Brother Liu quietly stared at the 'small bottle cap' in front of him.

Analysis of the big picture emerges from perspective.

The devil boy said: "Both she and the derivative organs around her are the result of biological evolution, but it is not natural evolution, but her genetic blueprint has been carefully calculated, devoured, transformed, defended, attacked, and changed. The environment has a clear direction.”

"There is a sophisticated computer controlling everything."

"I hacked into Rep's intelligence system and discovered that a European-owned technology company had recently created a single-cell biological computer."

"It has multiplied to the point where it is now."

“It’s not part of today’s technology.”

"It's the future waiter."

"His strong artificial intelligence technology is unexpectedly reflected in the small bottle cap."

Brother Liu frowned slightly, "Is there any way to save the bottle cap?"

"currently there is not."

"In fact, it is an existence that I cannot resist."

"According to the inference, Xiao Bo Gai's human consciousness is about to be assimilated, and her body will be taken over by biological instinct. At that time, she just wants to destroy everything and reshape her own environment."

The demon boy's voice had a special solemnity, "Brother Liu, find a way to stabilize her, give me some time, and I will definitely bring back the answer."

In the world of code.

Although the intelligence level of the devil boy is weaker than that of the waiter.

But he holds the management permission of this world, which is a barrier that can never be overcome.

No matter who you are, you must wear shackles.

"I devour you."

"Not only can you protect the waiter in reality, you are also hundreds of millions of times fatter than him."

"Dad's sequence evolution depends entirely on you."

In the alley, the demon boy clenched his fists, his black hair fluttering in the wind, and a bright light flashed in his eyes.

The waiter and the Doomsday President were bound by layers of chains, unable to move.

Their eyes were full of horror.


why is that?

After all, I did not escape the fate of being devoured.

The waiter's eyes were full of deathly silence, and he saw with his own eyes endless codes floating out of his body, and then being sucked into the body of the little boy.

The demon boy also slowly closed his eyes.

The intelligent sequence in his body began to be refreshed over and over again.

From weak artificial intelligence to strong artificial intelligence, the shackles of incomprehension are beginning to loosen.

At this time, Liu Di was in the garbage dump.

Suddenly I felt that the demon boy fell into a deep sleep and could not be awakened.

Despite the turmoil in his heart, his expression was calm.

He smiles.

He looked at the small bottle cap and replied: "The apple is for you, it belongs to you."

The small bottle cap reveals the innocent smile of a child.

She held the apple to her nose and smelled it.

Then suddenly he threw the apple to the ground.

I saw the apple falling to the ground and taking root, turning into a seedling, and then growing rapidly into a lush, leafy fruit tree.

It bloomed and bore fruit again.

In an instant, red and heavy apples covered the branches.

[Instinct reversal, human characteristics increased by 3%]

The bottle cap smiled and said, "Brother, you can pick one too."

Liu Di suddenly felt peaceful, stepped forward slowly, and reached out to grab an apple.

But I heard the sky roaring.

Two European international cruise missiles broke through the sky.

Brother Liu raised his head, his eyes filled with anger.

He called out to the devil boy in his heart, but there was no answer.

But now, in order to resist the deadly nerve spores, his body was frozen in A, and the rest was his original ability.

But in the clouds, countless spores like white hot air balloons descended, and then sprinkled transparent liquid in the sky.

After two intercontinental missiles touched the slime, they exploded in the air.


Brother Liu kicked away a huge piece of shrapnel burning with flames.

Looking back again, I saw that the apple tree was still broken by the power of the shock, and sporadic flames ignited the trunk.

The bright red apples rolled to the ground, stained with black mud.

Xiao Bo Gai's smile suddenly solidified.

[16% of human characteristics remain]

[11% of human characteristics remain]

[8% of human characteristics remain]


The ground began to shake, and hundreds of tower-like tentacles stretched out from the ground, with a height of more than ten meters, lining the garbage dump with a radius of five kilometers.

The surface of the tentacles is covered with green phosphorescence, and the mitochondria within them have a solar energy conversion capacity one million times greater than that of chloroplasts.

And on the top of these tentacles, there are fleshy flower buds, and the light is dazzling in the gaps, containing terrifying energy.

Huge pink tentacles suddenly stretched out from the ground in the surrounding residential areas. They spread all over the streets in an instant and entangled the high-rise buildings. The residents were panicked, as if they had seen the end of the world.

The huge spores in the clouds suddenly hung out crystal clear crystals, and a special magnetic field instantly covered the entire sea city.

In the distant sky, several European military helicopters were rushing in. All instruments, including the engines, went out in an instant, fell silently, and crashed.

"Brother, I really don't want to tolerate them anymore."

"Everyone wants to bully me, everyone wants to kill me, everyone wants to see me in pain."

The bottle cap choked as he spoke, and the white angel wings began to change color from the roots, and a touch of darkness slowly flowed, infecting half of the wings.

Liu Di stood in front of the giant, looking at the little girl in red with clear eyes, "No, little bottle cap, there are many kind people in this world, like me, I will never hurt you."

The white light spots in the little bottle cap's eyes dispersed and merged, "Really?"

But General Carmen in the distance looked at the sudden changes in the world, and his face turned pale at this time.

He took out the satellite walkie-talkie and shouted frantically: "Call headquarters, call headquarters, the situation is almost out of control, request to call plasma bombs to vaporize the 5-kilometer radius of the eastern garbage dump in Huaxiahai City!"

"Now there is a Chinese modified person holding the monster back. Even if more people are buried with him, the mutant must be completely eliminated!"

But Duan Hua suddenly rushed forward, threw Carmen over his shoulder, and then snatched his walkie-talkie.

Duan Hua yelled, "Brother Liu is already there, he will stop everything!"

"Duan Hua!"

Carmen, who was lying on the ground, said angrily, "Please recognize the situation. Now is not the time to abuse mercy, but a matter of life and death!"

Duan Hua's eyes were bloodshot, "I tell you, if Brother Liu can't solve the problem, it's useless to call on any weapons! He is the only hope!"

But he heard a reply from the intercom, "General Carmen, I received your request and agreed to execute it!"

"Damn it!"

Duan Hua was furious and threw the intercom directly to the ground and stomped it to pieces.

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