Well, today is the last day and I want to watch the fireworks together.

There was bitterness in Eri's heart: No matter how beautifully she dresses, the person who goes on a date with you will not be me after all.

Go quickly, don't let the girls' love affairs leave regrets. I will explain to them. The elder sister helped her younger brother cover up as a matter of course, and she was worthy of being a biological sister.

Then I'll leave first. Hanabi waved and escaped before her sisters noticed.

Eri looked in the direction. A quiet girl bowed solemnly in a dimly lit place. We usually interact with each other, and Eri knows that the girl's name is Wugeng Liuli, so she smiles and nods, showing goodwill. Because of Hanabi, she, as an older sister, has had countless brothers and sisters.

Hanabi trotted up to the black cat and said, I've been waiting for a long time. Where are Hinata and Tsumugi, they want to see the fireworks too, right?

at home.

In fact, Hinata said that she would not watch this year's fireworks for the sake of her sister's romance. Liuli was very moved and locked her up. This guy will definitely follow Joo-hee with her.

Liuli asked: What about you?

Hanabi shrugged and said, Sneaked out.

The two looked at each other and couldn't help laughing. In this way, it is a world for two.

Under the street lights, the shadows of summer flying insects are erratic, just like the mood of a girl. Liuli stood on the steps, wearing a blue and purple printed bathrobe, raising her hands and spinning lightly. The girl's body was the first to stop. Her long straight black hair was like a flower bud that bloomed instantly. Her bangs swayed, revealing a pair of burgundy eyes.

I made it myself, what do you think? Liuli asked anxiously.

Awesome, you are the most ingenious girl I have ever seen. What Hanabi said is true, I am afraid only Kotori can compare with it. However, Tianguang was busy praising the girl's beauty this day, and had to rack his brains to come up with sweet words without being repetitive.

It's not easy to be a scum these days.

Ruri smiled brightly and saw that Hanabi was only wearing casual clothes. In Japan, of course women look good in yukatas, but men don’t care.

She thoughtfully said: I will make you a yukata next time. Next year's fireworks display...

The girl suddenly stopped talking.

(There is no future between us.)

Tonight is the last time for One Week Lover.

Liuli stood in the bustling crowd and stopped in a daze. The crowd swallowed her up like a tide, and she was occasionally bumped on the shoulder by pedestrians. She felt pain, frowned, and felt sad in her heart. A strong sense of loneliness arose spontaneously, as if the sounds around her were fading away. The same goes for Hanabi's back.

Hanabi didn't hear Ruri's answer. Suddenly looking back, I saw the girl's blank eyes, and my heart ached. He went against the flow of people, struggled to push aside the crowd, and reached out towards Liuli. Liuli hesitated for a moment, and the moment she put her hand on his palm, her mind felt at peace. Her whole body was pulled by inexplicable emotions, and she flew into his arms and hugged him heavily.

We live in a week-long relationship.

The author has something to say:

To delay the update? Because MapleStory was banned, I was heartbroken, so... I went to play fantasy happily with my gay friends~ It's better to draw pictures than to code words, and it's better to draw pictures than to do anything else. When I earn enough money for electricity, I will write a book for you.

Chapter 115 Gorgeous Fireworks

During the Summer Festival, a street near Kanda Shrine becomes the busiest night market. Red lanterns were hung high, adding to the festive atmosphere. The flickering candlelight dispelled the darkness of the night and illuminated the long, endlessly flowing streets. There is nothing more refreshing in summer than stepping on wooden clogs and drinking a bottle of Marble Soda.

That's what Hanabi did. He breathed a long sigh of relief, feeling satisfied. He turned to meet Liuli's gaze and said angrily, Sorry, I finished the drink by accident. Do you want more?

Liuli bit her lip and shook her head. Girls are thin-skinned, and sharing a bottle of drink is like kissing indirectly, which is absolutely impossible.

Let's go fishing for goldfish. Hanabi pulled Ruri to a roadside stall.

Scenarios of visiting temple fairs are common in two-dimensional works. It may be common in rural Japan, but it is rare in Tokyo where Hanabi and Ruri live. The stall vendor's eyes lit up when he saw the talented man and the beautiful woman. Young lovers make the best money. Because men always behave generously in front of their female companions and are unwilling to lose face.

Maekei 100 yen.

Hanabi took the paper net and bowl from the vendor, then gave it to Ruri and said with a smile, Let's try it.

Yeah. Liuli was eager to give it a try and squatted down in front of the pool.

The girl rolled up her sleeves, revealing her white arms, and gently crossed the sparkling water. In the water reflected by the neon lights, the trajectory of the goldfish swimming became erratic. Finally, he picked up a little guy and carefully protected it as if feeding fireworks.

Halfway through, the net broke. The goldfish jumped back into the water proudly, splashing in the water.

Pfft. Hanabi couldn't help laughing.

Liu Limei was stunned and was about to throw the crime tool to him and said, Here you go.

No, I don't know how to play this either. As long as you are happy. Even though Hanabi has a [super-speed reaction] plug-in, it is of no use for catching goldfish. He has no problem with saving face in front of girls.

Liuli repeated the novel experience over and over again, and when she was about to become discouraged, she finally caught her prey. According to the conventional gameplay, customers can spend money to buy the goldfish caught by their own hands, which is regarded as a kind of trophy. Although most of them cannot be fed, they satisfy the preferences of children.

Do Hinata and Zhu Xi like goldfish? How about buying them and raising them at home?

Liuli saw that the goldfish in the bowl was dull and lifeless, and she suddenly became depressed. She turned around and said, Let's go.

There were drops of water on the girl's face. Hanabi wiped it gently until her face regained its color and turned red. He could understand his girlfriend's mood and smiled: Well, let's go. There are other fun things.

Wu Geng Liuli is a kind girl, just like the character in the novel.

Hanabi bought a bunch of Jinping candies, including some for the two younger sisters from the Gogeng family. He called out softly, and when Liuli turned her head blankly, she stuffed it into her mouth unprepared. For a moment, he touched the girl's soft lips.

Liuli was startled, covering her little cherry mouth, savoring the sweetness of her taste buds blooming.

Can you please tell me before the sneak attack?

If I explain it in advance, it won't be called a sneak attack.

Liuli rolled her eyes at him angrily and stroked her chest to calm down. In Hanabi's eyes, she is a bit delicate and a bit cute. At this moment, the girl did not know that she had made a flirtatious mistake.

It tastes pretty good, why don't you eat it? Liuli asked.

That's because... Hanabi's smile turned sour and attacked the girl's lips.

In the middle of the bustling crowd, the young couple devoted themselves selflessly. Passers-by blushed and moved away. Even the lights seemed to be ashamed to see people, and in the corners of their eyes, there was an ambiguous halo of light. Showing affection is not a bad idea for couples, it’s just loving someone so much that you want the whole world to know about it.

The candy melted halfway and swirled on the tip of their tongues, tasting the sweet fluid at the same time. This kind of feeding play has exceeded the black cat's tolerance limit.

Afterwards, Ruri lost her temper and left Hanabi far behind.

I was wrong, don't be angry, Black Cat.

Liuli's cheeks were covered with a layer of frost, and she was clearly holding back a smile, as if she couldn't keep her face pretending to be angry for a moment. Hanabi understands this truth deeply. For a girlfriend who is having a bad temper, just calm her down.

The girl was filled with grievances: Who do you think I am, and why do I have to be bullied like this by you?

It's lovers.

Liuli began to feel shaken, so she bought a demon mask and put it on Hanabi's face. When Hanabi's vision went dark and she was confused and couldn't figure out the situation, she heard the girl's silvery laughter. He reluctantly pulled his mask to one side. Boys at this age still wear the masks that children love most, and they look childish and cute.

As long as you take it with you for one night, I will forgive you. Liuli smiled and bent down.

Hanabi smiled playfully: Since it's night, if you want to be forgiven... it's easy.

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