My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 995 The situation is out of control

By sders biological senses.

The small bottle cap can 'see' radio waves in the air.

She didn't understand the encoding, but sders translated it into a language she could understand.

'The situation is out of control. ’

'Call the plasma bomb and kill her at all costs. ’

'And the brother in white clothes is only responsible for holding him back. ’

[3% of human characteristics remain]

In Xiao Bo Gai's memory, the smiling figure in a white shirt who gave her a red apple completely disappeared.

Instead, there was endless darkness.

There was no trace of anger or other emotions.

Devour everything, iterate everything, and that's it.


A huge tentacle sprang out from Liu Di's side, containing a hundred secrets of power and pumping towards Liu Di's body.


Liu Di's body flew upside down and hit layers of soil.

Then he rose from the soil.

His shirt was torn, the corners of his eyes were cracked, and blood was pouring from his forehead.

He walked slowly, and when he stood in front of the bottle cap again, the wound had healed. He said, "Brother said I won't hurt you."

But the words passed through Xiaobo Gai's eyes, like Liuli's dream, without any meaning.


Brother Liu was knocked away by the tentacle again.

He stepped forward again and just stood quietly in the wind.

Carmen in the distance saw this scene clearly and was sweating.

He looked at Duan Hua and said, "Your brother Liu is not good at this. He has no power to fight back. If he continues like this, he will be beaten to death sooner or later!"

Duan Hua's expression also changed one after another, "You old guy, stop talking nonsense!"

But in front of Brother Liu, more than a dozen tentacles merged together, covering the sky and the sun.

The next moment, flesh thorns suddenly appeared on the tentacle, and then the material of the flesh thorns changed, with a metallic luster on the surface, turning into sharp metal.


The huge tentacle went straight towards Brother Liu and struck down, and the air seemed to be cut and shattered.

But Brother Liu just looked at him head on, his expression unchanged.

Duan Hua's heart suddenly twitched in the distance, "Why doesn't he hide?"

"He's not afraid of death."

Carmen, who was listening to the side, said solemnly: "And in your huge country, there are many people like this. If one of them dies, another one will come again."

Duan Hua suddenly turned his head, frowned and said: "What the hell are you saying?"


Duan Hua was stunned, and the corners of his eyes twitched violently!

But I saw the edge of the garbage dump.

One person was wearing white linen clothes, with bare feet, looking down at everything with a gloomy expression.

The next moment.

The man in sackcloth took one step forward, and his body turned into a series of shadows, rushing directly in front of Brother Liu. He raised one foot straight up and kicked the huge tentacle with a bang.

The violent force like a whirlpool shattered the tentacles.

He stood still and turned around, expressionless: "Are you stupid? Don't you know how to hide?"

And Liu Di's eyes suddenly burst into light, and he replied: "Isn't it what you want if I die?"

Suddenly, golden light shone behind the man in linen clothes, and a huge clock was formed in the void.

The time is 44 hours and 78 minutes.

The man in linen clothes said slowly: "There are still five minutes until your death, and you must die in my hands."

Liu Di disagreed, but chuckled, "The first sentence you said when you appeared was that your name is Liu Entropy. Entropy of reverse entropy is not entropy increase. The key lies in the word 'reverse'."


Brother Liu slowly raised his head, "Your duty is actually to reverse the destruction."

Under the terrifying monster, the two brothers looked at each other.

The man in linen clothes moved slightly and said slowly: "So what."

"As a time manager, you showed up five minutes early to correct the bottle cap."

As soon as Brother Liu said this, he was knocked away by a huge tentacle with a loud bang.

But he just wiped the blood on his forehead, stood up from the pit, and said to Liu Entropy: "We brothers will cooperate for once. You are responsible for protecting the residents, and I will deal with the bottle caps."

Liu Entropy chuckled, "Look at how you look now, you still want to command me?"

Brother Liu slowly exhaled, "In 5 minutes, you and I will be mortal enemies, and brother is also called brother. Now, let me beg you for once."

Liu Entropy was silent for a moment.

I just feel that Brother Liu in front of me has unshakable persistence in his heart.

“Two requests in one.”

He said something and his body disappeared in vain.

The next moment.

Liu Entropy appeared in front of a residential building in the distance.

To be precise, they appeared in front of several residential buildings at the same time.

There are countless shadows of Liu Entropy, as if his movement speed has reached the extreme, and also as if there are multiple points in time overlapping.

He simultaneously smashed windows one by one, and at the same time lifted out the panicked residents and placed them on the street far away.

The next moment.

A huge guided missile flew in the sky and exploded directly over the garbage dump, instantly burning the surrounding air and creating huge air pressure and high-temperature flames.

But he saw Liu Entropy teleporting over, and his body instantly 'dispersed'. Tens of thousands of Liu Entropy stretched out his hands, condensing and squeezing the power of the ion bomb.

Then these 'Liu Entropy' merged into one and gently extinguished the flames in their hands.

The detonated plasma bomb was extinguished by fingers like a candle under this strange method.


Duan Hua and Carmen were stunned.

Carmen trembled: "Who is that?"

Duan Hua said tremblingly: "His brother."

At this time, the small bottle cap was looking at the 'broken arm' that was kicked to pieces by Liu Entropy.

Tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

[Human characteristics cleared]

The small bottle cap slowly lowered his head, as if he was asleep.

The angel wings behind him suddenly soared hundreds of meters and turned completely black.

The crystals hanging under the sky spores were blown by the wind, making crisp wind chimes, swaying and resounding through the sky.

Countless colorful mushrooms grew on the ground instantly, and the concentration of neurotoxins increased by 300%.

The huge tentacles on the surrounding buildings began to release dissolving enzymes, and the buildings melted like chocolate, and then turned into energy for sders.

The flower buds on the tentacles of the meat tower suddenly bloomed.

Hundreds of crystals were connected into a network, converting huge amounts of solar energy and radiating unmeasurable high temperatures.

Liu Di's body was instantly ignited and covered by raging flames in an instant.

A large area of ​​skin turned into charcoal, and then was blown away by the steaming hot air.

In the flames.

Liu Di's face continued to burn and heal.

He kept smiling and said softly: "Brother said that he would not hurt you."

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