Carmen covered his chest.

He trembled and said, "Duan Hua, you can be a rogue anytime, but not today!"


Carmen waved his hand.

Several strong European soldiers stepped forward and directly controlled Duan Hua.

Duan Hua was already over 60 years old, how could he really fight alone.

He was so angry that he trembled all over.

He caught a glimpse of the weapons carried by these European soldiers.

200-meter range heavy flamethrowers, high-explosive anti-personnel grenades, and even vacuum-thick thermobaric bombs. Once these things explode, they can form huge heat and air pressure within a range of at least 500 meters, instantly vaporizing all life!

Duan Hua's forehead blood vessels have already burst out, "Carmen, you old bastard, what are you going to do!"

Carmen snorted coldly, "Duan Hua, you are just a local war department, you have no right to know!"

Then, he ordered: "Cobra troops listen to my order, and destroy all signs of life in this garbage dump!"

And in the garbage dump.

A protective shield rose out of thin air, covering Gu Fan and Xiao Pinggai.

Gu Fan waved his hand.

The floating debris around him fell to the ground with a thud.

This was from her spiritual power.

But at this moment, Gu Fan looked at the encirclement and suppression troops in the distance, with an unprecedented solemnity between his brows.

She took out her mobile phone and wanted to call Liu Di, but found that the surrounding network signals had been blocked by those European soldiers.

She immediately held Xiao Pinggai's wrist tightly, "It's okay, sister will protect you today."


"Today I will protect sister."

Xiao Pinggai's dirty face exuded a rippling smile.

The next moment.

The ground shook around.

Xiao Pinggai stood up, but she was no longer a child.

Under the red skirt, huge roots broke out of the picture, and her small body rose into the sky. One of the roots wrapped around Gu Fan's waist and put her more than ten meters behind him.

Then the land rolled, and the combined body of sders and the small bottle cap, a huge tumor-like object with roots and stems, and slowly jumping, broke out of the ground.

The diameter was ten meters and the height was ten meters.

The small bottle cap closed his eyes and slightly raised his head.

On his arms and body, white fluff grew out and fluttered in the wind.

Like exquisite silk threads, they slowly gathered behind her and finally formed a blooming angel's wing.

Countless "dandelions" scattered and floated towards the sky.

On her forehead, a stamen appeared. After blooming, a white crystal was revealed. The quantum form sense instantly made her see through everything.

Independent spores emerged from the soil, like transparent jellyfish, dancing lightly and nimbly.

The whistling sound was monotonous and weird, but ethereal and beautiful, like a hymn to heaven.

[25% of human structure left]

Gu Fan stared at everything with his beautiful eyes, looking at everything in disbelief, "small bottle cap"

The next moment

At first, the dozen or so European soldiers who entered the garbage dump fell to the ground without any signs. The nano-level virus protection suits they were wearing were useless.

Boom boom boom!

Independent swallowing organs, like tentacles covered with spikes, broke out from under the soil and grew to more than ten meters.

These tentacles rolled up the armored personnel carrier that drove in, and with a click, they crushed it to pieces!

"My mother!"

"What is this!!!"

Duan Hua, who was far away, looked at this scene in horror, swallowed his saliva, and said to Carmen: "You are high-level, you have the ability, you go, you go!"


Duan Hua turned his head with sweat on his forehead, thinking to himself, these European little garbage, I hope you can hold on for 3 minutes!

Then, he directly dialed the phone signed by 'the god of China'!

Carmen at this time was also trembling in his heart.

He kept stuffing the small porcelain bottle of Chinese special effects into his mouth.

The order from the superior said that there is an artificial intelligence that can evolve here.

He thought it was some kind of mechanical monster that could transform.

Now seeing it, it was simply a fusion of the devil and the angel!

Is this still within the scope of human beings?

He forced himself to calm down and ordered: "Everyone, don't get close, carry out remote destruction!"

The next moment.

The helicopters in the air, weapons were almost emptied, dozens of Stinger missiles, countless large-caliber machine gun bullets, pouring down like rain!

And the ground troops.

They tried their best to throw the high-explosive anti-personnel grenades in their hands, and quickly set up the launch device of the vacuum bomb.


Dozens of flamethrowers were also launched at the same time, and the fire dragon that penetrated a hundred meters instantly covered the entire garbage dump!

And the tentacles of the small bottle cap, under such firepower, continued to break and burn.

Her little face was a little distorted with pain.

Am I going to kill everyone?

[18% of human structure left]

The crystal on the forehead of the small bottle cap gradually turned red, and the last trace of mercy as a human being was rapidly disappearing.

At this moment.

A figure in white fell from the sky.

There was a loud bang.

The man with flashing purple eyes fell beside Duan Hua.

But his purple eyes turned scarlet instantly.

There were constant violent explosions in the garbage dump in front of him, with flames and smoke all over the sky, and almost no trace of its original appearance could be seen.

Not far away, the parasol he gave to Gu Fan had been burned to a skeleton, and it was melting.


Liu Di just asked.

Carmen on the side yelled: "This is an order from the leader of the country, and all the creatures in it must be killed!"





what? "

Brother Liu's facial muscles twitched to the extreme, and he squeezed out a few words through his teeth.

Violent rage covered the sky and blocked the sun.

He just squinted his eyes slightly, and there was another crashing sound in the air.

Countless black matte lights appeared out of thin air, like a storm, chopping up everything, including helicopters in the air, armored vehicles on the ground, all weapon systems, and hundreds of fingers pulling the trigger.

There was a bang.

Liu Di's body rushed into the sea of ​​​​fire.

At the same time, Liu Di's body was like a black hole, and the flames all over the sky were swept up by the vortex and sucked into his body.

In an instant.

A battlefield filled with desolation emerged.

There are dozens of large pits with a depth of more than ten meters, and countless pink tentacles are twisting strangely in them.

The neurotoxins that invaded his body caused pain in his lungs.

The black and white jkrdna is working rapidly to help him heal from the fatal crisis.

Liu Di turned his head slightly and saw Gu Fan behind the huge body, with a frightened look on his face, but he was safe and sound.


Focus on the giant thing in front of you.

The huge squirming meat ball made people's scalp numb, just like an alien species.


On top of this huge monster.

A little girl is connected to it, wearing a beautiful red dress, and holding two red apples in her two slender little hands.

The several-meter-long white wings behind her undulated like water ripples.

There are fairy-like jellyfish flying around.

She frowned, closed her eyes, and the sunlight shone on her young face, like an angel.

Liu Di's right eye was red, slowly extinguished, and turned into a deep purple.

The corners of his mouth were also trembling slightly.

He couldn't believe it, with all kinds of thoughts in his heart, he called softly: "Small bottle cap."

The girl's eyelashes trembled slightly, she slowly opened her eyes, raised her hand, and held the red apple in her hand.

"Brother, is this for me?"

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