My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 998 Five-dimensional Power

This scene.

In the eyes of ordinary people like Duan Hua, it was condensed into an extreme time point.

They could only see the barefoot man rushing up.

Then the light and shadow in the sky blurred rapidly, and then there was another loud noise compressed to one hundredth of a second.

At this time.

The barefoot man's figure was already a hundred meters away, standing up from the huge earth pit, his body was full of charred black.

In front of him was a huge gap created by the body's collision, and there was billowing black smoke.

In the sky, a strange cloud was dissipating, and there was a vague dragon shape in it.

Duan Hua rubbed his ears, but saw that he had been shaken out of blood.

He looked horrified.

What happened just now?

Liu Shang's mouth was bleeding, and he looked at Liu Di ferociously, "You, have already called on the power of the fifth dimension!"

The next moment.

Liu Shang clenched his fists, and his body rushed out again.

In his mind, no matter who you are, no matter how many dimensions you are, as long as you are a time criminal, you must be arrested.

Unless you kill me, the time manager!

But I heard Liu Di's voice, "Stop fighting, the time is not up yet."

Liu Shang was stunned and looked back at the huge clock behind him, but found that although many accidents had just happened, the time did not move!

It was still at 44 hours, 82 minutes, and 119 seconds.

Liu Shang coughed up a mouthful of blood, looking horrified, "This is impossible."

I heard Liu Di say again: "I guess that second will never come."

Liu Shang's expression froze, and he stopped and stared at the clock for a long time until his forehead was sweating.

The second hand did not move, and it seemed that it would never move.

At this time, Liu Di had turned around again and looked at the place where Gu Fan disappeared.

The white mental barrier had been broken, and a scene that seemed to be replayed appeared in it-the two people hijacked Gu Fan and walked into a golden clock.

But this time, the scene was abnormally blurry, and the hands of the clock could not be seen clearly.

The demon boy said, "Gu Fan is not on Earth, or rather, she is not in this world. She was brought into time."

Liu Di was silent after hearing this.

After a moment of relaxation, he exhaled slowly and said to himself, "Gu Fan, I have learned how to release my mental power, but it seems a bit like cheating. I rely on my consciousness to meditate on my brain world, which is infinitely pulled closer, so that the power in it can act on reality."

"I don't know"

"Can this be considered qualified?"

"Wait for you to judge."

Liu Di suddenly felt exhausted. He had been holding the small bottle cap with both hands, but now he had to carry her on his back.

He carried the child on his back and slowly passed by Liu Shang. He took a look and said, "If the time is up, you can come and kill me at any time."

Liu Shang clenched his fist, but the golden clock gave him the feeling that that time would never come.

Liu Di passed by Duan Hua again.

Duan Hua was dumbfounded, pointing at the tragic scene and said, "This time it's not a small fight. I'm afraid the residents will be panicked for a long time."

Liu Di shook his head, "No, their attention will soon be on another thing."

Duan Hua was puzzled and hesitated to say, "What about this child?"

Liu Di had already turned away, "I adopted him."

What everyone didn't know was.

Ten minutes ago, nearly fifty Iron Emperor VIIs took off from Nan Ruoyi's manufacturing plant.

They activated their stealth devices at the first time. Long before mass production, Liu Di updated the design drawings and added stealth technology similar to the "witch cloak" to them.

And now.

They all came to the experimental cemetery, some were responsible for carrying accessories.

Some were on the production line, manufacturing an unprecedented device with amazing speed, amazing efficiency, and precise solutions.

A quantum vortex generator powered by electricity.

With huge energy-10.2 gigawatts, energy that can only be matched by nuclear explosions or lightning.

Theoretically, it can create a short-term space-time distortion.

In almost ten minutes, the prototype of this device was manufactured, although it was just simple welding.

If scientists in the same field saw this device, they would be horrified.

How did he come up with these incredible principles?


The owner of this device seemed impatient.

He hastily began to test this device.

It has hijacked the main cable under the sea city, and the electricity was almost swept away.

Then dozens of quantum bubbles took shape.

Liu Di walked on the street with a small bottle cap on his back, looking at the progress in his perspective, and shook his head slightly.

This has no effect.

Release it.

Try to create super gravity. If it can involve the speed of light and make it impossible to escape, it is a black hole.

And the residents near the experimental cemetery.

Originally, they were still wondering about the shocking battle in the garbage dump, but at this time they saw huge containers flying in the air, as if they were held up by invisible people.

Then they saw several black "balloons" slowly rising in the direction of the abandoned science and technology museum. There was a terrifying force entangled inside, which seemed to distort the surrounding space.

These 'balloons' floated towards the clouds, devoured the clouds and created a huge round hole, and then flew into the universe.


It was pitch black all around, and the power went out.

People were confused and terrified. What happened to the world?

Duan Hua also saw this scene.

Is this what the kid meant by diverting people's attention?

What happened to him, so ostentatious?

And Liu Xiaodi, who was returning home from school, had just arrived at the gate of the experimental cemetery.

He watched the roof of his house being dissolved by quantum bubbles, and then lined up and flew into the sky.

At first glance, this looked like a balloon ladder prepared by Violent Bear, a Sephoris.

But the child knew it very well.

Violent Bear wanted to cause time and space entanglement or something? !

Life is over?

He pushed open the door, and the lollipop in his mouth fell to the ground. He saw that the quantum vortex generator in the house was roaring and shining, and countless steel emperors were busy dancing.

Behind him.

Liu Xiaodi came back with a little girl in a red dress on his back.

Liu Xiaodi wrinkled his nose and looked surprised.

Liu Xiaodi put the small bottle cap on the bed and said slowly: "From now on, this is your sister."

Liu Xiaodi looked at the unique girl in the red dress in front of him. She was very beautiful, and there was a sparkling crystal on her forehead.

The little boy grinned, "Brother, don't you want to explain?"

Liu Di just said calmly, "She is as special as you."

The doubts on Liu Di's face disappeared instantly, revealing a look of sudden enlightenment.

He nodded heavily and said, "Then I understand, she is one in a million, a treasure of mankind, we must treat her well."

Liu Di smiled.

Looked at the little boy and the small bottle cap.

I don't know if it was because of fatigue, or because of the low mood, or maybe the previous ability was just an accidental outbreak.

In short.

I can't see the future of Liu Di and the small bottle cap.

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