My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 588 The Four Symbols of Mohism

"Huaxia doesn't know that my fleet has landed."

"But even if they know, and they send a fleet over, my torpedo submarines will guard the bay and sink them all!"

"This is the so-called preemptive strike, occupying the terrain advantage!"

Hawkeye sneered, "It's a pity that due to the exercise, the range of ship-borne missiles has been reduced, but it doesn't have much impact!"

"If my fleet approaches the coast by another 5 nautical miles, the missiles will pour into the entire Huaxia headquarters. The cruiser has a full 2,000 missiles. There is no need for precise positioning, and it can be attacked indiscriminately!"

"Even if it is smashed, it will smash the Huaxia headquarters to the ground!"

General Norman frowned slightly.

A young general like Hawkeye is really fierce!

But his technology is also unquestionable!

The types of war are ever-changing, but the core is nothing more than two types, that is, 'soft kill' and 'hard destruction'!

This Admiral Hawkeye first used the elusive network technology to cause 'soft kill'.

The purpose is to assist the missile fleet and complete the 'hard destruction'!

Admiral Norman's eyes flashed with a trace of loneliness.

Those satellite detection technologies that cost hundreds of billions and were extremely complex were actually no match for these juniors who just tapped a few times on the computer!

And China is too backward after all.

The monitoring system was tampered with, but they didn't even know it.

His defeat was already decided!

However, on China's side.

Liu Di certainly knew that the system was hacked, but he didn't say anything.

Mo Jiuli also only knew that the system was hacked, but he didn't say anything!

In short, only Admiral Hawkeye felt good about himself.

"Liu Shizi is waiting for us to take action again."

Mo Jiuli sighed slightly, "Then let's learn from Liu Shizi's methods and make these European fleets go without return."

Mo Jiuli stared at the cloudless sky.

After a moment of silence, he said calmly: "Release a kite."

A Mo family member bowed and said: "Release a few elephants?"

Mo Jiuli immediately replied: "Four elephants."


The ancient Chinese name for kites.

The bamboo skeleton is covered with a thin layer of tough paper.

Draw colorful pictures, such as swallows and eagles.

Then tie a piece of hemp rope. In the breezy season, you can fly into the sky and become a landscape as soon as you let go.

In Liu Di's command room, everyone was full of food and wine.

Han Licheng never expected that in such a major exercise, there would be a terrible feeling of boredom.


Han Licheng frowned, sat up, and looked at the venue outside the window.

"The commander guessed right, the Mo family really took action!"

The huge secret door in the center of the venue opened again!

The equipment that appeared this time made Han Licheng's heart flutter!

It was a sphere with a diameter of 30 meters, but it was not solid. On its surface, there were densely packed spiral wings!

360 degrees of orientation, different angles, and the speed of each spiral wing was different.

With a numbing vibration sound.

The huge sphere just floated in the air!

Han Licheng has also seen countless technological equipment, and he couldn't help but marvel at this time!

"My God, with so many fixed wind wings, how stable this thing must be!"

However, this is just the beginning!

Then three underground gates opened, and three more aircraft that have never been seen or heard of drove out!

One looks like a pagoda, more than ten meters high.

One is like a "worker" character across the sky, stable and stable!

Another one looks like a lying lightning pattern, with sharp edges and corners, giving people a sharp feeling.

Without exception.

These four aircraft are all huge, with propellers all over the fuselage, which can not only make it fly at high speed, but also make it have super stability!

Liu Di's eyes instantly appeared with analytical data, and he nodded: "It's still unmanned."

Han Licheng's eyes were full of shock, "What kind of weapon is this Mo family, what are they going to do?"

Liu Di shook his head slowly, "These things, it's a bit of a waste to call them weapons, it's more appropriate to call them gods!"

In a flash.

The four Mohist aircraft accelerated instantly, rushed into the clouds, and crossed hundreds of kilometers.

Then they stopped a thousand meters above the European fleet, lined up in a row!

From a distance, it looked like four weapons of the gods in the sky were suspended!

Lei Pu in the observation center was stunned, "Mr. Song, what is this?"

Mr. Song shrugged slightly with a smile on his face, "These are all small inventions developed by the younger generation, I don't understand it either."

Of course.

These four huge aircraft naturally cannot be hidden from the shipborne radar of the European fleet.

Hawkeye in the command center laughed, "What's the use of making some strange shapes? I have been prepared for it. Prepare sea-to-air missiles, shoot them down for me!"

He gave an order.

The shipborne missile launch platform quickly locked the target and rotated accurately, revealing the missile bodies flashing with cold light!

Countdown ten seconds to prepare for ignition and launch!

But Mo Jiuli was not afraid, and said calmly: "Wind sign."

At the same time

Among the four aircraft in the sky, the spherical aircraft stepped out and flew forward hundreds of meters in an instant!

Its surface spiral wings opened into two gaps, and two huge cannon barrels extended from the left and right!



A cannon barrel emitted a powerful heat flow like a red substance, which exploded 10 kilometers away.

Another cannon barrel emitted a stream of blue cold air, which exploded ten kilometers away on the other side!

But this time, a strange effect was produced.

Two explosion points 20 kilometers apart, one with high temperature and the other with low temperature, caused the hot air to rise and the low-temperature cold air to flow horizontally!

Then, a gust of wind was formed!

Then, the spiral wings all over the spherical aircraft began to operate, generating a strong airflow, controlling the wind and making it rotate rapidly!

At this time.

Mo Jiuli said calmly again: "Cloud Elephant."

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