My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1000 Time is not deceiving

Ming Wan turned into a clay sculpture and a wooden sculpture.

After being stiff for a long time, he asked Bai Mei suspiciously: "Master, you once told me that the master had a glorious history, that is, he comprehended the twenty-fourth level of spiritual power and finally stepped into the long river of time?"

Bai Mei turned around and saw the gleam in Ming Wan's eyes.

He nodded secretly.

My disciple has a good understanding and saw the truth in an instant.

But after Ming Wan suddenly realized it, he said angrily: "Then this kid has stolen the limelight of the master? And he is showing off in front of us? I must break off his friendship with him."

Bai Mei sighed to the sky and kicked Ming Wan ten meters away.

Then the 142-year-old old man prostrated himself in the direction where Liu Di disappeared, and kowtowed.

He was moved and awed.

Although the time, place, and even the method were completely different.

But this master who called himself Emperor Shi was genuine.

Sure enough.

Time does not deceive.

‘Soon’, the master will create a ‘new’ glory with the young me.

At this time.

The cook in the temple brought a huge pot of cabbage and tofu, stepped over the white eyebrow on the ground, and looked at the scene blankly, “The meal is cooked, where are the people?”

At this time.

Mohist Weishan Lake Base.

Liu Di had been free to enter and exit here, and he had seen the secrets of Mo Yu thoroughly.

But even Liu Di did not expect that another secret base of Mo Yu was hidden right under this Weishan Lake. The tunnel was like a candied haws, stringing together three underground spaces.



The 18 or 19-year-old boy, wearing an ancient robe, with his hands in his sleeves, laughed obscenely: “So-called, the most dangerous place is the safest place.”

“Liu Di, Liu Di, what do you know?”

“You must be impressed by my intelligence and wisdom?”

This contemporary Mohist giant glanced at his No. 2 secret base and smiled triumphantly.

"The stone powder has a wonderful use that you will never know."

"This master discovered that it can block all network signals."

"So what if you are a super hacker?"

"This master has already covered the entire underground base with stone powder to give you a physical blockage!"


Mo Yu changed from laughing to a low grin, looking at the 283 dormant chambers in front of him with a gloomy face.

Among them, it was Tianluo who was recovering from his consciousness returning from the brain world.

It has to be said.

Mo Yu's brain nerve technology is indeed proud of the world.

After perfectly removing the Toxoplasma in Tianluo's brain, it has not been 10 days, and the physical condition of the Tianluo warrior has recovered by 70% to 80%.


Mo Yu's eyes flashed with a thief.

Brother Liu, you let me heal Tianluo with a big mouth, and borrowed the brotherhood to morally kidnap me.


I did it.

But now that Tianluo has been cured, you have no say.

If I could get such a powerful 283 powers, it would definitely be a great help.

I have already thought of a perfect plan.

Tianluo will not return to your Ghost Island, and will never be at your disposal again!




A medical cabin slowly opened.

A red-browed giant slowly stood up, but at this time, his hair had been shaved clean, and several sutured wounds on the back of his head crisscrossed, looking quite scary.

"Moyu giant."

The red-browed giant slowly turned around, "What are you laughing at."


Moyu's expression froze.

But the giant with red eyebrows bowed and saluted, "Don't be surprised, Master Moyu, because Chimei was barely conscious before, so before coming, Mr. Liu explained that you are insidious and cunning, and after my Tianluo recovers, you will definitely use some means to try to turn us against us."


"Mr. Liu asked me to convey two sentences for him after I woke up."

"'You are laughing' is the first sentence."

At this point, Chimei scratched his bald head and apologized: "The second sentence is"

"You fool."

After Chimei said this, he bowed again and saluted with a serious face.

I saw the corners of Moyu's mouth twitching.

His face was blue and purple, like a rainbow, gorgeous.

The ridicule across space.

It's so mad.

But Moyu is a person who has experienced many storms and is in a high position. He quickly relied on his face to stabilize his mind.

He smiled and said, "Brother Liu and I are good friends. It's a daily routine for us to quarrel with each other. I don't mind."

At this moment.

The remaining 282 medical cabins were opened at the same time, and 282 bald men stood up, maintaining a natural military posture with their backs straight.

Mo Yu felt the powerful momentum and licked his lips slightly.

He spoke out the foolproof plan of rebellion that had been brewing in his mind for a long time.


"According to my information, when you were border guards, your monthly salary was about 10,000, and during the period on Ghost Island, Brother Liu did not pay you."


Mo Yu puffed out his chest and said confidently: "I will pay 10 times the salary and hire you to work for me!"

The scene suddenly became quiet.

Crows flew by.

283 people were speechless and really didn't know what to say.

Finally, Chi Mei spoke: "Master Mo Yu, you rescued us from the state of death, which is equivalent to saving our lives. All 283 of us owe you a life. If you are in trouble in the future, 283 of us will definitely help you, and even return this life to you, which is also reasonable."

"Moreover, we will respect you no matter when and where."

"But please don't mention the matter of serving you again."

Mo Yu smiled and nodded, "You are worthy of the military spirit, you value loyalty and principles!"

"But I haven't finished yet!"

"How about 20 times the salary, and everyone will be provided with a house and a car!"

Chi Mei's expression did not change at all, "You think too highly of us, we don't need these."


Mo Yu waved his hand, "Everyone has a price! 30 times the salary! One year in the Mo family is equivalent to 30 years in the Chinese War Department! It's equivalent to Ghost Island for eight lifetimes!"

Chi Mei still lowered his head, "Please be careful with your words."


Mo Yu curled his lips, "You still want to find Brother Liu? What's so good about him? What future can you have with him? He can't even find his father!"

"Shut up."

Mo Yu became more excited, with his hands on his waist, "Look, Brother Liu is ugly, spends money stingily, and knows how to make trouble all day long. Who knows if he will kill himself one day and can't even get a wife!"

"You fart."

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