My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1001 Moyu, disaster is coming

Mo Yu almost choked to death.

As expected of Tian Luo.

He keeps his word and really respects me.

But Chi Mei clasped his fists and bowed, "Besides assisting Mr. Liu, we have another wish that must be fulfilled."

In an instant.

The eyes of 283 Tian Luo all lit up and shouted in unison: "Beat Kun Sang!"

It was deafening.

Mo Yu was stunned.

He had no idea what kind of hatred was bound up in this.

After a long time, Mo Yu said: "According to reliable information, the Punisher Kun Sang is already an M+ cyborg, and you should not be able to fight against him."

Chi Mei looked up and said slowly: "You underestimate others."

He said.

283 Tian Luo stretched out his hand, a ball of light flashed in the void, and a bunch of wolf-tooth daggers condensed out of thin air in his hand.

Chimei said: "We returned from the brain world and brought back the ability inexplicably. Although the range is small, it is not a problem to kill little Kunsang."

Mo Yu pursed his lips. This should be some kind of high-dimensional ability.

You are perverted, just like Brother Liu.


Mo Yu bowed and left sadly.

He passed through layers of tunnels with an expression like a resentful woman.

Since Brother Liu appeared, he has been holding this giant tightly.

Is there no one in the world who can do you?


Of course not!

In the third underground base.

The metal door in front of Mo Yu rumbled open.

The secrets in it, even in the Mohist School, which has never had a traitor in the past hundred years, no more than 4 people know it.

Non-aggression, respect for virtue, respect for unity, non-music, non-life, and simple funeral.

The 6 core words of Mohist philosophy.

And the project in the three-layer secret base is taken from one of them.

——'Non-life plan'.

That is, denying the dominance and influence of destiny on human affairs, believing that a person's fate is not innate, but can be changed through hard work.

Two months ago, Mo Yuzhu gave an order to gather all the DNA cloning technology and organism cultivation technology of the Mo family here.

Make every effort to create a clone.

And the source of DNA is a hair from an outsider.

The two Mo disciples in charge of technology were puzzled. With such a big battle, Mo Yuzhu didn't use it on himself?

This is not like his style.

At this time.

Mo Yu stood in front of a liquid tank, and the expression of a resentful woman disappeared, replaced by an extremely secretly happy smile.

You call me a fool every day.

It doesn't matter, let you scold for a while.

We'll see.


The metal mask of the liquid tank slowly opened.

A figure floated in the yellow nutrient solution.

His face was similar to Liu Di, but the rest of his face was not human.

His legs were bent like a beast, forming a bow shape, and his leg bones were covered with exploding muscles.

His ribs had obviously mutated, like a devil's hand, embracing his waist.

His shoulder blades had grown beyond normal, forming two sharp spikes on his shoulders.

The spine on his back was also deformed, like the back of a dinosaur.

His hands were longer than his knees, and his nails were black and sharp.

His mouth was at least twice as long as that of an ordinary person, slightly bent, and even when it was still, it looked like an evil clown grinning.

Mo Yu looked at him and actually broke into a cold sweat.

He scratched his head anxiously.

I made a mistake, this was the failed product.

After Mo Yu got Liu Di's DNA, he was impatient and immediately started cloning. As soon as he cultivated the test tube embryo, he used various drugs to accelerate the development of the embryo, which was crazy.

In just 2 months, the embryo developed to about 25 years old.

But unexpectedly, the clone was stimulated to become such a monster that was neither human nor ghost.

Mo Yu stared at his creation.

When this guy was '15 years old', he had the strength close to that of an R+ cyborg. How terrifying would it be if he appeared in the world?

Someone suddenly patted his shoulder.

Mo Yu jumped three feet high in fright.

But it was Mo Jiuli who bowed behind him, "Master, is here?"

Mo Yu covered his chest, "You scared me to death."

Mo Jiuli said slowly, "Master, don't worry. This failed body No. 1 has reached the end of its life. Its body functions are rapidly declining and it will die soon."

"I know"

Mo Yu turned around slowly, his expression was a bit regretful and a bit horrified.


The so-called failed body opened its tightly closed eyes slightly, and its yellow pupils glanced at Mo Yu coldly.

Mo Yu shuddered!

It was as if a cold arrow had pierced his heart!

Thump thump thump!

He took 3 steps back!

Mo Jiuli stepped forward, "Don't panic, Master. This is just a biological reaction of his eye muscles! He is almost unconscious now!"

Mo Yu's heart was pounding, and his face turned pale, saying, "It's so damn scary!"

"This is a monster version of Brother Liu!"

"Close it with me!"

"After it dies, destroy it humanely!"

Mo Yu hid far away!

Mo Jiuli heard this and closed the door of the cultivation warehouse helplessly, curling his lips unhappily and said, "Excuse me, what you did is very inhumane."

Mo Yu glared at him and roared, "As long as the result is good! Don't we still have clone number two?"

Mo Yu then rubbed his hands and walked deeper into the base with excitement.

Clone number 1 failed, and Mo Yu certainly did not give up.

Instead, he summed up his experience, regrouped, and cloned another embryo!

But this time, he greatly reduced the use of catalytic agents.

Now this No. 2 clone is about the size of a three-month-old baby, and its development is extremely normal, white and plump!

Mo Yu's life span is almost endless.

He has plenty of time to wait for this child to grow up!

The use of 20% catalyst can almost make this child grow to 18 years old in 5 years. By then, Brother Liu will be greasy in middle age!

Then the little steel cannon came out and knocked it down directly!

Mo Yu shook his head and said proudly: "I recognize this child as his father! No! I am this child's father! Listen to my orders!"

"Mo Jiuli, open the hatch, I want to see if my son has gained weight again!"

Mo Jiuli looked disgusted.


The hatch of the second culture chamber slowly opened.

The expressions of the two gradually solidified.

Then began to twitch violently.

"Where is the child?"

"Where is my child!"

Mo Yu stared at the extreme!

He lay in front of the nutrient chamber in fear, and there was nothing inside!

Mo Jiuli was also completely stunned!

"Master Juzi, this is impossible!"

"No one can come into this base!"

"Absolutely impossible, because I have been guarding here and never left!"

The elegant Mo Jiuli was instantly in a panic, and kept circling around the nutrient chamber!

Mo Yu's heart was simply booming at this time. He looked around in a daze, "Monitoring, there are kinetic imaging monitors here, check quickly to see if there are any clues! Quick!"

After 3 minutes.

The monitoring screen appeared in front of Mo Yu.

For more than ten days, the culture chamber has been safe and sound, and the baby is sleeping in it.

Until that moment.

The light and shadow in front of the chamber suddenly distorted, and the image was blurred.

Then a figure in a white shirt appeared out of thin air.

His whole body seemed to have cracks in time and space.

His face could not be seen clearly.

Then, the man turned around and waved slightly in the direction of the monitor, as if to thank him.

Mo Yu clearly saw that one of his eyes was purple!

The next moment.

The man passed through the glass cover of the nutrition chamber and picked up the child inside. Then the light and shadow twisted again, and the two disappeared.

In just 10 seconds, countless laws of physics were violated.

With a plop.

Mo Yu slid directly from the chair and fell to the ground.

There was no trace of blood on his face. "It's over, it's over, who else could it be if not Brother Liu! I'm dead, this time I'm dead for good!"

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