Chapter 107 There are too many sorrow routines, it’s hard to guard against! (1/7)

Surrounded by nearly two dozen Awakened students from various classes, Zhao Xuebing, who had never seen this battle before, was already embarrassed.

After the response came, looking at the students whose faces were filled with righteous indignation, as if they had some life or death feud with him, Zhao Xuebing shouted: “Laozi is not Jiang Xiaobai, he is, do you have a brain problem?”

The sudden roar made the original… all the students who were still clamoring suddenly became stupid.

After a while, a student asked a little uncertainly: “Don’t you say Jiang Xiaobai”

Zhao Xuebing squeezed his fist and shouted: “What the hell, Laozi is Zhao Xuebing in the first class, who told you that Laozi is Jiang Xiaobai”

As if to prove that he did not lie, Zhao Xuebing still took out a student ID from his pocket.

Seeing this, a student couldn’t help turning his head to look at “Four Nine Three”

Jiang Xiaobai, who was leaning on the railing while teasing the dog while watching a good show, asked: “He is not Jiang Xiaobai, why did you challenge him just now?”

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at the student strangely, blinked his eyes and asked, “Is there a rule that I can’t challenge him?”


For a while, the surrounding students peeped at each other.Although the truth is the truth, but I don’t know why, everyone always feels that something is wrong.

“Don’t be silly, this guy is… Jiang Xiaobai.”

At this time, Zhao Xuebing, who was not surrounded by everyone, pointed his hand at Jiang Xiaobai.

Upon hearing this, the students around him were shocked, and then reacted violently.

“I, Cao, was fooled”

“I’m going, this guy is a good chicken thief, but the thief shouts to catch the thief.”

“Destroy him”

…After regaining consciousness, these students were angry.

Originally, they rushed violently one by one, but Jiang Xiaobai said nothing, but they all surrounded Zhao Xuebing, but Jiang Xiaobai himself stood aside and watched the show.

This is completely playing them like monkeys! Who can bear “Wait…”

It was also when looking at these students that they wanted to come up and fight with each other, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly raised his hand and gestured.

After the students in front of him stopped, Jiang Xiaobai said, “I know, you people come here, you are all rushing to defeat me and then become a contestant in the school, but you have so many people, I just One, it’s hard to say that your wheels are not as good as you fight first, the strongest one… then fight with me”

These students looked at the people around each other, and there were indeed a lot of them.

I have to say that Jiang Xiaobai’s words have some truth.

Even if some of them now have Jiang Xiaoxiao, they might have to face the challenges of other students.

Instead of this, it is better to fight each other first, and then go to Xiaobai, it will be more trouble-free.

They were all sixteen-year-old students.

“Wait, we are going to challenge him, it’s not that we fight each other, this guy is not at ease, don’t be fooled.”

Suddenly, one of these people took the lead in coming over and hurriedly shouted.

Other people were suddenly shocked when they heard this.

Later, he looked at Jiang Xiaobai, and when he noticed the obvious disappointment on Jiang Xiaobai’s face, the original…

According to what Jiang Xiaobai said, even if they fight each other, even if someone wins in the end, they are bound to be exhausted, and maybe they will get hurt.

At that time, Jiang Xiaobai will be able to win with complete reaping the benefits of the fisherman.

Thinking of this, the hearts of these students shook again and again.

“I, Cao, how come there are so many tactics of this dog and thief”

It was just a challenge, but Jiang Xiaobai made such a…Sao routine, the students around were shocked.

Obviously it’s all about playing strength, but you suddenly gave us intelligence. It’s not that the students around you don’t have enough intelligence… It’s that everyone is used to going straight to the challenge, but before they can speak, Jiang Xiaobai came to such a few places. .

It can be said that it was caught off guard for the first time.

But the second time it was impossible to guard against.

Who can think that Jiang Xiaobai doesn’t open his mouth, it’s just… digging a hole, so who can imitate it? It’s totally unreasonable to play cards! Therefore, the students present suddenly had a kind of IQ. Xiaobai pressed it on the ground and rubbed it hard.

So, after reacting, a student could not help but speak: “Beat him”

After finishing speaking, the student who had opened his mouth already took the lead and rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai0…Although the aisle outside the classroom is not narrow, it is not too wide.

At most, it can only accommodate five or six people at the same time, walking side by side.

Now that the two dozen of them are all gathered in this place, it is naturally a bit congested.

While this student was doing his hands, some didn’t pay attention to his feet.When he broke through the surrounding students, one foot suddenly stepped on the foot of another student.

Then, his feet were smashed.

With that, when the student just rushed out of the encirclement, his body was slightly forward, and then he knelt in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

Suddenly, the surrounding area became quiet.

The students around were all shocked looking at the student who suddenly knelt down in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

Those in the aisle and by the window…It’s okay to watch the lively Class 7 students.

After all, everyone already knows that Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills make people kneel down.

But the problem is that the students in Class 7 know it, the other students don’t know it! Seeing that the student who took the lead suddenly slapped his foot and knelt, Zhao Xuebing, who appeared at the beginning, gave a cold snort and ridiculed himself in his heart. I already yelled “Get out of the way, let me come”

Hearing Zhao Xuebing’s voice, the surrounding students had already subconsciously stepped away, and at the same time they turned their eyes to Zhao Xuebing.

But when these students are empty 1.

1 When I got out of my position and was waiting for Zhao Xuebing to start his hand, in his sight, the magnificent and confident student Zhao Xuebing who had just screamed out just clenched his fists, suddenly his legs were bent, and he was facing Jiang Xiaobai. Kneeled.

Zhao Xuebing: Students around: … are you or something a monkey invited me to tease you! Let everyone get out of the way… watch you kneel and watch a loud roar and then kneel without saying a word When Zhao Xuebing was lost, the students around him twitched fiercely.

: In the past two days, I don’t know which of the brains has started to brush the evaluation votes to lower the evaluation level of the book. For this kind of goods, you are only afraid that the IQ is not as good as that! After the shelves, the evaluation votes are basically useless, you The more you brush the book, the more popular it is. If you want to be funny, please don’t be so funny. Please explode in place. Also, sell cute and ask for support!!

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