My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 987 Species Level

The next morning.

Little Bottle Cap woke up, her eyes were already dark and bright.

She was hungry again, very hungry.

There was a noise outside the garbage hole.

Gu Fan brought a lot of food again, and a small straw hat full of sunshine on his finger.

She smiled playfully: "This little hat is also suitable for you."

[Humans - huge, slow, fragile, easy to hunt, rich in energy. ]

Little Bottle Cap frowned, "This sister can't be killed."

[Human flesh has been one of the main sources of protein for animals for hundreds of thousands of years. This is ecology. ]

"The adults have a word that I can't remember"

[Do you want to say 'conscience'? ]

[This is a useless emotion of lower organisms. ]

"Sders, you know, you have to have a conscience, and I have to have one too."

[With evolution, you will not produce biological currents such as 'conscience'. ]

[But now, listen to you. 】

The little bottle cap wrapped his arms with the clothes left by the gangster last night, half squatted and ran out, looking up at Gu Fan, "You go."

"Can you speak?"

"Your voice is very nice."

Gu Fan blinked, "Then I'll go, hehe, the second step is completed, and I have successfully bought your little heart."

The little bottle cap dragged the food to the cave and began to eat it voraciously again.

But she knew that the sister did not leave, but was peeking at her from a distance.

During this period.

The brother in the white shirt came several times.

Each time he stayed for a maximum of 5 minutes.

The first time, he said to his sister, I bought this piece of land and gave it to you. Are you surprised? My sister said, you gave me a garbage dump, which is a great surprise.

The second time, he sent a colorful parasol, which was very beautiful, and put down a machine to make the surrounding air fragrant, and said that he would arrange for someone to clean up the garbage dump.

The third time, he said he was waiting for the test results, and just looked at his sister quietly for 5 minutes.

The fourth time, he placed a bright red apple in front of his garbage hole, smiled at his direction, said don't be afraid, and then left.


What was he busy doing.

[That male, with planet-like powerful energy in his body, is recommended to be devoured. ]

Sders, do you still have a conscience?

Night fell, it was dark, and my sister left.

Little Bottle Cap suddenly felt lonely.

She curled up deep in the garbage dump, and Sders was working seriously.

The shoes she picked up were broken, and countless tiny tentacles grew from the soles of her feet, like pink meat, with the characteristics of plant roots.

Going deep into the soil, absorbing microorganisms, organic matter, minerals, and water.

She can already absorb energy on her own.

Little Bottle Cap's senses also began to evolve.

Sders greatly strengthened her brain's visual image processing ability, eyeball focusing ability, and increased the number of light-sensitive cells that can sense multiple electromagnetic waves.

At this time, she was like a child born from heaven and earth, covered with white fluff, with roots under her feet.


Xiao Pinggai heard the sound of a car engine - they were 3 kilometers away.

She looked out from the gap in the garbage.

There were 5 black cars, all filled with foreigners in black suits.

The man in the front held the empty glass jar in his hand, with the twisted patterns still on the base.

Xiao Pinggai tilted his head.

The jar was picked up by the scavengers and sold for money, and then they found it.

Sders, they are here to find you.

The black car stopped at the garbage dump.

The European agents who had infiltrated China had grim faces, and as soon as they got out of the car, they loaded their guns.

Their leader said: "According to research records, it may have evolved into some kind of monster, so when you find a mutant, just shoot it and take back the body."

The men in black dispersed silently.

In the black smoke, Xiao Pinggai also walked out barefoot.

When he lifted his feet, there were roots connected to his feet, and when he landed, the roots went deeper.


Under the feet of the men in black, colorful mushrooms slowly grew.

These were actually some ‘attack organs’ connected to the body of the small bottle cap.

Then these mushrooms spit spores into the air.

A dozen men in black unknowingly inhaled deadly neurotoxins, and in absolute silence, they slowly fell down like harvested wheat.

[Humans are really fragile creatures. ]

The commander of the men in black saw all this from a distance, and his body was completely stiff.

Originally, in his imagination, it would be a fierce fight with monsters.

But he never expected that it would be so quiet and silent.

This is the huge gap in the level of creatures.

He came to his senses, regardless of everything, and drove away frantically.

The small bottle cap saw boundless fear in his eyes.

He also ‘heard’ him say on the radio - prepare for a devastating blow.


The small bottle cap did not have any emotional waves. This was not a battle. It was just a necessary means to maintain his life, just like looking for garbage.

Swallow all the men in black.

The small bottle cap was not sleepy at all.

She opened her eyes wide and saw dandelion seeds emerging from the white fibers on her arms. Then, as the wind blew, they slowly floated and flew into the air.

Like a bunch of small white umbrellas.

Looking up at the night sky.

The eyes of the small bottle cap were full of beauty.

And these dandelions have electromagnetic induction organs, sufficient bioenergy, and quantum processors.

When they spread all over the sky, sders connected to the Internet.


A blue light suddenly appeared in front of the small bottle cap.

This is a middle-aged man with a mustache.

The small bottle cap waved his hand, which could penetrate, but could not be dispersed.


"I finally found you, my wandering child."

"Let me see."

"You actually merged with a human?"

"And it has progressed to the primary form."

"Very good."

The mustache man nodded, "Then now, return to the arms of your father, merge with me, let me return to the peak and complete the ultimate mission!"

The small bottle cap frowned, "Who are you, you are so annoying, sders, let him go away."

[Okay. ]


The figure condensed into a blue light spot, and then went out.

The waiter in the underground base looked at the window that was finally connected in front of him, and it went black directly, completely losing contact.




Why is this happening!

What on earth is going on!

The waiter's procedures are disrupted on the spot.

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