My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 585 Isn't it a coincidence?

In an extremely urgent situation, the captain of the fleet suddenly had an idea.

"We can fly at low altitude, but we will go around the north of the battle line and go east along the desert, and we will definitely be able to return to the base!"

Everyone slapped their foreheads!


As long as we lower the altitude to a certain extent, the desert will be clearly visible and it will be easy to find the direction!

The captain is smart!

The fighter group then went north and came to the sky above the desert.

At this time, Liu Di smiled slightly and turned around and said: "Throw missiles at the desert, throw them wherever the European fleet goes, and smash them to death!"

Han Licheng was stunned again, "Commander, do you want to rely on luck to hit their planes?"

Liu Di nodded, "It's like the dolls in the mall, relying on luck, but I have never caught one."

Han Licheng's expression was extremely wonderful, "Commander Liu, this..."

"I'm kidding."

But Liu Di's expression was solemn.

Han Licheng was relieved when he heard this, "Then how should we operate?"

I saw Liu Di suddenly smiled, "I mean, my skill in catching dolls has always been good!"

Han Licheng knew that this strange commander was obviously crazy!

"But commander, the control you took back does not have high-power missiles, only hundreds of "smokers", which are large smoke bombs, generally used to cover military fortresses."

"I want this smoker!"

Liu Di smiled lightly and said with his back turned: "By the way, let the light fighter take off."

When Liu Di was selecting resources before, he said a sentence-'The missiles must be loud! '

But in fact, all the exercise missiles have removed the explosion system.

Only this smoke bomb with no lethality still retains its original function, it will explode and make a loud noise!


In a corner of the Huaxia camp, the missile silo hidden underground suddenly opened.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Dozens of smokers flew towards the desert on the north side!

Lei Pu and Mr. Song and other bystanders in the observation center saw this scene clearly!

At first, Lei Pu found that his aircraft signal was blocked, and his heart was chilled!

Now, he saw that his pilots had found the way back, and he felt relieved again!

But when he saw the "Smoker" missile sent by China.

Suddenly he couldn't help laughing, "Mr. Song, your friend doesn't understand military affairs at all!"

"Even I know that it is a ground-to-ground missile, and it is a smoke bomb. He used it to hit my fighter? Is he here to adjust the atmosphere?!"

Not only Lei Pu.

Even the pilots of the European fleet couldn't help laughing.

This kind of missile can hit me?

Is there something wrong with the Chinese commander's brain? !

Boom boom boom!

I saw one smoke bomb after another explode!

Accompanied by the scattered dust, the sky-covering black fog suddenly spread out!

The expressions of the European pilots gradually solidified.


Where is the desert, the reference object, and the north!

"Everyone climb!"

The captain of the fleet immediately ordered!

"Report to the captain, we found Chinese light fighters above us, they should be their J-24s!"

"At least 40!"

"We don't have air fighter escorts, we can only get beaten if we face them!"

The captain's face changed, "Ah? Then everyone temporarily descends and uses smoke cover!"

At this time, in Liu Di's command center.

Han Licheng suddenly realized, "Oh! So you want to use smoke to slow down their speed, and then annihilate them, great!"

"Who said I want to annihilate them?"

Liu Di shook his head slowly, "Notify our pilots, no need to open fire, just fly close to the European fleet, and circle them in the black fog for me, and don't stop smoking!"

Han Licheng was stunned again!

He vaguely guessed Liu Di's plan, and suddenly shuddered!

Is this young commander so cruel?

And the European fleet at this time.

It's like a headless fly, trapped in the black fog, not daring to go anywhere!

And various navigation systems failed, calling to the sky and the earth is useless!

Now even the naked eye is almost lost!

Because there is only thick black fog in front of them!

Once they turn the nose of the plane and want to fly out of the smoke, in the clear sky at the end of the smoke, only China's J-24 is waiting for them!

And Liu Di.

But his eyes are slightly narrowed, with his hands behind his back.

Ten minutes, at most ten minutes, the European fleet will run out of fuel!

Liu Di had already investigated Admiral Norman. He is eager for quick success and always pursues ending the battle as quickly as possible!

So, in order to increase the flight speed of the fleet by less than 5%, he deliberately reduced the fuel addition of the aircraft!

Just to reduce weight and destroy China as soon as possible!

Liu Di has calculated everything.

The mileage of the European fleet has exceeded the return distance!

At this time, the European pilots are also in a mess.

"Report to the captain, the fuel mileage is less than 80 kilometers!"

"We must land nearby!"

"And immediately!"

The captain of the fleet is also anxious.

A range of 80 kilometers is a number that almost touches hell for a bomber!

It is easy to ensure the life of the pilot, just parachute!

But this is just an exercise!

A b2 is nearly 50 euros!

Just throw it away?

They couldn't communicate with the Chinese authorities now, because all the equipment had failed. Even the communication between their fleets had adopted 1215mhz, the international aviation emergency call frequency!

This is the frequency of distress recognized by all countries. For humanitarian reasons, any interference equipment will avoid this frequency!

"Help, help! Help China!"

"Call the exercise command center!"

But no matter how the captain called.

There was no response in the communicator!


The captain of the European fleet knocked on the radio several times. Is this thing broken too? !



Finally, there was a sound in the radio!

The captain was saved as if by a straw!


A pleasant male voice came from the radio, "Dear ace pilots of Europe, I guess you will crash in ten minutes."

"But what a coincidence, I just happen to have an idle airport here!"

Captain Ou was refreshed, "Thank you so much, thank you for your timely assistance!"

The male voice replied indifferently: "You think too much."

And Mo Jiuli, who was in the Mo family command center, had been watching Liu Di's trick of "closing the door and beating the dog".

At this time, he clearly heard the conversation intercepted by "Rakshasa Star".

He was slightly stunned!

Suddenly remembered that Liu Shizi had said before that he wanted an unoccupied airport!

Could it be that

he had calculated this situation in advance? !

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