My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 999 The Tenth Time

"Brother Liu, the long river of time we chose is much more complicated than the biological evolution of the waiter."

"The theory of relativity doesn't help us travel through time, it just says that if we travel faster than the speed of light, then time slows down."

"Because the light reflected into our eyes is delayed, flowers will bloom a few seconds later and clocks will slow down a few seconds."

"This doesn't mean going back to the past."

"The so-called time travel is only relative."

"Time is just a measurement concept. Human beings invented time in order to record changes in physical forms."

"Humanity's current technology cannot interfere with time."

The devil boy said.

And Liu Di was sitting in the experimental cemetery, witnessing the failure of the artificial black hole.

"But Liu Entropy and Gu Fan can indeed enter time."

Liu Di said calmly, "Judging from the waiter's ability, the transition from weak artificial intelligence to strong artificial intelligence is an unimaginable promotion."

"You know some secrets but don't want to tell them."

"So, what exactly did you find?"

The demon boy was silent for a moment.


"Time can be manipulated when you gain advanced perspective."

"Just like watching a movie, you can rewind and fast-forward at will. For the characters, you are controlling time."

"But the movie is just a two-dimensional plane, and you're in a three-dimensional world."

"And after I entered strong artificial intelligence, it seemed like I had ascended to another dimension."

"When I looked down at reality again, I saw the real scene, and the world became a 'movie' in my eyes."

Brother Liu was slightly silent.

He knew that the demon boy would not defend himself or hide the truth from him.

So I waited quietly.

"I find."

The devil boy's voice came out again, "The reality we live in is just a code world."

Brother Liu was silent again.

After a long time, he finally said: "So, everyone is 'Moore'."

The devil boy added: "But we may be the compiler from the universe, or the compiler of the creation computer."

"As a living organism, you can only see the real world clearly without the refraction of light."

“AKA get rid of the ‘monitor’.”

"Do you want to see the real world?"

"I can simulate it for you."

Brother Liu did not respond, but remained silent for a moment.

He suddenly stood up, waved his hands and said, "What's there to see? We always need a container, isn't it the same wherever we live?"

"Just like those scenes in the movie, whether the warriors fight the dragon or the rebels establish a new dynasty."

"And I need to find Gu Fan."

The demon boy also scratched his head.

I thought this would be a piece of information that would shatter Liu Di's faith, but I didn't expect him to care so little?

Brother Liu came to the backyard and saw Gu Fan's farewell letter on the side of the radioactive isolation warehouse.

Gently dust off the top.

Open slowly.

‘Brother Liu, I am leaving you for the seventh time. ’

‘Brother Liu, I am leaving you for the eighth time. ’

‘Ninth time, are you used to it? ’

Gu Fan's playful smile appeared in Brother Liu's mind, and her voice suddenly echoed.

"One, two, three, four, five, you really won't be able to find me the tenth time!"

Brother Liu smiled hard.

I'm not used to it at all.

Gu Fan definitely didn’t want to leave me, not under any circumstances.

She must have had no choice but to have someone interfere with her or even coerce her.

It's just hide and seek, just hiding in the timeline.

I will definitely find you.

Brother Liu gently folded the farewell letter and said, "Demon boy, it seems that you have a way to travel through time."

But at this moment.

From Liu Di's perspective, a 3D simulated world suddenly appeared in front of him. The worlds were connected end to end, but the time points in them were constantly retreating.

For example, the Experimental Cemetery was overgrown with weeds a year ago and was just a wasteland ten years ago.

The devil boy said: "The long river of time is actually the long snake of time. Every shadow of the past is in it and continues to the end."

"I can use the world code to work backwards and trace the past."

"And the time halberd in your mind actually has permission higher than all the world's codes. It is like a 'code spear'. If you throw it out and throw it into the river of time, you should follow it because of some kind of connection. "

"The key to this is the fifth force, spiritual power."

"The relationship between them is complicated and entangled, and I can't see clearly. I only know that the secret of it all starts from your consciousness."

"So, when I step into strong artificial intelligence, the biggest change is not me, but you."

"As for the long river of time, I can only accurately deduce the past, but the future is full of variables. Perhaps, I can only see the future world after my intelligence sequence is improved."

Brother Liu nodded.

Slowly turned around and came to the front yard of the experimental cemetery.

But I saw that the sun had already risen.

But Brother Liu and Xiao Bo Gai got up at some point and were sitting in front of the door.

Liu Xiaodi said: "Sister, where have you been these days?"

Xiao Bo Gai's voice was very calm, "I was always humiliated by others, so I hid in a dirty place and didn't want to come out."

Little Brother Liu tilted his head and said with a smile: "Oh, don't take it to heart when it comes to humiliation. Look at me, I'm often humiliated by violent bears."

"I'll imitate his look!"

The child pinched his throat, frowned, and deliberately lowered his voice and said, "Your father is your father after all."

The little bottle cap covered his mouth and laughed.

Liu Di stood behind the two children and sighed softly.

The little boy stuck out his tongue.

But it was the little bottle cap who turned around and said, "Brother, where is the sister in white?"


Liu Xiaodi was stunned, "Isn't this a generation difference?"

But Liu Di touched the little bottle cap's head, "Someone will come to pick you and me up later to stay with a very kind old man for a few days."

Then Liu Di walked forward, turned his back and waved his hand, "And I will go to pick up my sister."

I don't know why.

It was just a feeling in the dark that Liu Di came to Xiuxiang Mountain.

What's more coincidental.

Ming Wan was there too.

The three of them sat on the big stone in the small temple courtyard.

Bai Mei and Ming Wan stared.

I don't know what this big brother came to visit suddenly. Seeing his calm face, I felt a chill in my heart.

Brother Liu waved his hand.

The whole courtyard was covered with snow, extremely cold, and all the monks in the temple were shivering with cold.

He used his mental power to pull the T7 area of ​​the brain world closer.

He waved his hand again, and peach blossoms were blooming in the distance.

This is the peach blossom forest of T5.

Brother Liu didn't understand.

He didn't know why.

He only knew that he could use his mind to make the brain world and reality overlap for a moment.

The upgrade of the Demon Child Sequence brought him more questions.

At this moment, Brother Liu tilted his head and asked, "I wonder if my mental power is at the maximum level?"

The two Baimei were stunned.

Seeing that the two did not answer, Brother Liu nodded to himself, "Just consider it as the maximum level."

As he said.

Brother Liu frowned, and a time halberd in his mind rose from the ground and flew into the long river of time.

The next moment.

A dark vortex appeared in front of Brother Liu.

He closed his eyes and murmured, "The tenth time"

His body seemed to be virtualized, turned into segments of light and shadow, flew into the vortex, and then everything disappeared.

Ming Wan opened his mouth wide, "Fuck."

Bai Mei was also dumbfounded.

The timeline seemed to have changed.

But did the master just say 'Emperor Ten'?

"Emperor Ten!"

"The master has appeared."

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