"Who are you?"

[My name is sders. ]


[I am an intelligent life that evolved from artificial electronic cells. ]


[Your body will be my soil, we merge, we coexist, we evolve. ]


The little bottle cap still shrank back habitually.

This kind of hallucination often occurred when eating poisonous mushrooms before.


But she didn't know that a revolution was happening in her body.

Sders was transforming her body at an astonishing speed. In just 30 seconds, he had taken over her immune system and nervous system.

The capillaries on the belly of the little bottle cap extended at one end and broke at the other end, connecting the cyst on the belly with the pores.

The little bottle cap was surprised to find that layers of yellow sweat beads appeared on his belly.

The belly that was swollen like a basketball shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, the bacteria in her body were slowly devoured.

Skin acne healed.

Bone correction.

The long DNA chain that determines the essence of her life, the original four-base system was abandoned and recompiled, and replaced with a six-base system similar to Sders.

[Step 1: Evolution of the host's carbon-based body. ]

The little bottle cap just felt very hungry.

It seemed that all the strength was taken away by something.

[I need energy. ]

The little bottle cap turned around vigorously, but found nothing, and set his eyes on the plate of food left by Gu Fan.

That sister had left.

So the food was the garbage she left behind.

The little bottle cap rushed out on all fours, pounced in front of the food, and stuffed the bread into his mouth.


Gu Fan hid behind a ruin, covered his mouth and laughed, looking at her with eyes like a crescent moon, "Eat slowly, it's all yours."

The little bottle cap's body stiffened for a moment.

Then he picked up the food, like a frightened kitten, and hid in his garbage hole.

But after a second, she quickly turned back and pulled away the red skirt left by Gu Fan.

Gu Fan smiled and said, "The first step is a successful approach."

The sky darkened.

The little bottle cap hid in her cave, and a large plate of food had been devoured by her.

Looking at the small belly covered with a red skirt, it has become very flat.

The big abscess is gone.

She thought.

Will I become a normal person?

[No, you will become a god. ]


The hallucination is still there, so real.

In the past 4 hours, sders continued to be busy in her body.

In addition to strengthening and improving the original organs, sders is also making some organs that do not belong to humans.

Two rows of blisters suddenly grew on the arms of the little bottle cap, and then burst.

White fibrous tentacles grew from them. It was a highly sensitive optical perception organ, like anemones floating in the ocean.

The little bottle cap looked at these fur balls curiously.

Suddenly, the world around her felt clear, and she could see the flapping wings of flies and the lines on the belly of fireflies.

Then, she was hungry again, especially hungry.

She climbed out of the garbage hole.

It was already dark, and the elder sister had gone home.

But on the ground around her, countless pairs of tiny eyes were running around.

Those were the mice that had once snatched food from her.

The white hair on her arm trembled.

Compress the air and shoot it out like a bullet, bang bang bang, the mice around were knocked unconscious in groups.

In the cave.

The little bottle cap looked at a pile of mice.

I have never eaten this.

[I need energy. ]

The hair trembled and grew longer, injecting dissolving enzymes and flesh-eating bacteria into the mice.

After a while, they were absorbed and only a layer of fur remained.

The little bottle cap fell into a deep sleep.

And the sders, who had gained energy again, was making a lot of muscle fibers for her, and her physical strength was greatly enhanced.

I don't know how long it took.

The little bottle cap was awakened by the noisy footsteps.

It was already dark outside.

But she could see that the gangsters had plaster and bandages on their arms, and they were walking towards her with another group of gangsters, holding sticks and machetes in their hands.

"That little trash bug caused me to have my legs broken!"

"He also said that if I came back, he would break my legs?"

"Now I'm back!"

"Let's see what he can do?"

"Not only am I back, I'm going to have a good time today!"

"After that, I'm going to take that little trash bug away and lock her up in my basement. I'm going to abuse her for the rest of her life!"

A group of hooligans began to rummage through the garbage roughly.

The little bottle cap trembled, and the scenes of being insulted flashed through her mind.

She closed her eyes in pain.

[We are one. 】

"Little trash bug, where are you?"

"Get out of here!"

"Brother brought you something delicious!"

"Fuck, what is that!"

At some point, under the pale moonlight, a little girl in a red dress appeared in front of a group of hooligans.

The hooligans were startled, and then they were stunned.

"Hey, you're wearing a skirt?"

"Is that disgusting big bump on your stomach gone?"

"You're getting more and more beautiful!"

"Brothers, we need to line up later."

The white fibers on the little bottle cap's arm began to twist.

Her voice was hoarse, "You deserve to die."

[I need energy. 】

"Haha, resist."

"The more you resist, the more exciting I am!"

The gangster in plaster laughed obscenely and approached slowly.

He heard a thud, and he felt a sharp pain in his forehead and a dizzy head.

He wiped his forehead blankly, and there was nothing else except blood.


As soon as the voice fell, the gangster suddenly straightened his body, and then the blood vessels all over his body burst out, turning dark purple, his eyes rolled up, and he fell to the ground and died.

2 hours of evolution.

The thorn cells have been generated in those fiber tentacles, and the neurotoxins in them are enough to kill any creature immediately.

"I will kill you."

The little bottle cap's eyes were full of bloodshot, and he slowly raised his arms.

Countless fiber hairs danced in the moonlight.

The remaining gangsters were already scared silly, they shouted monsters, and then ran away desperately.

The thorn cells flew out accurately like darts.

Then the sound of falling to the ground came one after another.

The world suddenly became quiet.

The little bottle cap breathed slowly, and the hatred and humiliation suppressed in his heart for many years were released.

[This is what I should do. ]


More than a dozen humans were melted and decomposed.

The little bottle cap curled up in his cave and fell asleep again.

sders gained huge energy again.

The metabolism rate of the little bottle cap was increased by hundreds of times, and it could quickly convert energy and matter.

The muscles of the little bottle cap also became stronger and more agile, far exceeding that of humans.

In her sleep.

Her back and chest also grew white fiber fluff, like a soft blanket, protecting her.

[Step 2: Transitional life form. ]

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