"This is the peerless beauty named Gu Fan."

"Can you?"

"Would you like to take a walk with this peerless handsome guy named Liu Di?"

The man in the white shirt stretched out his hands very gentlemanly, "After all, there is a garbage dump next to this shabby ruin. Such scenery is hard to come by."


Gu Fan covered his mouth and laughed, "Others go to parks and beaches for walks, what the hell is this."

Liu Di laughed, "We are different and unconventional."


"You are just afraid of wasting time."

Gu Fan said, but also stretched out his jade hand.

Liu Di gently squeezed, and then hugged Gu Fan and jumped down from the second floor. The second before landing, liquid metal gushed out, cutting the gravel on the ground into dust.

Liu Di's ability is enough to be proud of any ecology, but his calm heart is still used in daily life for the first time.

This super new human waved his hand to disperse the mosquitoes and flies flying from the garbage dump next to him.

With an awkward smile, "Let's see who can hold their breath the longest."

"I won't compete with you."

"I miss the peach blossom forest in the brain world."

Gu Fan pouted, but he couldn't hide the smile on his lips as he walked swayingly holding Liu Di's hand.


There was a rustling sound in the garbage dump nearby!

It seemed that some monster was about to come out from the inside. Liu Di frowned instantly and protected Gu Fan behind him.

But he saw a group of strange long hair wriggling in the garbage dump.

The Doomsday Association wants to take Liu Di's life at any time. I'm afraid they have sent some monsters over again? !

Liu Di's eyes flashed with a fierce light, and with one hand, the liquid metal turned into a thin spike and rushed straight to the garbage dump.

But in the next second, the spike stopped suddenly.

The figure in the garbage dump has already poked its head out, and it is a disheveled little girl.

She was in tattered clothes, covered with oil stains, and surrounded by countless flies. She was about eleven or twelve years old, holding half a piece of moldy bread with maggots crawling in her hand.

The sharp spikes of the liquid metal were only 2 centimeters away from her forehead.

Her eyes were full of fear.

Liu Di was stunned and immediately took back the liquid metal, "Where did this child come from? So pitiful!"

Gu Fan was also extremely heartbroken for a moment.

But Liu Di didn't care about the dirt and stench, took a few steps forward, pushed aside the mountain of garbage, and reached out to hug the girl out.

But the girl was even more terrified, screaming incoherent words, and her body kept shrinking into the garbage.

Gu Fan stepped forward and held Liu Di's arm, "She must have been wandering for a long time and is full of fear of strangers."

Liu Di frowned.

The girl looked so miserable.

Slowly took out a bright red apple from his pocket, which was the one Gu Fan pressed on the farewell letter.

Liu Di handed over the apple and said as calmly as possible: "Little sister, I am a good person, I will give you an apple."

The girl screamed, and it was impossible to tell whether it was human language.

But her eyes were fixed on the red apple, and she secretly swallowed her saliva.

Liu Di frowned, "What on earth has this child experienced?"

Facial recognition was activated instantly, but no information about the child was found.

Gu Fan's body suddenly radiated a holy light, as if there was an invisible warmth spreading into the air.

She slowly stepped forward and stretched out her hand to touch the girl's messy hair, "Little sister, sister wants to help you"

The girl's eyes showed a trace of confusion, but when Gu Fan's fingers were about to touch her hair, she suddenly screamed and stretched out her hand to hold Gu Fan's wrist.

The sharp nails slid inch by inch, leaving 5 blood marks on Gu Fan's arm.

But Gu Fan stopped Liu Di's action and continued to smile: "Don't be afraid"

The little girl's mood suddenly stabilized.

The strength in her hand was reduced, and she no longer scratched Gu Fan's skin.

But the next second, she looked at Liu Di fiercely again, and then bit Liu Di's wrist, but it was like biting steel.

The man in white just smiled kindly.

A trace of confusion flashed in the little girl's eyes again, and then she snatched the apple from Liu Di's hand, almost on all fours, ran to another garbage dump in the distance, and then like a groundhog, dug through the layers of garbage and hid in it.

Liu Di tore off a piece of the cleanest white shirt, slowly hugged Gu Fan's wound, looked at the garbage dump in the distance, and hesitated: "This child"

Before Liu Di could answer, he heard laughter from afar.

"Let me see, where is my little toy hiding today?"

"Little bottle cap, come out!"

"Let the brothers have fun!"

I saw a few little ruffians with dyed yellow hair, leisurely appearing in the ruins.

Liu Di slowly turned his head, "Her name is Little Bottle Cap? And you guys often come here to bully her?"

The little hooligans looked at this dirty man and were slightly stunned, "Who else would come to such a place?"

"Yes, I'm here to find that little garbage bug!"

"We come to play games with her, haha!"

"Don't mind your business!"

"Be careful of getting beaten!"


"That girl is pretty?"

"Hehe, brothers, how about..."

Liu Di teleported, grabbed one of them by the collar, and threw him ten meters away.

With a loud bang, he fell into the garbage dump in the distance.

The remaining little hooligans hadn't reacted yet, and their expressions were a little stupid.



Liu Di threw them into the garbage dump one by one, like throwing garbage!

He then said in a low voice: "If you want to bully this child again, I will break your legs!"

Several little hooligans crawled out of the garbage dump, with all kinds of garbage on their heads.

With extremely terrified eyes, they limped and crawled away.

And in the garbage dump in the distance.

The girl named Xiao Pinggai stared with flashing eyes and watched everything quietly.

Liu Di turned around and looked towards the garbage dump, "I can't watch this child go down like this. I have an elder who took in many such children."

Gu Fan's beautiful eyes flashed, "It will probably be a very time-consuming task to make Xiao Pinggai give up his hostility. Can you leave this matter to me?"

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