Chapter 109 The transition from cooling oil to mustard (3/7)

It was originally at the same school, and any news of turmoil would spread quickly.

Naturally, the matter between Jiang Xiaobai and those…Xu Sheng, who had gathered from various classes to challenge, spread quickly.

In less than an hour, almost the entire school’s teachers and students knew that there was a student named Jiang Xiaobai in the seventh grade of high school.The awakening talented skill makes people kneel.

For a while, all the students who knew the news were shocked.

Almost every thought is “Fuck, there are people whose talents turn out to be like this.”

Then the second thought that came to mind was “what a cruel skill.”

The third thought that followed was “Can’t afford it”

Regarding all this, Jiang Xiaobai himself didn’t know it.

After returning to my classroom, I thought of the previous ones… because of Xu Yan, the main messenger, came over. I want to challenge my awakening Jiang Xiaobai is… Scolded.

In addition, Jiang Xiaobai felt cruel in his heart, and waited until one day to raise his level: Later, whenever he has a chance, he will definitely find today’s venue.

Let Xu Yan know what cruelty is.

Thinking of the black long straight legs that looked at Xu Yan up close in the office yesterday, Jiang Xiaobai felt a little excited inexplicably.

This restless youth! That night, Jiang Xiaobai was invited to Yuan Xiaoning’s home again.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai was sitting on the sofa with a piece of information in his hand.

It was last night that Yuan Xiaoning sorted out the information about the members of Chu Xianglan’s team.

After reading all this information carefully, I have to say that these people are worthy of Jiangnan University students.Not to mention the talents and skills, but the physical strength is much stronger than the awakened people of the same realm.

Compared to others, it is Chu Xianglan who is more concerned about Jiang Xiaobai.

Except for the outstanding physical attributes of the child, Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills are what makes Jiang Xiaobai feel slightly dignified.

Nothing else, it was entirely because Chu Xianglan’s awakened talent skill was a talent skill for mental attacks.

Among the many talent skills, the talent skills of mental attack are the rarest and most precious.

Similarly, mental talent skills are also one of the most dangerous and weird talent skills.

Because this kind of talent skill is very weird and difficult to defend.

Unless it is strong-willed or has a special defensive mental power to attack.

The awakened person wants to improve his will, in addition to…With the continuous increase of strength, the fight in the desperate situation, the constant battle, etc….all can slowly improve the will attribute.

But unlike the other three attributes, intention promotion is the most difficult to improve among several attributes.

Unless it is a god or fruit that can obtain some effects from the dimensional space, it is possible to increase the will attribute in a short period of time.

But this kind of thing is extremely precious, where ordinary people can reach it.

Therefore, a spiritually awakened person can easily leapfrog one another.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai frowning slightly while holding the materials, Yuan Xiaoning, who was opposite, suddenly threw a jade pendant made of bones to Jiang Xiaobai.

Subconsciously holding it in his hand, looking at the jade medal in his hand that is like water and ice, Jiang Xiaobai has some doubts on his face.

“This Bone Condensation Jade Plate is a first-class mental power armor. It is made from the brain bones of the ancient barbarian lion king in the golden dimension space. It can withstand the spiritual talent skills for a period of time…”

Yuan Xiaoning introduced.

Hearing Yuan Xiaoning’s introduction, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help playing with the bone-concrete jade card in his hand.

It’s right to think about it. Yuan Xiaoning and that Chu Xianglan are great enemies. The conflict between the two has not been for a day or two. It might be right… Chu Xianglan’s mental talent skills are not prepared for a little bit. Now Yuan Xiaoning will give this thing. Obviously, his attention was to prevent himself from being unable to fight against Chu Xianglan’s talent skills.

“how about you”

Jiang Xiaobai asked.

Yuan Xiaoning faintly said, “My volitional attributes are already stronger than that of you. In the face of Chu Xianglan’s mental attacks, it is not completely impossible to deal with it. It happens that you and Xiao Yangzi are alone.”

Although Yuan Xiaoning looked calm and calm when he said this, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but curled his lips and said. , Yuan Xiaoning and others will not suffer such a big loss.

Immediately, after thinking about it slightly, Jiang Xiaobai directly threw back the bone congealing jade card in his hand.

In Yuan Xiaoning’s doubts, Jiang Xiaobai said quietly: “I have a way to deal with mental talent skills. It is most important that you take care of yourself. After all, you are the main one who does it.”

Later, after discussing some of the corresponding circumstances, the specific matter was scheduled to enter the dimensional space in the afternoon two days later.

When leaving, it was not Yuan Xiaoning who gave Jiang Xiaobai, but Yuan Yang.

After all, no one knows whether Chu Xianglan will monitor the situation here.If you see Jiang Xiaobai and Yuan Xiaoning walking too close, it is obviously not a good thing.

After returning home, after throwing Daha directly on the sofa and letting it play by himself, Jiang Xiaobai returned to the room.

Mental talent skills are extremely troublesome to confront.

And according to the strength of the will of the awakened, the power will continue to increase.

According to Yuan Xiaoning’s data, in Jiangnan University, Chu Xianglan’s last test room, her will is… to reach thirty points.

Therefore, unless Jiang Xiaobai’s will is more than 30 points, otherwise, for a short time, I am afraid that Chu Xianglan’s skills can make Jiang Xiaobai lose combat effectiveness and even seriously injured.

After all, that directly affects one’s brain.

After thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and called up his attribute panel again.

I originally thought that after a while, I would wait for my attributes to stabilize before opening it up, but tomorrow’s events made the original plan only move forward.

Afterwards, Jiang Xiaobai directly consumed achievement points and directly added the attribute of Manuo Hao Will to 20 points.

But when the will attribute increased to 20 points, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly discovered that the original 1,000 points and 1 achievement point that had increased the attribute cost had become two thousand points.

Obviously the price has risen.

But the two thousand achievement points are here for Jiang Xiaobai, which is not a big problem.

And with a cautious thought, Jiang Xiaobai directly increased his will to thirty-five o’clock before stopping farming.

As Jiang Xiaobai’s will rose to thirty-five o’clock, in an instant, a refreshing sensation continued to fill his entire mind.

It’s really cool, and my heart is flying.

But soon, with the passage of time, Jiang Xiaobai felt that it seemed that this cooling oil was not a drop, but he poured a bottle directly.

In an instant, the cooling oil turned into mustard, and it rushed straight to the sky, and the ice-cold mixed with the dense stimulus instantly surged, and the sour and refreshing feeling instantly made Jiang Xiaobai’s facial features on the spot…distorted.


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