Brother Liu smiled softly.

Coincidentally, I once hacked into Rep's White Palace and browsed 40% of European national secrets.

It contains b2 design drawings!

And what the engineer of the 6th Chinese Air Force Corps named Qin Chang said was exactly the same as the truth!

He just relied on his eyes and his professional knowledge to figure out the core structure of b2!


"Comrade Commander, once I step on this plane, I will violate at least 15 international laws."

Pilot Qin Chang still maintained his military posture, not squinting.

Brother Liu didn't say much, he just asked with a smile, "Are you going to go or not?"


Pilot Qin Chang's eyes shone, "To tell you the truth, my purpose of joining the soldier is to study and understand the technology of European countrymen, and then"

Brother Liu narrowed his eyes, "Then what?"

Qin Chang hesitated for a moment, then suddenly raised his head, "Then pass them!"

The Chinese pilots all around were stunned!

He was instantly infected by this momentum, and looked at Qin Guang with awe in his eyes.

A pilot hesitated and said: "Pilot Qin, even if you know the theory, there is still a high probability of a crash in this first practical operation."

Qin Guang's eyes were stern, "Don't worry, I will definitely send the operation data back to the base one second before the crash!"

When everyone heard this, their hair stood on end.

Thumbs up silently, bloody!

"It's because of people like you!"

Brother Liu was seen frowning and his face was heavy.

Everyone was stunned. The commander felt that we had gone too far and was angry?

Liu Di's eyes suddenly brightened and he said in a low voice: "Only in this way can China become an Eastern power that cannot be ignored in 50 years when its initial technology lagged behind the world at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China!"

Brother Liu's words made everyone's hearts boil for a moment!

Among the crowd, an unprecedented sense of pride suddenly spread along with the momentum!

Brother Liu patted pilot Qin Chang hard on the shoulder.

"Go and do it with confidence!"

"My brother Liu is not just a commander. Not only can I keep you safe, but I can also keep you on your way to success!"

But he saw Qin Guang looking forward, with red circles under his eyes.

He himself didn't know why.

"Pilot Qin, don't be stunned. The commander letting us fly B2 will definitely be useful!"

"Yes, let's hurry up!"

"I'll be your co-pilot. If I die, I'll die. It's no big deal!"

"I can too!"

All the Chinese pilots looked excited and had high morale!

As for the group of European pilots who were still tied up in the distance, their brains were in chaos!

This is too sudden!

It was originally a bombing mission, but the other party didn't play according to the routine. Now, if you can't steal the chicken, you will lose the rice, and your technology has to be snatched away!

After the exercise, the commander had to skin himself!

At this time, Han Licheng shouted, "Logistics department, take good care of these international friends with good food and drinks, and let them go when the exercise ends!"

When Liu Di returned to the command center again.

The eyes of the top technical soldiers looking at him changed.

This airborne commander is the most special person they have ever seen in their military careers!

He doesn't follow the rules and has all kinds of strange ideas.

There seems to be no routine, but in fact, the 500 kilometers of road in front of him are all his routine!

"If we look at military technology alone, we may be weaker than European countries."

"It is precisely because of this that being flexible, finding new ways, and making good use of unconventional means are the keys to our victory!"

After Brother Liu finished speaking, he stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back.

More than 20 CNC pioneers were suddenly enlightened and excited.

Han Licheng straightened his body and said: "Commander, we understand what you mean. I will not have any objection to your plan. Please give the order!"

Brother Liu smiled slowly, "Eat and take a lunch break."

Han Licheng's body swayed.

Commander Liu caught him off guard again.

But if you agree not to refute, then you won’t refute!

Turn around and serve Brother Liu food!

At this time, the battlefield was relatively quiet.

After the European country attempted an air strike, it fell into silence.

The Mohist style of conduct has always been cautious, and I will not move until the enemy does not move.

The Jianmen Pass, which was a battleground for military strategists, was now quiet and empty!

The senior officials of the two countries at the observation center also waited quietly.

After all, it is normal for a military exercise of this scale to last two or three days!

In the command base of the European camp.

Admiral Ruoman looked gloomy.

He didn't even dare to guess why his plane disappeared.

Because in this case, the possibility of being captured is very small, and the biggest possibility is that the fleet crashes!

But no wreckage could be found!

He seriously doubted himself and even became a little autistic.

But he saw General Hawkeye slowly walking forward and patting Norman on the shoulder, "Old General, don't be too sad. At least your fleet has successfully attracted China's firepower."


Norman looked at Hawkeye who was laughing lowly, feeling angry and having nowhere to vent his anger.

Because he knew that Hawkeye had not been idle in the past 40 minutes!

Without saying a word, this guy led his Hawkeye Cyber ​​Force to hack into China's command system!

He made no attack.

Instead, some traces were quietly erased.

He has hijacked all the equipment that can display the status of the scene, including China's radar and satellite imaging.

Just to wipe out the small area in the northern sea area!

At the beginning of the exercise, the naval forces of both sides were docked at both ends 500 nautical miles away from the battlefield.

If you want to participate in the war, you need to travel 500 nautical miles to the coast!

Unexpectedly, the Chinese Navy has not made any movement so far.

But the European fleet set sail directly 20 minutes after the war started!

Not only did no encounter occur at sea, but the trajectory of the action was completely hidden by the Hawkeye network force.

At this time.

On the north side of the battlefield, in the semicircular Ningya Bend that looked like a bite of a land beast, two Ticonderoga-class missile cruisers and four Perry-class missile frigates have been quietly docked!

And under the sea surface at the mouth of the bay.

There are also 6 "Barracuda" torpedo attack submarines diving!

These submarines are arranged in a fan shape, with their weapons all pointing towards the external waters, providing tight protection for the missile cruisers in the bay!

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