Chapter 110 New skills, fatherly love is like a mountain (4/7)

In the past, adding attributes such as physique or strength was okay.Although there was a reaction, it was completely acceptable.

But this time, after this will strengthen, I don’t feel too sour.

The whole process was like having no meal for a day, and swallowing a mouthful of mustard afterwards.The sourness caused Jiang Xiaobai to roll his eyes straight at this moment.

It wasn’t until almost a minute later that this feeling gradually faded.

After taking a long breath, Jiang Xiaobai felt it a little.

But in addition to…the cooling sensation that slowly echoed in my mind, it didn’t feel any different from before.

After all, the will, unless it has a special instrument or encounters something, it is difficult to intuitively detect various changes.

After successfully adding points, Jiang Xiaobai did not get up and went out directly, but continued to focus on the system.

Before Jiang Xiaobai did not improve his level quickly, the main reason was that he improved too fast.

One is that after the level is increased, the growth of physical attributes has not ended, and the strength has been improved almost every day.

The second reason is to keep a low profile.

You should know that Jiang Xiaobai’s awakening time is only a short week or so: reaching the fifth-level star mechanics apprentice can also be classified as a talent, and there is 493 excuses.

But if he didn’t rely on external force to directly reach the ninth-level star mechanics apprentice for a week, he would be a monster.

No one can guarantee that some caring people will suddenly stare at themselves.

But this time it was different.

To be faced tomorrow, some Jiangnan University students, even if they follow the plan, these people will use medicine to force down their level and strength like Yuan Xiaoning, but the danger is still there.

Therefore, on the safe side, Jiang Xiaobai still feels that he can also try another breakthrough to improve his strength and increase his safety factor as much as possible.

Immediately, after spending achievement points, Jiang Xiaobai’s level was like a rocket.

A sixth-level star mechanic is only a seven-level star mechanic who is a eighth-level star mechanic who is a ninth-level star mechanic.

“Jiang Xiaobai”

“Nine-level Star Mechanic Apprentice 0”

“Power: 11.

“Agility: 14.

“Physique: 9.

“The Will: 35.

“Basic Skills Section: Basic Fighting 1, Falling Wave Nine Brocade:, Congratulations to the host Basic Longbow Skills: 1, Jiuxing Lianzhu 1”

“Achievement Points: 92”

Staring at his attribute panel, Jiang Xiaobai almost took a bite out.

After Jiang Xiaobai’s level was upgraded to the ninth-level star mechanics apprentice, the required value directly became one hundred thousand.

You know, when the eighth-level star mechanics apprentice broke through to the ninth-level star mechanics apprentice, Jiang Xiaobai’s achievement points were only 8,000.

It stands to reason that the current value has changed from eight thousand to nine thousand.

But now, it has increased ten times more than expected.

Star mechanics, Stardust Realm, Galaxy Realm, and the Star Sea Realm behind are almost all divided into nine 9 levels, and the Star Power Point Perception of each level is calculated ten times.

Ninety thousand star power points, they are already the star power points that can only be found on the ninth level of the Stardust Realm! Even though Jiang Xiaobai knows that he wants to obtain achievement points and go directly to the dimensional space. Just walk in one wave.

But the problem is that the value has risen too much, and I didn’t expect it at all! This is only when the star mechanics are apprentices. If the system is still like this, how can I do it? Although the skills are strong, all aspects are enhanced. It is also easy, but the improvement of the great realm requires ten times the star power points of the ordinary awakened person.At this point, Jiang Xiaobai can’t be happy.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully opening a new skill, please check it out.”

It was also at this time that the system prompt in his head suddenly drew Jiang Xiaobai’s attention.

Quickly suppressing the depression caused by the sudden increase in the difficulty of promotion, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but see the newly lit icon on the skill tree in the system.

Obviously, Jiang Xiaobai did not expect to unlock a new skill when he was a ninth-level star mechanic.

Originally, Jiang Xiaobai thought that he would not unlock the next new skill until he entered the Stardust Realm.

After coming down the previous two times, Jiang Xiaobai has fully realized the power and brutality of the skills in the system.

So I am also full of curiosity about the newly unlocked skills this time.

At the moment when he focused his attention on this skill icon, the corresponding system prompt sound had already surfaced in his mind.

“Father’s love is like a mountain at level 1. It requires 100 achievement points to improve.

: When the skill is released, the target object will feel strong paternal love and strong admiration. If the sun is generally directed at the soul to cause a corresponding effect, its power is determined by the strength of the target: The effect of the skill is affected by the strength of the enemy Influence.”

“Father’s love is like a mountain, what the hell is this?”

Glancing at the introduction of this newly unlocked skill, the black question mark on Jiang Xiaobai’s face felt completely different from the painting style of the previous two skills! After watching it carefully for a while, Jiang Xiaobai walked out the door with a look of confusion and decided to take insurance. For the sake of this, let’s find a little white mouse to experiment.

After opening the door, Zhou Jia looked at the textbooks and studied in the room.

It’s just that Daha at this moment obviously has a bad look at Zhou Jia.

Obviously, Daha still remembers that Zhou Jia handed herself the ham that hit her deep pain last night.

After staring behind Daha’s body for a while, Jiang Xiaobai’s attention turned to Zhou Jia’s body.

Since it is an experiment, I must find the most suitable one that can express my thoughts and feelings.

Immediately, when Jiang Xiaobai passed by Zhou Jia, what quietly happened was… a skill was lost to Zhou Jia.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for achievement points +60”

“I rely on it, only 60 achievement points, so few”

Perceiving the information prompt in his mind, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but vomit.

At the same time, Zhou Jia, who was holding a bag of potato chips and eating on the sofa, suddenly had a physical meal, and then he whispered in disbelief.

With a cry, there was an unspeakable sense of comfort on his face.

It seems that all the pores on the body are opened.

After that, as if she had sensed Jiang Xiaobai, Zhou Jia quickly turned her head.

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