jiang Xiaobai and couldn’t help but ask.

When Jiang Xiaobai nodded, “It looks like this.”

“Cow breaking!”

After getting the confirmation from Jiang Xiaobai, Yuan Yang suddenly roared, and jumped up from the ground with great expression, his waist was not sore, and his legs were not soft anymore.

In response to this second product’s reaction, Jiang Xiaobai curled his lips, then smiled at Yuan Xiaoning and said, “Sister, don’t be afraid, my dog.”

Yuan Xiaoning:……Listening to Jiang Xiaobai’s words, Yuan Xiaoning was speechless for a while.

I have to say that today’s picture really has too much impact on Yuan Xiaoning’s three views as an awakened person in these years.

Jiang Xiaobai, who is only a fifth-level star mechanics apprentice, is so strong that he can affect hundreds of bloodthirsty wolves….Who can believe this, but fortunately, he has confirmed this… …..After the bloodthirsty wolf had no threat to him, Yuan Xiaoning couldn’t help but let out a long sigh, sure in his heart.

But the family is happy and the family is sad.

Yuan Xiaoning was happy here, but Chu Xianglan and others on the opposite side gradually began to change their expressions.

If we said that Chu Xianglan had the chance to win before Yuan Xiaoning, then now we have these around…After the bloodthirsty wolf, they have become the weaker side instead.

Not to mention, once the guy opposite takes command, these surrounding…If the bloodthirsty wolves swarm up, facing so many bloodthirsty wolves, with their current strength, they will not It may be possible to survive.

Not to mention killing Yuan Xiaoning for revenge.

The only way to change is to control the guy on the opposite… who can control these… the bloodthirsty wolf and leave safely.

As his thoughts turned, Chu Xianglan’s expression changed again and again, and gradually became ashen.

Thinking of this, Chu Xianglan took a deep breath.As the star power gathered, the two figures already sounded in the minds of the two teammates nearby.

In the next moment, the three of Chu Xianglan, who were standing opposite Jiang Xiaobai and others, suddenly violent.

I have to say that the movements of these three people are too fast, and their hands are too sudden.

When Yuan Xiaoning reacted, Chu Xianglan had already rushed directly in front of Yuan Xiaoning, with the long whip in her hand 1.

1 Swipe it directly at Yuan Xiaoning.

In panic, Yuan Xiaoning quickly raised the weapon in his hand to block the long whip that was waved in the air.

It was also the moment Yuan Xiaoning blocked this attack, the two teammates of Chu Xianglan had already skipped Yuan Xiaoning and rushed straight to Jiang Xiaobai behind Yuan Xiaoning.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Xiaoning’s mind turned around, immediately.

Guessing Chu Xianglan’s plan, her complexion changed slightly.

: Let’s talk about the previous website being attacked and there was a problem. Many comments suddenly disappeared. Even with intermittent ones, I couldn’t post book reviews. Today I learned that some people thought that I deleted the book reviews and started to vote crazy. Evaluate the votes, and then confidently said that I closed his little black house, so I voted for a low score.


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