Chapter 108 How to play happily with him? (2/7)

Of the two students, one knelt just before they started, and the other knelt before they started.This kind of scene made the other awakened people around them look bewildered.

It feels like something is wrong.

All around…The students who came from other classes to challenge Jiang Xiaobai looked at the two people who knelt down one after another in the field, both stupid and blank.

They don’t know Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills, but the students in Class 7 do.

After all, just before, Wei Yuanlong and Li Zixuan had knelt because of Jiang Xiaobai’s skills.

Therefore, at the moment, those students in Class 7…the students who gathered at the door and window of the classroom to watch the excitement, looking at the two people kneeling on the ground one after another, couldn’t help but laugh.

“Look, Jiang Xiaobai’s skills have knocked people down again.”

“Yeah, do you think these guys are stupid and okay to provoke him? Why are Xiaobai’s talented skills that make people kneel down? No matter where ordinary people dare to provoke them, even the head teacher keeps a distance every time he sees Jiang Xiaobai. Is his expression unnatural?”

“Poor baby, kneel in front of so many people, and it’s not in your class. Don’t just kneel and shut yourself down!”

“I think it’s very possible.”

0…In the classroom, Wei Yuanlong also saw the situation outside through the window at this moment.

Glancing at the two students kneeling on the ground in the aisle, Wei Yuanlong suddenly felt a lot more comfortable in his heart.

Sometimes people are like this.When they are uncomfortable, if they see others suffer from the same uncomfortable things as their own, they will feel much better in comparison.

Just like now, looking at the two people who also succumbed to Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills, I thought that they were only in front of their own class, but these people kneeled in the aisle directly in front of the students of other classes.

The level of shame is worse than I was at the beginning.

At the same time, Wei Yuanlong was extremely grateful at this moment.

If it wasn’t for my own acquaintance, after deep thinking, I decided to turn a fight with Jiang Xiaobai into a jade silk.

On this side, listening to the whispers of the students in Class 7, the expressions of the students who had originally gathered in the aisle changed.

And Zhao Xuebing, who was kneeling on the ground, raised his head and looked at Jiang Xiaobai in astonishment.

“You, your innate skills turn out to make people kneel down.”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai grinned, nodded and said: “Yes, don’t you know?”

Hearing this, don’t care…

Is it Zhao Xuebing or the other students who have a dark complexion, shouting in their hearts: I know you are a ghost!”

Jiang Xiaobai didn’t know that after the headmaster’s test ended that day, the headmaster had already notified Zhao Deliang not to spread the news about Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills to avoid causing other commotion.

Zhao Deliang felt that this was also right.Bi Xiaobai’s talent skills were indeed a bit cruel and spread, and it was indeed not conducive to the physical and mental health of those students.

Therefore, after receiving the news, Zhao Deliang even notified the students in Class 7 not to publicize Jiang Xiaobai’s affairs, otherwise they would be recorded and dealt with.

This also caused not many people in the school to know Jiang Xiao’s skills.

Naturally, these now…The students who are so excited about to challenge Jiang Xiaobai can’t even know.

Therefore, after learning about the effects of Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills, the students around these two dozen awakened people all took a breath.

At the same time, all the students were shocked.

The ghostly look on his face seemed to say, “Fuck, there is such a talented bitch, you are not kidding me!”

After awakening, there are not many talents with strange effects, but not many.

But even if those talent skills have special effects, there should be a limit.

It’s not like Jiang Xiaobai’s current one can make people kneel down directly.

There is such a talent skill, how can he play happily if it is, if someone talks about it, maybe everyone will not believe that anyone has a talent skill that is so brainless and cruel.

But I saw Zhao Xuebing and another student who came with my own eyes, and they knelt in front of Jiang Xiaobai inexplicably. How could everyone not believe it for a while, these……everyone of the Awakened It’s a weird face.

In the face of the students who stood there suddenly hesitated and shocked, Jiang Xiaobai, who hadn’t moved from the beginning to the present, had been teasing Daha, and seemed calm and gentle, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly scratched his head.

Then he asked sincerely: “So what, do you still continue to fight with me?”

Facing Jiang Xiaobai’s sincere expression, the faces of the students on the opposite side were all black.

“It feels like a duel! There is such a talented person who is his younger sister to fight with you.”

There are already two kneelings around now.If you continue to do it, you might have to kneel next.After all, Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills are here.

After all, although everyone is particularly jealous of the rich rewards of the national competition, many people also know in their hearts that the national competitions of Yucheng Middle School in these years have been completely shaken down in the first round.

I didn’t even participate last year.

Compared with other star middle schools, the background is not a little bit worse.

Even if I waited for someone to participate in the competition, I would have to go through the scene, let alone rush to the top ten.

Risking for an award from Shuiyue in the mirror: kneeling in front of so many people, everyone knows how to choose after 49.

Therefore, after the remaining students pondered for a while, one of the students standing at the front suffocated for a long time, “It’s going to go to class, I’m leaving now.”

Turn around and leave.

When others heard it, they hurriedly followed up, never mentioning duels and challenges.

Zhao Xuebing, who was the first to find Jiang Xiaobai, stood up with a silent expression, took a deep, deep look at Jiang Xiaobai, then turned and left.

But before leaving, I don’t know if it was Jiang Xiaobai’s illusion.It seemed that Zhao Xuebing’s eyes could see the mist filled with water.

When I came, my spirit was like a rainbow. When I left, I looked terrified. Sometimes I turned my head and looked at Jiang Xiaobai in horror.

This situation also caused these students in Class 7 to sigh secretly.

If you change other people to face the challenges of so many students, I am afraid that it will still have a headache.

Bicco put Jiang Xiaobai here, just hearing the effects of Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills, those people slipped away.

From this point, it can be seen that Jiang Xiaobai’s talented skills are strong in deterrence.

The eyes of the students in Class 7 were withdrawn from the students who had left, and after a glance at Jiang Xiaobai, “cruel” appeared in their minds.

Two words, but I don’t know if it is Jiang Xiaobai or Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills.

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