As the eldest daughter of a very strict family, Tsumugi Kotobuki has been the good boy of the family since she was a child and never drinks alcohol. Once before, she secretly took a sip of foreign wine with Hanabi and became drunk immediately. He didn't go crazy with alcohol, he just changed into another personality. Hanabi was inexplicably reminded of the anime Wine Tasting After Becoming a Husband and Wife.

Tsumugi said regretfully: That's right. We're going to have a serious meeting soon, and it won't be good if it smells like alcohol.

Hanabi didn't ask further questions. He positioned himself. It's not children's turn to comment on business matters. As an eldest lady, he would not think that he would be able to enter the world of Kotobuki Tsumugi if he had never seen any young talents. He was just recognized as a younger brother to satisfy the eldest lady's empty family affection.

You've been really helpful with Azimiao's matter. Please tell me about it.

The fireworks came one after another.

Tsumugi tilted his face, listening in rapt attention, and sighed quietly: The dissolution was due to family reasons, and I owed Azusa too much. I don't know when the misunderstanding will be resolved.

In my opinion, Nakano-senpai is not a mean person. The way women communicate their feelings is very simple. I think they just need a hug. Hanabi said.

Tsumugi looked directly at him.

What's wrong? Hanabi asked depressedly, Is there something on my face?

Tsumugi chuckled: No. You're right, I'm too stubborn. Hanabi-kun is really getting to know women better and better, and he is indeed a veteran of flowers.

Ahem... Hanabi choked on her drink.

Tsumugi teased harder: I promised to give you a gift. How about a hug from my sister?

Sister Tsumugi!

Hanabi-kun looks so cute when you are shy!

It's true that one thing brings another, and the scumbag Hanabi will be played by applause one day.

Joking aside, Tsumugi asked about Hanabi's current situation. One Punch Man was successfully submitted to Shueisha and will soon be published in Weekly Shonen Jump, the cradle of Japanese comics. Editors are not fools. The names of the talented painter Shiina Mashiro and the sister novel master Setsuna are gold-lettered. And One Punch is indeed of high quality. Shueisha has been dissatisfied with the lack of production for a long time.

I hope it goes well. What about the animation of the novel? Tsumugi shook the wine glass gently, even though it was filled with water.

Because of the previous public opinion, it was shelved...

If others don't like it, then leave it to my sister. Tsumugi said lightly, I recently acquired an animation production company called aic, and I happen to be short of business. Help me.

Hanabi met the sincere eyes and suddenly understood her intention. He has solved the crisis of the work in his own way, but such a grand move may have been planned a long time ago.

Sister Tsumugi...I don't know what to do...

I'm not taking care of you. I just want to share a piece of cake in the field of animation. If I have a chance in the future, I would also like to gather my old friends from the band to play an animation theme song myself. Tsumugi said with a smile, Use your The masterpiece is for the people below to practice with. If the painting collapses, don’t hate me.

how could be?

I want the animation adaptation rights of all your works. Tsumugi changed his gentle tone and became domineering.

Hanabi agreed without hesitation: Okay.

Aren't you going to ask about the conditions?

There is an old saying in China: If you treat me as a countryman, I will repay you as a countryman.

Tsumugi Kotobuki was moved by his trust, and with care in his eyes, he said, You, don't be so stupid when you enter society in the future.

Why, she did this because she is Tsumugi-san. Hanabi murmured, Does this mean I am being kept?

That's not bad. Sister Tsumugi covered her mouth and chuckled, Don't be poor. Next, follow me to meet an important person. You don't think that the animation is my gift to you, do you?


A person who wants to talk to you about the script of Five Centimeters per Second - Makoto Shinkai.

There is a person who writes poems in comics, called Kubo Taito; there is someone who uses poems to make animations, and that is Makoto Shinkai.

This animated film director, who was very popular in his previous life, is still at the low ebb of his career. From Voice of the Star to Beyond the Clouds, The Promised Place, Makoto Shinkai is committed to telling stories with poetic lens language. He likes to depict love with a sense of fragmentation in time and space. Unfortunately, the key point could not be found.

He has directed Five Seconds and Children Chasing Stars. The former is famous, while the latter is mediocre. Until The Garden of Words established Xin Haicheng's unique style, and finally became a god with Your Name.

Xin Haicheng looked at the half-grown boy and said depressedly: I'm sorry, can a boy your age really write that kind of love story?

He wondered in his heart: Could it be that he hired someone to ghostwrite it?

Hanabi looked at the unshaven middle-aged man with evil intentions, her eyes shining like a rooster that lays golden eggs. He said: Don't worry, I believe we will have a lot in common.

Kotobuki Tsumugi

The author has something to say:

Ayase Hanabi’s combat power → 5 million

Light novelists collected so far: Kasumigaoka Shiu, Yamada Fairy, Senjumura Sei

Illustators: Eri Riri (R18 books, illustrations), Mashiro Shiina (illustrations, comics), Izumi Sagiri (eroge comics, illustrations), Black Cat (doujinshi, comics)

Idols: Muse, Water Ball, Holy Snow

Band: Qingyin

Collect three cute girls and you can exchange them for a girlfriend. Collect three girlfriends and you can exchange them for a sister with brother-control attributes.

Chapter 118 The Day the Demon King Was Born

Ayase Hanabi and Shinkai Makoto chatted happily, and many plot settings coincided with each other. The latter was in awe and did not dare to look down upon him. How could he know that the evil ghost in front of him had plagiarized his future achievements. Hanabi's heart didn't waver, and she even wanted to be told Thank you.

Thank you. Makoto Shinkai was moved, I didn't expect Ayase-kun to also research the script. After the animation production team is established, I will visit you and discuss it in detail together.

Scripts and novels are two different concepts. It does not mean that you can make a wonderful film with an excellent original work. Hanabi can completely retell Five Seconds from memory, including every frame of action. How can one not be shocked by such an amazing creative ability?

It's a pleasure working together, Hanabi smiled.

Xin Haicheng left anxiously to form his team. Animation supervisors are very similar to directors in the Celestial Dynasty. It depends on whether they have connections and can recruit master-level practitioners, including soundtracks, series composition, etc. Therefore, Hanabi is just a storyteller, not a storyteller.

He is too young and has too little qualifications.

Kotobuki Tsumugi remained silent the whole time, letting Hanabi negotiate with him. Until Xin Haicheng left, her eyes were full of brilliance and she sighed: Sure enough, Hanabi-kun has super mobility as before. When you work part-time in the cafe, you can do all the work in an orderly manner. So, I Look at you differently.

This is just the beginning of the career.

Then, Sister Tsumugi will be my Bole. Hanabi said casually.

Tsumugi stared at Hanabi, smiled slightly, and buried his thoughts deep in his heart.

(Hey, grow up quickly and be my CEO.)

Congratulations, the total sales of Setsuna-sensei's novels have exceeded five million!

Friends in the same circle as Hanabi sent messages of celebration. All works are scheduled to be animated, and news has been announced. However, the specific relaxation time will definitely be postponed to next year. At the end of the year, an animation production team will be formed at most to relax and start PV first. None of this has anything to do with Hanabi.

In fact, the original author of the novel is basically speechless, and it all depends on the mood of the animation company as to how to film it. Pray that it won’t be “suffering from A1 animation” or a scam company like Diomedea that specializes in producing the “Four Great Classics”.

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