My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 982: Focusing on Invention


"There is no perfection."

Brother Liu looked at the mountains piled up in front of him, layer by layer, with hundreds of servers flashing black lights.

Duan Hua's eyes were full of confusion, "You said, there is a world in these things?"


Brother Liu sighed, "Let the world sleep here."

This is an underground base of the Chinese military.

Brother Liu was worried and spent two days witnessing Moore putting together szfuture's servers around the world.

The founder of sz died unexpectedly, the core technology failed inexplicably, and the property was acquired by witnesses and then closed.

Brother Liu felt a little depressed and turned to leave.

In front of these servers, a black cross was inserted into the ground, shining with faint purple light, like a tombstone.

The Tomb of Science and Technology is a bit tragic.

Return to the Experimental Cemetery.

But I saw that the huge space became orderly and spotless.

Even the robots that usually roamed the floor were neatly placed on the shelves, as if they were queuing up. When Brother Liu came back, he looked so cute that he couldn't get off the ground.

The space belonging to Little Brother Liu has also been tidied up in an orderly manner, and even the dirty clothes have been washed and folded.

"It's Gu Fan."

Brother Liu smiled and came to the workbench, only to see a delicate envelope with beautiful fonts on the top - a farewell letter.

‘Brother Liu, I’m leaving. ’

Brother Liu held the letter in his hand and pondered slightly.

A surveillance screen appeared in the camera angle, and Gu Fan was hiding in the corner of the experimental cemetery and snickering.

The man in the white shirt tilted his head, "Are you hungry?"

Gu Fan pouted and walked out, "Why didn't you ask me why I wrote the letter?"

Brother Liu scratched his head and said apologetically: "I have ignored you during this period of time."

"I do not blame you."

“With great power comes great responsibility.”

Gu Fan put his hands behind his back and said, "As for takeout, I still want to drink porridge."


Brother Liu smiled knowingly and then looked towards the door.

Dang Dang Dang.

There was a knock on the door.

Gu Fan was stunned, "So fast?"

Liu Di pursed his lips and said, "This is my share."

The two men stepped forward and opened the door, only to see two teams of people standing outside the door, both wearing top-notch radiation protection suits and holding several metal boxes in their hands.

There are also armed guards in the distance.

A young man with a Chinese face said: "Mr. Liu, this is the plutonium and polonium-210 I prepared for you according to Mr. Song's arrangement, totaling 160 kilograms."

Another Westerner said: "Mr. Liu, under the authority of Lei Pu, I have sent you uranium and astatine-213, which are one of the top ten radioactive substances, totaling 120 kilograms."

Brother Liu nodded and smiled, "Come with me and put it in the backyard."

On the road.

The young Chinese man asked in confusion: "Mr. Liu, what are you trying to do by gathering so much radioactive material?"

Brother Liu said calmly: "Make an invention."

The young man frowned slightly, "With all due respect, this kind of radiation dose is difficult to control without professional research equipment and a professional team."

As he spoke, he scanned his surroundings, "And it seems that your place is also a place of residence. If an ordinary person is exposed, it can cause internal organ failure within 10 minutes and lead to rapid death."

"Don't worry, leaks are impossible."

Liu Di said, pointing to a diamond-shaped metal warehouse in the open space.

The escort was stunned for a moment.

This device looks quite high-end.

Seven or eight sophisticated radiation-proof suitcases were placed into the cabin.

However, Brother Liu moved his muscles and pushed the door directly in. The cabin door locked automatically.

The escort was shocked, "Mr. Liu, you haven't put on protective clothing yet!"

Liu Di seemed to have concentrated on it. He used his arms to smash a suitcase into pieces, took out the highly enriched uranium and put it in front of his eyes to observe carefully.

The hearts of several escorts twitched violently.

Who is this person?

One of the most terrifying radioactive substances, hold it directly in your hands and play with it?

At this moment, Brother Liu suddenly thought of something, turned around and looked at the people through the glass window, and said, "Oh, yes, thank you, I won't give it away."

next moment.

Black flowing metal emerged from the ground, protecting the entire diamond-shaped warehouse within it.

Everyone was shocked again.


The liquid metal opened another window, and Liu Di grinned in it and said: "Sorry Gu Fan, I can't let the Doomsday Association do whatever it wants. Time is running out, so you have to eat porridge first."

Gu Fan sighed slightly.

Just one day.

During this period, Brother Liu came out several times to rest for a while and relax his muscles.

You can always see neatly arranged bread and milk on one side, or a clean, red apple.


Brother Liu took a bite of the apple, looked in the direction of the experimental cemetery, and said with a smile: "Thank you for your support."

Another day.

It was probably the fifth time that Brother Liu showed up, but he saw another farewell letter on the tray beside him.

‘Brother Liu, I’m leaving. ’

Brother Liu frowned and flipped the paper, only to see it written on the next page: 'Because you are so busy, I came back by myself. ’

Brother Liu shook his head and smiled.

When I kill the Doomsday Association, I will definitely accompany you well.

Another day.

Brother Liu walked out of the diamond-shaped warehouse again.

Then I saw a farewell letter pressed under the red apples on the tray.

‘Brother Liu, you can’t find me this time. ’

Liu Di pursed his lips, and the devil boy launched a global search.

But he saw Gu Fan sitting on a ruins that had just been demolished 5 kilometers away, hugging his legs and feeling very lonely.

Brother Liu sighed.

Let's rest for 45 minutes and 12 seconds, just in time to wait for the conclusion of the liquid metal nuclear reaction.

Immediately, it rose from the ground.

On top of the ruins, Brother Liu bravely marched forward in the sky, and the sound of breaking through the sky was loud and powerful.

But when it hit the ground, it was as light as a feather, without a trace of dust splashing.

This is a half-story pavilion with half of it ripped off.

You can have a panoramic view of the entire ruins.

Gu Fan didn't look back and pouted: "One, two, three, four, five, by the tenth time, you really won't be able to find me."



Brother Liu put his hands behind his back and said, "I can always find you."

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