Work is back on track. One day, Hanabi introduced Black Cat to Mashiro and said: This is my girlfriend, Gogeng Ruri, who is working hard to become a manga artist. She is Shiina Mashiro-sensei. I hand over the original work of One Punch Man to you, Launching a new version of comics...

Hanabi's graffiti serialized on the Internet became famous, but some people began to complain that the style of painting was alienating thousands of miles away. Therefore, Hanabi thought of cooperating with Mashiro and Ruri to launch a revised manga. This is also the trajectory of the popularity of One Punch in the previous life. Mashiro is good at painting, and his works are as exquisite as works of art, but he can't tell stories; Ruri likes to enrich settings, but her painting skills are relatively weak. The combined abilities of the two of them are not inferior to those of Mr. Murata in his previous life.

...Are you listening?

The atmosphere between the two women was a bit strange.

I just want to draw with Hanabi. Mashiro said simply. She quickly got into character, holding her notebook and flipping through the comics that Hanabi had released. Even graffiti with unclear meanings can be read with gusto.

Ruri looked at Hanabi with resentment, and the latter felt like her bones were going numb.

Is Shiina-sensei also a girlfriend?

It's nothing. Hanabi denied.

At this time, a piece of warm cloth flew over, Hanabi caught it subconsciously, and took a closer look to see that it was a pure white piece of fabric. Looking back, Mashiro was sitting on the carpet in a duck-sitting position, lifting up her skirt. This skillful movement cannot be washed away even if you jump into the Yellow River.

Hanabi hurriedly waved her hands and said: Ruri, listen to my explanation! Mashiro will forget himself as soon as he devotes himself to painting, and will habitually take off his fat.

Stop talking, how long are you going to play with the girl's newly-taken-off pussy! Liuli was embarrassed and annoyed.

Hanabi quickly threw Fatji on the bed.

Finally stabilized the situation. Mashiro paints, and Ruri serves as an assistant. Hanabi sat next to him and explained the storyboard to Mashiro. The girl was dumbfounded, not sure whether she heard it or not. She looked at Hanabi's side face, and only the word girlfriend remained in her mind, and she gave Hanabi a bite driven by instinct.

Hanabi was so frightened that she jumped up and said in fear: Mashiro?

Love... I don't understand. Mashiro's voice was cold but very soft, If Hanabi is in a relationship with another girl, then I want it too. Hanabi, teach me.

Liuli sneered: Do you have any last words now?

Zhenbai, I was really hurt by you.

Hanabi burst into tears. It was not his style to blame girls, so he could only shake his head silently.


The author has something to say:

Hatchet reservation.

I may become the second female (not the daughter) control. I heard that Danzi from Spring Things was eliminated, and senior sister Yinglili from The Passerby Heroine was already a loser. How should I put it, a little sad.

Tomoyo in the snow and Anzu in the rain in Clannad, the crying Nanami in Chuunibyou, the ordinary Nanami who works hard in Sakurasou...all have charms that are not inferior to the protagonists, but unfortunately, they are only supporting roles after all. So, why flirt if you don’t marry. Isn't it too cruel to create such a distinctive character but destined to have a sad ending?

Even if it's just in a fan fiction, it would be nice to be the heroine. Maybe this is my original intention of writing this kind of messy article.

Therefore, I chose the sister-marriage ending.

Chapter 117 Sister Tsumugi’s gift

A good Wangdao comic can present exciting and passionate battles. As readers flip through page after page, a sense of space comparable to animation emerges in their minds. What Hanabi has to do is tell stories through storyboards. Both Mashiro and Kuroneko were newbies at this, they just had to put Hanabi's ideas on paper.

The main character Saitama's pupils were enlarged infinitely with his punch. Just one color page made the girls unable to believe that this extremely tense scene was really drawn by them?

Hanabi, it's not like you said you're not good at drawing. Why do you draw so badly on purpose? Mashiro said.

Hanabi was shocked. In the field of painting, Mashiro is extremely keen.

Liuli also felt strange.

Look, my drawing skills are indeed amateurish, and I'm too tired from comics. Hanabi smiled slightly, If the drawing is too realistic, if a weirdo comes out of the comics and destroys the world, wouldn't I be a sinner?

Liuli rolled her eyes at him and said angrily: Do you think I haven't heard of the allusion to 'the finishing touch'?

Hanabi was a little depressed. These days, no one believes the truth.

Well, you two teachers, I hope you can have a pleasant cooperation in the days to come. Hanabi extended her hand. Although their relationship doesn't require much explanation. After reaching the agreement, he added: Liu Li, I will ask you to take care of Teacher Mashiro. Even though she is a talented painter, she is always careless in life.

Okay. Liuli put down her guard for the time being.

Mashiro expressed dissatisfaction with a slight expression and said: I can also take care of myself.

Don't take off your hair while talking, it's not convincing at all!

Ruri's face turned red, she hurriedly caught the hot Pangji, and chased Mashiro and shouted: Teacher, please dress up before drawing comics!

No, because it's hot.

The Ayase family is in a hurry.

Kotobuki Tsumugi asks Hanabi to meet at an izakaya.

It's a noisy place, mostly office workers coming out to relax in groups. The rich aroma of wine reflects the Japanese people’s beloved wine culture.

After Hanabi entered the door, she looked around and saw a young woman sitting alone by the floor-to-ceiling window. Kotobuki Tsumugi is dignified and beautiful, and exudes the aura of the upper class. She is so incompatible with the environment that no one dares to talk to her. She looked at the outside world absentmindedly, her brows showing exhaustion.

Hanabi sat down directly and waved in front of her.

Tsumugi turned around and smiled: You're here.

People at other tables who peeked at the beauties felt as if they had been hit in the heart and were filled with grief.

Yes, this is a souvenir brought back from the beach. Hanabi pushed the gift in front of Tsumugi-san.

She accepted it without looking at it and said happily: Thank you.

It is common for the eldest daughter of a koto player to receive such precious gifts. What she cherishes is just the person who gave the gift.

Tsumi-san, have you stayed up late again recently? You can't even cover the dark circles under your eyes with makeup. Hanabi said bluntly.

I was discovered. Tsumugi smiled bitterly, I'm sorry, it's been more than a week since you returned to Tokyo before I had time to see you.

It's nothing, it's just a small matter for me. Hanabi sniffed the smell of alcohol in the room, wrinkled her nose and said, Is it really okay to come to a place like this?

Tsumugi smiled and said: I am very curious about the lives of ordinary people. I secretly found out that company employees come here to have fun after get off work, so I asked Hanabi-kun. Hey~

She made a meaningless sound, tapped the tip of Hanabi's nose, and then couldn't help laughing: The way you wrinkle your nose is so cute.

cute? What's really cute is your little actions.

Hanabi touched her nose awkwardly and said weakly: Tsumi-san!

No normal man can stand being teased like a little brother by such an outstanding strong woman in public.

Sorry, sorry. As compensation, I'm going to treat you to a meal today. You can have whatever you want.

Hanabi stared at her suspiciously and said, Whatever you say, I'm a minor and can't drink.

Ah, the plan has been revealed!

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