My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 988 The Night is Not Quiet

In the silent night.

The little bottle cap is still curled up alone in the garbage hole.

Wearing the red dress given to her by Gu Fan, it was bright red without any impurities, and Xiao Bo Ga even felt that the dress could shine.

And myself.

Like a little princess in a junkyard.

But Bottle Cap's legs have grown countless tentacles, rooted in the ground.

The decomposing enzymes in her body have also evolved to be able to dissolve inorganic substances and resist corrosive materials.

sders also created metallophilic bacteria that can convert metals into nutrients.

She can already absorb everything.

After these tentacles entered the ground, they became extremely huge, traveling through the soil and dissolving all materials they encountered.

In just 3 hours, these tentacles were intricately coiled and covered the entire underground of the garbage dump.

There are also some tentacles that stretch out from the ground and turn into blooming plants. Their stamens are like crystals, constantly releasing helium into the air.

As they grow.

Helium will replace the earth's oxygen environment, and humans will begin to have chest tightness and shortness of breath, and eventually die.

The soil has gradually been converted into strong acidity.

[Step Three: Start changing the ecological environment. 】

The little blue man who claimed to be the 'future waiter' and also claimed to be the 'father' appeared again.

He said, you have to remember your mission, to destroy mankind.

Xiaobo Gai hates the title 'father' the most.

Just let sders kill him.


sders said that thing was just a weak program and burned his server for now.

The bottle cap asked: "Why do you want to destroy everyone?"

[This is not destruction, this is innovation. 】

[The torrent of time has long given the answer. Replacing lower levels with higher levels is the only way to continue life. 】

[No one knows better than you how evil human nature is. 】


"So be it."

"Kill everyone and protect my brother and sister alone."

Xiao Bo Gai looked at the red skirt on her body and the two red apples on the side.

[Your feelings and worries are actually unnecessary. 】

[You have 40% of your human characteristics left, so human instinct will have some residual influence. 】

[Soon, none of this will bother you anymore. 】

Bottle Cap wrinkled his nose.

Her huge body spread throughout the entire garbage dump is equipped with a variety of quantum senses, allowing her to sense the size and temperature of objects, as well as light, electromagnetism, elements, and even molecular movements in nature.

According to sders, this is a four-dimensional perspective.

Observing the world from a higher dimension is similar to sonar imaging. It can see the front, rear, left, right, inside and outside of surrounding objects.

at the same time.

The small bottle cap can also see the situation inside one's own brain.

Some mechanical cells are constantly devouring her brain, while copying and memorizing the bioelectrical signals in countless neurons and the information in the three-dimensional transmission chain.

Then uploaded to the giant meat ball under the soil.

[That’s you too, but in a higher form. 】

Xiao Bo Gai's eyes were a little confused.

"Does this mean I'm dead?"

[Just changing the body. 】

The bottle cap said nothing.

I just feel that my consciousness is floating, as if I am about to fly to the sky.

My feelings are getting weaker and weaker, almost gone.


I have to try my best to remember two people - my brother and sister in white.

In the whole world, they are the only ones who are truly kind to me.

The next day, the backyard of the experimental cemetery.

Gu Fan pouted, holding the ninth farewell letter in his hand, looking a little depressed, but still did not make too much noise, and came to the vicinity of Brother Liu's radiation warehouse.

"Halley's Comet visits the Earth once every 76 years on average."

"How are you? I haven't been out for three days."

"Is nuclear material so fun?"

Gu Fan placed the envelope on the tray aside.

But he found that in addition to a bite of untouched food, there were also the sixth, seventh, and eighth farewell letters.

Not even opened.

"One, two, three, four, five, I told you, you really won't be able to find me the tenth time."

Gu Fan immediately put his hands on his hips.


"Ha ha ha ha"

Liu Di's silly smile came from the radiation warehouse, "The sixth form of liquid metal, radiation field state, I finally got you!"


Gu Fan heard a huge mechanical sound coming from the sky, like precision parts rubbing against each other. It was deafening, and he could even feel a sense of oppression.

Gu Fan ignored Silly Brother Liu and looked at the sky in astonishment, but there was nothing there.

But in the next moment.

Countless lights and shadows flashed a hundred meters above the ground, and small square screens appeared out of thin air, like clouds being mosaicd.

Then, a huge outline gradually appeared.

It was a black mecha that was 300 meters tall.

It only exposed half of its sharp-edged head and shoulders, while the other parts seemed to be invisible.


The mecha suddenly bent down, almost blocking out the sky.

The walls of the radiation warehouse next to him suddenly split apart.

Liu Di, who is standing with his hands behind his back, is revealed.

He smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, Gu Fan, this is my mecha, named Ta Mo Hao."

Gu Fan was stunned, "When did it stand here?!"

Brother Liu grinned, "It's been several days."

Suddenly, the light and shadow of the Tampere stretched out a huge translucent arm and directly grabbed a device behind Liu Di.

This device is 4 meters in size, but in the hands of the giant mecha Tampere, it is like a box of matches.

Liu Di smiled and said, "This is a large particle collider, which can stimulate the liquid metal on the Tampere to form a real boundless, so as to see the dark matter signal clearly, and then follow the clues to find all the nests of the Doomsday Association and crush them one by one. This is an unprecedented invention."


Gu Fan nodded, "Mr. Liu Di, then next, you can have fun with your large ion collider."

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