

In the observation center, Repp was holding his thin hair with both hands, his eyes almost popping out of his head.

The leaders of the two countries, as well as many veteran generals with deep qualifications, are here and can observe all situations through the device screen, regardless of camp, from a God's perspective.

"Why is my plane going to your airport?"

"He must have used his special powers!"

"He doesn't keep his word!"

Rep asked Mr. Song angrily!

Mr. Song's expression remained calm, and he raised his hand slightly to signal the exercise referee to investigate the situation.

5 minutes later.

"Report, the Chinese commander did not use special abilities."

On the left and right, there are Chinese referees and European referees respectively.

The European referee frowned and said, "Mr. Tongguo, he used a cunning trick."

The Chinese referee performed a standard military salute and said: "Commander Song, this is our army's brilliant plan!"


Mr. Song smiled heartily and was extremely happy.

Rep's face turned red and green, "The B2 bomber is our technical secret, you can't mess with it."

Mr. Song's smile was not over yet, he shook his head and said: "Leipu Tongguo, you know, my little friend Liu will not listen to anyone's orders. Whatever he wants to do, Song can only watch with wide eyes."

The vacant airport in the Chinese battlefield.

Brother Liu paced with his hands behind his back, and walked out with more than 20 technical experts from the command center.

The top technical soldiers felt panic in their hearts.

During the battle between the two countries, the headquarters was actually empty and was simply left alone.

Commander Liu, who didn't play by the rules, had only one sentence - 'Only when you have a good rest can you work well. If the weather is nice, let's go for a walk. ’

Everyone was speechless and thought, "Beautiful!"

At this time, Liu Di was standing on the edge of the runway, watching the European planes landing with a smile on his face.

Han Licheng also breathed a sigh of relief.

He originally thought that Commander Liu was going to drive these planes into despair and crash them!

That’s a bit much!


The European planes set off waves of air and all landed.

The fleet captain felt as if he had escaped from death. He happily took off his helmet and led a group of pilots to quickly come to Liu Di.

"Hello, you must be the commander of China. Thank you for your timely assistance!"

He shook Brother Liu's hand directly and said, "Let's take a rest and then return to the base immediately. No need to disturb us!"

Liu Di smiled and nodded, "Warm welcome, come, I'm tied up."


Captain Europe was stunned!

Brother Liu said politely: "Drills are battles."


A group of Chinese soldiers rushed up and, as Brother Liu said, they got a lot of hemp rope and tied up nearly 20 European pilots.

Each of these pilots looked shocked. They had not corrected their mentality during the exercise, and were still calm in a harmonious atmosphere. Now they were controlled by others, and they suddenly returned to reality!

At this time, many Chinese J-24 aircraft returned to land. The pilots came to Liu Di's side and saluted one by one.

Then he stared at the European b2 in front of him.

There were even Chinese pilots who swallowed secretly.

Their eyes were filled with anticipation.

This has nothing to do with worshiping foreigners. The European B2 stealth bomber is a famous model in the world.

Europe has been selling arms to backward countries to make profits, but it has strictly guarded against B2, just holding it firmly in the palm of its hand!

Only photos have ever been circulated to the outside world.

The Chinese drivers looked like top car enthusiasts seeing a limited edition Ferrari.

The look in his eyes contained awe, but also a look of intimidation.

Even if the b2 is parked at its own airport, it is not really hostile after all. It cannot blatantly reveal the core of Europe's technology.

Liu Di smiled slightly and looked at a young Chinese pilot beside him, "Can you fly?"


The pilot stood up and saluted, glanced at B2, "Sir, this"

Brother Liu smiled warmly and said, "You don't have to think too much, just tell me."

The pilot swallowed again and said, "Commander, I have never seen the hardware and operation mode of this aircraft. It is suddenly very difficult to get started!"


Brother Liu nodded slightly, although he could use the magic boy to master the essentials of this aircraft in an instant.

But Brother Liu is true to his word. Since he promised not to use his abilities, he must keep his word.

He turned around and looked at the European pilots, "Come and give us some guidance."

But I saw that the European captain couldn't stand it anymore, "Don't go too far, this is a drill! Don't take the opportunity to steal our technology!"

Brother Liu shook his head slightly, looked at Han Licheng, and asked, "I wonder if there are any means of extorting confessions in this modern war?"

"Commander, please be careful!"

Lieutenant Han Licheng suddenly became nervous!

Almost everything Brother Liu said today was unexpected, and his heart suffered a lot!

"Commander, first of all, this is an exercise. Secondly, torture to extract confessions has long been eliminated. We must treat prisoners well!"

Liu Di sighed slightly, "As the ancients said, if there is no way to go, then open up a new way. Now there is no torture to extract confessions, then create one. In my opinion, save trouble, just beat them until they say it." "

"I have a close relationship with their Reputong country. As long as no one is killed, he won't mind."


Everyone gasped!

Fight directly?

This is too scary. This is not a real battle!

The faces of the pilots of the European country turned pale instantly.

The commander of China does not play by the rules!

"Fight, I won't tell you even if you kill me!"

But the captain of the European country twisted his neck and completely brought into the role this time, and his heroic spirit came out.

At this time.

Standing behind the crowd, a Chinese soldier in a mechanic's uniform took a step forward with a solemn expression, "Commander, I can try."

Liu Di smiled lightly.

He had been observing the expressions for a long time, and he was waiting for this person!

This person is a top pilot in the aviation force. At the beginning, his expression when he looked at B2 was different from that of everyone else!

He has been suppressing the throbbing in his heart, but from his calm eyes, he can see that he has full confidence in driving this B2!

It was like a master who had hidden himself in the world, and dared not show his head because of layers of restrictions.

"These are 10 B-2As."

"Equipped with 4 GEF118-110 non-afterburning turbofan engines, each with a rated static thrust of 8,618 kg."

"The navigation system of the B-2A consists of two systems, each of which can navigate independently, but the accuracy will be higher when working together. One is the inertial measurement unit, and the other is the Northrop NAS-26 astronomical inertial unit."

"The onboard radar is the AN/APQ-181 phased array radar, manufactured by Hughes."

The Chinese mechanic stood straight, "I can see its core configuration. In theory, I can control it!"

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