He used his last trump card, picked up the petite Liuli, and walked into the woods. When love overflows, all complaints disappear. When she went out to the street again, Liuli managed to tidy up her messy yukata, as docile as a kitten.

Hanabi bit her ear and laughed softly: I'm... not wearing anything underneath.

It is said that Japanese women wear kimonos and yukata without underwear underneath. This is true in a sense, as underwear was not available in ancient Japan until the 19th century. So, this is a rumor that even the most open-minded girls would find bold.

Because...it will leave traces!


Liuli blushed, and if she continued teasing, she might turn into a scratching black cat. She knew Hanabi's favorite little tricks when she was tender. Once upon a time, when did the simple girl who would get a nosebleed even when holding hands turned into a fool who catered to her boyfriend?

Hanabi was moved and sat down with Ruri on a hillside that was not visited by people.

The fireworks display began.


In the distant sky, fireworks suddenly rose into the sky and bloomed brilliantly. Like flowers, like willow tops, like waterfalls, like the distant Milky Way falling from the clouds, flowing straight down, the firelight disappearing at the end of the sight.


Ruri stared blankly at Hanabi's side face. The young man's face flickered, reflecting various colors. This handsome, heart-thumping face belongs to the guy who likes to bully him the most. But why is it so infatuated?

(Yes, it’s so beautiful.)

Liuli whispered in her heart.

Fireworks taking off, seen from below or from the side? The most important thing is the people by your side. The object of my greatest admiration looks beautiful from any angle. Under the bright light, the two figures gradually approached, and finally snuggled together, as if there was no difference between you and me.

(You are the brilliant fireworks in my life.)

Fulfilled wish - Watch the fireworks with my seniors.

The last wish - Break up when you love me most.

Chapter 116 Black Cat Mashiro

The heroine and I fell in love.

Hanabi found it ridiculous. However, the touch of every kiss and the warmth of closeness are not false. The more frivolous, the more greedy. He even felt that he was too obsessed with a girl and became less like himself.

The night is already deep.

Hanabi comforted her awkward sister and hung up the phone. Relatives and friends went back to their respective homes, and gradually no one was seen on the road. Only the two of them were left walking under the dim street lights, passing through the last period of silence.

Liuli stopped her hand and stood still, saying softly: That's it.

It's still some distance away from Wu Geng's home.

Hanabi stared blankly at the girl's back, imagining the shadow-shrouded expression, and said, At least let me take you home...

Liuli seemed to have lost all her strength and shook her head. She opened the diary she kept close to her, and it was filled with every detail of the two of them getting along, just like the countless details Hanabi described in the latest volume My Sister. The similarities between reality and fiction are striking. Liuli grasped both ends of the diary and tore it into pieces with all her strength.

The beautifully handwritten note fluttered in the wind.

I'm very angry that someone inexplicably included it in a novel.

Why do you know me so well, senior? You must have been peeping all the time, Hentai!

Unexpectedly, he is a good person. When I was hugged and took a group photo, my heart beat so fast. I...became strange.

Sweet love.

It's a pity that I am not the heroine in the story after all.

After tonight, let's break up.

The scene of tearing the book apart is exactly the same as described in the novel. Hanabi heart's head was pressed against a stone, and he couldn't breathe heavily.

Liu Li...

The girl looked back with forty-five angles, she was about to cry, her pupils were full of helplessness. She covered her eyes and painfully recounted to herself: It's strange for me to be like this. When I want to leave a good memory with Hanabi, my mind is filled with plots from novels. It's like... seeing another world. I failed in love.

Isn't it like being a puppet in love?

Liuli shed tears and smiled palely: At first, I thought that the confidence that held Hanabi's heart firmly was different from that of the losers you have dated. Gradually, I understood the reason for being a lover. I thought, I Together with them, they are both the second female lead in a life with Hanabi Ayase as the main character.

Hey, senior, why did you abandon me this summer? the girl said intermittently, her hands hanging down weakly, and she raised her head and screamed as if her vocal cords were torn in pain, Ah——

Tears dripped into my mouth together with the night wind. Liuli gasped for breath to relieve the suffocating pain.

Five more colored glaze

In the end, nothing changes. At this moment, isn't the girl who is so sad that she can't help herself, just a page of illustrations in the novel? This is the bad end of each other's lives.

This is an outcome Hanabi cannot accept. I have always been unable to refuse the good intentions of the opposite sex, thinking that if I give up an impeccable relationship, I can break up peacefully. Why does this happen?

It turned out that it caused deeper damage.

All Hanabi could do was hug the girl deeply, so hard that it seemed like she was melting into one. He poured out his heart: I'm sorry. You are truly the best woman, and I am the fake.

That's right, Wu Geng Liuli is not a doll. She is a kind-hearted girl who is flesh and blood, can cry and laugh, and there is absolutely no room for falsehood in this relationship. As for Ayase Hanabi, she just wears a demon mask, and even her love is a fake.

Ruri failed to understand that her hot and pure feelings pulled Hanabi back from the edge of the cliff falling into the abyss. Even with supernatural abilities, Hanabi is still an ordinary person who cannot even respond to her feelings.

Stop crying. I have a special liking for you, so... I don't want to see you cry. Hanabi confessed stumblingly.

Liuli burst into laughter and asked with red eyes: Really?

Hanabi pulled down her demon mask, covering her entire face, as if embarrassed. What he said is actually similar to a father's love for his daughter. Because Wu Geng Liuli is his creation, every bit of his character is as he wished, and it is especially cute. Seeing his daughter crying so hard, he couldn't help but feel tears in his eyes.

Evil ghost, please stop crying.

Really, so don't talk about breaking up. Be my heroine, okay? Hanabi held Ruri's hand and made a vow.

Liuli was overwhelmed by the sudden joy and said stupidly: Everyone said... well, you change your girlfriend once a week. Is that okay?

Hanabi scratched the black cat's nose and smiled fondly: I didn't say anything. You were the one who got angry and broke up, right? There is still a long life waiting for us in the future. In the near future, we will get married. , give birth to a child...


Real lovers will quickly reconcile even if they clamor to break up. Everyone changes in the direction of happiness, and Hanabi is also changing. Tomorrow is a new week.

In the end, do we consider our breakup successful?

have no idea.

The two of them smiled knowingly.

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