
Shangguan Rouge passed in front of a row of reception ladies with a cautious expression.

However, I saw that the reception ladies always maintained elegant smiles without any abnormality.

Shangguan Rouge stopped making any sound and glanced at Brother Liu with a look of disbelief.

Then, she tentatively walked to the facial recognition area.

She took one foot forward and leaned forward.

I saw the camera on the wall flashing a uniform blue light without any abnormality.

Shangguan Rouge looked surprised.

Jump back and forth in the face recognition area.

The more he jumped, the more excited he became, and he mouthed to Liu Di: "It can't see me!!!"

Brother Liu spread his hands and walked inside with a chuckle.

The two of them walked through the Twin Towers like this.

The Gemini employees passing by looked at them intently and regarded the two as nothing.

Shangguan Rouge said, "This is so incredible, so amazing!"

"No, I have to try again!"

Shangguan Yanzhi caught a glimpse of a programmer wearing a plaid shirt and a simple face walking out in front of him.

The programmer planned to go to the water fountain to make coffee.

Shangguan Yanzhi jumped in front of him, kept swinging back and forth, and brought his eyes very close to him, looking straight at the man.


She actually took out her camera, put it on silent mode, but turned on the flash!

Click, click, click!

She kept taking pictures and flashing the person at close range!

The programmer showed no abnormality at all and slowly stirred his coffee.

Shangguan Rouge was completely shocked!

Thumbs up to Brother Liu!

You are so awesome!

Brother Liu smiled softly, and the two of them walked slowly towards the server room.

The figure just disappeared.

But when he saw the programmer whose nameplate read "Technical Director Ruan Liangji", he immediately squatted on the ground with his head in his hands!

"Oh my god, you're shaking me to death!"

"I never expected that I, who was preparing to let the twins dominate the world, would still be acting here with the boss!"

"I'm so hard on me!"

Ruan Liangji raised his head, with two lines of clear tears in his eyes.

And in the Gemini CEO's office.

Ah Jia was standing behind the blinds, using his fingers to open a crack to take a peek.

I saw the two people coming to the door of the server room.

The girl also played a prank by hiding the cleaner's mop and laughing silently while looking at the confused cleaner.

Ah Jia looked away and sighed, "What an amazing girl."

Brother Liu, I have always admired your thinking.

But now, is your brain in knots or something?

At this time, Ruan Liangji, eyes red, pushed open the door and said, "President Ajia, chicken drumsticks for lunch. I have dedicated everything to my acting career!"

Ah Jia's face twitched, "Not just you, everyone has chicken drumsticks for lunch. I'm afraid that Di San's image will turn into a lunatic in everyone's mind."

Ruan Liangji slowly shook his head, "Mr. Ajia, you are worrying too much. It is a small scene to help the boss pick up girls in Gemini. After all, even you can fake a corpse. Is there anything we can't get used to?"

Ah Jia glared and said, "You're just a liar."

In the server room.

Shangguan Rouge looked at the rows of black servers in front of him with a solemn expression.


"Gemini is close to 1 billion users, but there are so few servers?"

Brother Liu shook his head slightly, "That's not important. Didn't you say you have a way to crack the twins? It's your turn to use it."

Shangguan Yanzhi's eyes flickered, he took out his handheld computer and connected it to a server.

Her expression became unusual, "It's your turn to witness the miracle next."

Brother Liu nodded slowly.

If Gemini is really broken by you, it would really be a miracle.

But subconsciously, Brother Liu also looked at it seriously.

Every step of Shangguan Rouge's actions suddenly appeared in the perspective.

I saw that Shangguan Rouge had no intention of attacking the core code of Gemini.

Instead, it aimed at the front end—Gemini’s registration process.

Ordinary users need their own phone number and identity information to register a Gemini account, and the Gemini system has a duplication check function to ensure that each person has one number.

At the moment, what Shangguan Yanzhi has to do is to directly enter the server and turn off the duplication check function!

Brother Liu was very curious.

What's the use of turning off this feature?


Shangguan Yanzhi found the duplication check code and spent ten minutes to turn off the duplication check function!

She looked extremely excited.

very smooth!

Turning off the duplication check function is equivalent to Gemini completely opening the door to themselves!

In the next 10 minutes, Shangguan Yanzhi used the identity virtualization software in his computer to frantically register Gemini accounts at a rate of 20,000 users per second!

Brother Liu watched all this with great interest!

What does she want to do by registering so many virtual identities?

Adding users to Gemini in vain, trying to use data volume to overwhelm my server?

Isn’t this realistic at all?

Of course, in all the operations that Shangguan Rouge thought were going smoothly, Brother Liu was silently giving her full permission.

Otherwise, let alone turning off the plagiarism check function, Shangguan Yanzhi wouldn't even be able to get in the elevator!

Immediately afterwards.

Shangguan Yanzhi showed off her magical skills. She used language generation software to continuously generate groups of sentences.

But the core meaning is the same: "I like black."

Then, she used a program and nearly 10 million virtual accounts to send this sentence to the Twin Stage.

Liu Di frowned and felt a bad feeling in his heart.

But he did not interfere with Shangguan Yanzhi's operations and quietly waited for the results.

I saw Shangguan Yanzhi open a monitoring software, which contained the twin interfaces of many virtual users.

In less than 3 minutes, these 'user' interfaces slowly became dim.

Moreover, the content pushed has become black-related, including black oil paintings, sentences about black, and even the song "Black Friday".

Brother Liu was shocked.

"Black Friday" comes from a foreign rock band and is a banned song. It is rumored that the melody of this song can make people feel depressed, low, and even suicidal!

Liu Di immediately observed the changes in the Gemini core code.

The core of Twin Stage is to collect user preferences and match users with corresponding content. This is also the reason for Twin Stage's success.

But at this time.

Because Shangguan Yanzhi’s tens of millions of zombie accounts made comments about “liking black”.

After analysis, the Gemini core code resulted in a misjudgment!

It recognized that more and more people 'like black', so it started searching for black information and materials!

Brother Liu frowned.

It was clearly observed that some real users immediately received push content about ‘black’!

Although there are only a few people, this trend is scary because this kind of thinking is spreading like a virus!

And at this time.

Shangguan Rouge's virtual account has increased to 30 million, and she once again made a comment - 'I like rainy days. ’

After a few minutes.

Some gloomy remarks, pictures of pattering rain, and songs praising cloudy days began to be widely recommended on the Twin Stage!

The Twin Stage interface of some users is filled with a cold, dark and dull feeling!

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