My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 589 Artificial Weather

The next moment.

The I-shaped aircraft started.

The surface temperature of the aircraft body dropped rapidly, and it turned into a huge cooling rod!

The water vapor on the sea surface quickly condensed into small water droplets, and the density increased, forming clouds in an instant!

Coupled with the whirlwind caused by the previous "Wind Direction", in an instant, a cumulonimbus cloud rotating like a vortex appeared in the sky!

The sea of ​​clouds was thick, and the figures of the four aircraft were instantly hidden!

The refraction of water droplets interfered with the laser positioning system of the European country to a certain extent. Coupled with the loss of the naked eye's vision, the missiles were completely unable to locate the aircraft of the Mo family!

The European shipborne forces were dumbfounded!

The sky suddenly scattered with drizzling rain!

Mo Jiuli smiled lightly: "Thunder Elephant."

The aircraft with a pagoda shape was flashing with electric light!

The air was instantly pierced by a huge voltage, generating electric sparks.

The temperature of the nearby air reached 15,000-20,000 degrees in an instant, and it expanded rapidly!

Then, it cooled rapidly again, and the air quickly contracted. In a short period of a few thousandths of a second, the air produced a powerful shock wave that spread in all directions.

This formed the rolling thunder in people's ears!

Mo Jiuli's eyes flashed, and he ordered: "The electric elephant will take action."

For a while.

The cyclone cumulonimbus clouds in the sky, like a huge funnel, accumulated more and more positive and negative charges, and the color became darker and darker!

The lightning-shaped aircraft fuselage flashed with electricity, but it was different from the pagoda. It was not discharging electricity, but acting as a guide!

It released positive charges, which attracted each other with the negative charges in the dark clouds, and then with its guiding appearance, it pointed to the European cruiser from a thousand meters high!


There was a tearing sound in the sky, and under the already dark sky, a branching and staggered power grid suddenly appeared!

Then a thick lightning streaked across the sky, as if splitting the sky and the earth, and blasted straight to the water surface!


The thick lightning sank into the sea, causing a huge explosion, like a divine punishment!

In the wind and rain, lightning and thunder!




Huge lightning kept falling from the sky, like a dazzling iron chain connecting the sky and the earth!

The sea surface exploded, deafening, dark and dark, comparable to the end of the world!

The European fleet was completely stagnant!

Only Mo Jiuli's grand voice came from the sky, "Surrender, no killing."

At this time, Han Licheng, who was standing behind Liu Di, was stunned, "What a powerful storm! What a powerful Mo family!"


Another lightning with branches covering half the sky struck down and hit the water near the European fleet.

The whole bay was suddenly turbulent!

Even the huge cruiser was shaking violently, as if it was experiencing a level 12 storm!

Lei Pu, who was in the observation center, was instantly pale and stiff!

"Song, you China"

"This is a meteorological weapon!"

"You actually developed a meteorological weapon!"

"This is an unfair exercise!"

"You hid it too deeply!"

"What else can you create, earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes???"

Leip was incoherent!

Mr. Song spread his hands slightly, "I said, these are all inventions of the younger generation, I don't know anything!"


Leip's fingers trembled, "How could you not understand!"

Mr. Song smiled slightly, "Don't think I don't know, your country is not idle either, isn't it researching some mecha? Where is your mecha?"


Leip seemed to be strangled by the throat. His Pluto was taken a look by Liu Di. After the pilot was ejected, he was towed back for upgrading. Until now, no problem has been found!

But on the battlefield.

The European fleet came back to its senses from its sluggishness.

This thing can't be resisted at all!


Relying on the control of the exercise, they fully demonstrated the shameless spirit. The entire fleet drove at full speed and headed for the open sea!

Anyway, China can't really kill people!


Mr. Song looked at the battle situation and was slightly stunned, "Shameless, why don't you surrender?"

Rip was already throwing a tantrum at this time, "It's all the juniors' idea, I can't do anything about it!"

Mr. Song, who has always been calm, flushed instantly.

And Mo Jiuli in the command center also sighed with his hands behind his back, and he couldn't do anything about the situation in front of him.

He just slowly uttered a sentence, "European morality is worrying."


There was a knock on the door.

Brother Liu strolled in and pushed the door, "Brother Jiuli, your skill of catching dolls needs to be improved."

Mo Jiuli smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Brother Liu said again: "I do have a way to prevent the European fleet from going anywhere, do you want to listen?"


Mo Jiuli showed his desire to learn, and bowed slightly, "I'm all ears."

"You are using the weather weapon incorrectly."

Brother Liu slowly came to the front of the battle map, stretched out his hand and nodded, "Move your big kite here, and then..."

Brother Liu finished explaining.

Mo Jiuli was amazed, "Great!"

On the battlefield, four aircraft suddenly rushed out of the clouds and headed straight for the distant sea!

Their current formation has become a square with a side length of 30 kilometers, and each machine occupies a corner!

The wind sign started first.

The high-heat gun barrels continuously bombarded the water surface, and the sea water evaporated in large quantities, and the sea surface was covered with mist!

Then came the rain sign, which continuously lowered the temperature of the sea water, causing a large amount of sea water to condense into ice and sink continuously!

The thunder elephant and the electric elephant are on two diagonals.

They continuously release positive and negative charges, making the seawater at both ends electromagnetic and generating gravity!

When the four elephants are combined together, an amazing phenomenon occurs!

On one diagonal, the seawater either evaporates or sinks, constantly disappearing, creating a pressure difference, causing the surrounding seawater to surge!

On the other diagonal, the positive and negative charges attract, and the seawater is turbulent!


The seawater actually began to rotate slightly in a clockwise direction!

The Mohist family was overwhelmed at this time, and they never expected that their four elephants could be used in this way!

Han Licheng was stunned!

Mr. Song at the observation center, as well as Lei Pu and his group, were also stunned!

Because, in a flash, a huge vortex was generated in that 30-kilometer sea area!

And it was spinning faster and faster!

The Mohist family's four elephants began to move, constantly adding power to the vortex!

The vortex became larger and larger, affecting the trend of the surrounding seawater!

A huge water hole has appeared in the center of the vortex!

"This method is too clever!"

"Their target is the European fleet!"

An old Chinese general suddenly exclaimed, his face shocked!

As expected!

The European fleet in Ningyawan was in trouble instantly!

Because the range of the weapons is limited, they can only desperately approach the coast if they want to attack the Chinese headquarters.

The final shooting position is already in extremely shallow waters!

As long as they go 3 kilometers deeper, these 200,000-level cruisers will run aground!

But now, the vortex created by the Mohist Four Symbols at the mouth of the bay helped them!

Although the vortex cannot shake the entire sea, it can interfere with Yaning Bay, a bay surrounded by land on three sides!

In a flash.

The huge sea vortex sucked seawater from Yaning Bay, causing the water level of the entire Ningyawan to drop by dozens of meters, just like a low tide!

And those European fleets that did not have time to escape.

Witnessed the most devastating moment in history. In just ten minutes, the reef hit the bottom and the warship ran aground!

The turbines were spinning wildly, and the place was trembling!

And those hidden torpedo submarines were originally light boats, good at flexibility and light in size!

In addition, the place where they were ambushed was originally a shallow sea area.

The waves in Yaning Bay were surging, blowing them with the waves, and they were stuck in the reefs on the seabed and couldn't find a way out.

And as the sea level dropped, the torpedo submarines were like dead fish.

The submarine soldiers looked at the bright sun in the sky through the periscope.

What happened?

Why did I show it?

So embarrassing!

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