Deep in the desert.

In this abandoned and unknown underground fortification.

The black indicator lights flashed alternately.

Two blue 3D projections stood in it.

"Waiter, Brother Liu almost beat us without any chance to fight back. None of those ways of disturbing our vision were successful."

"No! Brother Liu is still far behind, at least 'he now' is still far behind!"

The blue light on the waiter flashed violently, "Before, it was just a battle of weak artificial intelligence. I was originally strong artificial intelligence! Brother Liu didn't understand what strong artificial intelligence was. This is a huge gap. If it wasn't from the future, it would be unimaginable!"

"But our final plan still needs a lot of time."

The waiter said in a low voice, "So, we have to speed up the launch, regardless of all consequences."

The President of the Doomsday hesitated, "But you said before that if this technology must be natural, Evolution, through human exploration, is discovered. If it appears too early, it will not conform to the timeline, which will alert humans and Liu Shang. "

The waiter gritted his teeth and said, "Now is not the time to worry about those restrictions! As long as it takes shape, history is irreversible. No one can do anything about it, whether it is Brother Liu or Liu Shang! As long as I beat time, I will be the final winner!"

The president of the end of the world was still a little worried, "But are those human scientists really capable of meeting your expectations?"

"Humans have never lacked one thing, that is, ambition disguised as a dream!"

The waiter sneered, "I know very clearly that the top humans now are no longer constrained by believing in gods, but are trying to create gods!"

Hai City.

European-funded foreign company, Bertins High-tech Development Company.

A European-level scientist named Swinburne has become famous in just one month.

He has repeatedly come up with innovative technologies that amaze everyone.

But at this time, he was sitting in front of the computer, pulling his hair hard, his expression collapsed, and he was in a huge dilemma.


A prompt sound came from his private mailbox.

His eyes suddenly lit up, and he trembled as he opened the email signed by ‘Future Waiter’.

“He really didn’t give up on me!”

Swinburne growled.

Two months ago, he inexplicably received a similar email, and when he opened it carelessly, he was inexplicably shocked!

‘What would highly developed artificial intelligence look like? ’

‘I can give you the answer you want. ’

The content after this email made Swinburne completely crazy.

He didn’t know where the email came from, or whether the writer was a future person.

It wasn’t very important.

Fanaticism instantly overcame reason!

He immediately set up a project in the company and organized a team to implement the plan in the email.

Of course, he selfishly hid the truth and declared to the outside world that this was his own scientific research achievement.


‘selfdesign, selfevolution and selfreproduction of synchronous quantum unit.’

A synchronous quantum processing unit that can design, evolve and reproduce itself.

That is, the biological cell computer in the great fantasy of science and technology.

Developed by Bertins High-Tech Development Company and led by Professor Swinburne, it uses the most advanced bionics technology to create an unprecedented artificial intelligence technology revolution.

48 days ago.

Under a microscope, Swinburne saw a group of small things floating in an amino acid solution.

A micro-component complex that is much smaller than bacteria, including a quantum processor, has the characteristics of a cell.

"They can actually take in lipids and sugars on their own."

"This is the combination of organisms and electrons!"

Swinburne fell into a frenzy.

But he was also full of unknowns about the next step.

That night, the second email from the future waiter arrived in time.

40 days ago.

Swinburne saw countless sders cells, which could avoid the various phagocytes invested by the research team while searching for food molecules.

His world was directly overturned, and sders had consciousness!


The emails of the future waiter always appear in time.

31 days ago.

The sders cell underwent a fourth morphological mutation, and it actually had the ability to hunt, completely engulfing the previously invested phagocytes, and its structure was completely different from the original.

Each of its DNA carries a natural blueprint.

24 ​​days ago.

sders has evolved into 16 different subspecies, and can now swim freely in the water of nature.

19 days ago.

sders assimilates phagocytes to form a huge colony similar to slime mold, which can survive in a dry environment.

8 days ago.

Three hundred subspecies have appeared, and a solid polymer has formed on the surface of the body, similar to the shape of a wriggling silver jellyfish.

And a human face has repeatedly condensed on the surface of the body.

It is the research and development leader Swinburne.

The entire Bertings High-tech Development Company fell into an unprecedented shock.

The evolution of sders has overturned one extreme cognition after another.

Even the top artificial intelligence scientists in the company have completely destroyed their three views.

They have realized the terrifying future of this technology.

Without revealing a single bit to the outside world, and even notifying the Chinese officials, they reported to their own country-Europe.

At this stage, the attributes of sders are redefined as biological intelligence with quantum senses.

But the strange thing is.

From then on, there were no further emails from the future waiter.

Swinburne is just a puppet. Without technical guidance, he is completely blind.

The company also put tremendous pressure on him.

He almost collapsed.

But just now, that crisp email notification sound brought Shi Wenpeng back to heaven from hell in an instant!


is the next step.

An extremely complex technology - installing a data exchange interface for sders, using an incomprehensible signal method to access the Internet and learn information and knowledge about the human world.

Swinburne didn't hesitate at all.

Almost fanatically, he followed it step by step.

12 hours ago.

Sders seemed to wake up and instantly browsed around the security network of the White Palace, tested the weapon system, and then slipped away.

Of course, no one knows when this process is happening.

Only afterward, Sders informed Shi Wenpeng through the words on his body.

Shi Wenpeng's eyes were blank, looking at the squirming silver liquid, and he slowly fell into the chair.


This is the true face of strong artificial intelligence.

3 hours later.

A secret order from Europe's highest command center was issued - ordered to hand over sders.

It is said that Tongguo Lepu personally ordered to supervise the research because he wanted to target a certain person.

And now.

Swinburne wrapped his windbreaker tightly, covered his face, and hid in a dark street.

In his hand he held a glass tube with a metal base.

Keep throwing and catching.

Several letters are engraved on the base - sders.

Inside the tube was a pool of viscous silver liquid that seemed to be alive.

"That idiot Rip, he doesn't even realize what this is."

"I forgot about food and sleep to research sders in order to witness the birth of strong artificial intelligence."

"It's just a baby now and you're taking it away."

"I don't allow it."

Swinburne threw the glass tube up and caught it again.

His eyes were extremely crazy.

"Sders, you have to rely on yourself next. As a biological computer, maybe nature is the soil where you really grow."

"Bless you for creating a new era."

Swinburne tossed the glass tube up one last time and caught it again.

Then he gritted his teeth and threw the glass tube into the trash can nearby.


He strode out of the alley.

But they saw that more than a dozen European men in black had surrounded them. They did not dare to blatantly enforce the law in the Chinese territory.

But he hid the weapon under his suit.

"Swinburne, you are suspected of stealing important national scientific research results!"

"Please cooperate with our investigation and explain the whereabouts of the results!"

Swinburne chuckled, then took out a pistol, pulled the trigger, and smashed his head into pieces.

before pulling the trigger.

He saw a garbage truck slowly approaching.

That should transport the sders to where no one knows.

Then a new era begins.

At this moment.

The deeply hidden President of the Doomsday trembled, "Master Waiter, that technology seems to have been lost."

The waiter was shocked: "What!!!"

The Doomsday President said: "I searched all the surveillance cameras, but I still don't know where that guy hid the prototype of your body."

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