My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 575: A glimpse of the leopard


"Gemini is very strong."

Shangguan Yanzhi tapped the keyboard with a strange look in her eyes, "Its intelligent recommendation algorithm is unique in the world, but unfortunately, this powerful algorithm is also its fatal weakness!"

"It wants to do things that humans like too much."


Shangguan Yanzhi compiled a new sentence in the handheld computer-'I don't like Gemini. '

Just press the OK key.

This sentence will be translated into various versions and forms, and will be sent out through 30 million accounts!

At that time, no one can imagine what kind of judgment the Gemini stage will make.

Maybe it will shut itself down!

Even if the creator can repair it, it is undeniable that this is a server crash in the eyes of the outside world!

Liu Di's face was extremely ugly!

He had to admit that Shangguan Yanzhi did find a way to defeat Gemini in a different way!

In fact, this method is something that normal people can never think of!

She used the reverse thinking of artificial intelligence to check and balance herself through the judgment of the system itself!

Very good

Very good!

This can't be called a hacker intrusion, nor can it be called a virus, it's simply a conspiracy!


Liu Di said in a low voice.

"Don't, there's only one step left, the bonus is in hand!"

Shangguan Yanzhi was full of excitement!

Liu Di suddenly raised his head, his purple eyes flashing!

In the entire server room, the radiator power was automatically turned to the maximum, the unit indicator lights dodged continuously, and all servers broke through the limits and entered overclocking operation instantly!

And the background code of the twins.

Suddenly the seal was locked and turned gray.

Then, a brand new code torrent swept across, covering everything!

The new code is like a group of armored warriors with no end in sight. It not only controls everything, but also can continuously eliminate dissidents!

Within 12 seconds, the background code and database of the twins launched an unprecedented purge!

All the junk information, negative information, and 30 million zombie users were separated and crushed in an instant!

The Gemini programmers outside the door.

Looking at the code interface in front of them, they were all stunned, "What's going on!!!"

Ding Ding Ding!

Shangguan Yanzhi's palm computer kept alarming, the program began to crash, and scarlet exclamation marks appeared one after another!

In a flash, the screen of the palm computer was covered with exclamation marks one after another!

In the end, Shangguan Yanzhi's palm computer, which was the world's number one in performance, suddenly had a blue screen, flashed continuously, and then went out directly!

No matter how Shangguan Yanzhi operated it, there was no reaction!

At the same time.

The Gemini software icon with nearly 1 billion users began to flash.

Many of the user interfaces that were using Gemini suddenly popped up an update progress bar!

Although the update progress was very fast, it only took more than ten seconds.

But when everyone opened Gemini again, they found that the software had undergone significant changes.

The entire interface became clear and bright.

In the corner of the screen, a little man in armor appeared. Although it was a Q version, he was holding a spear and looked majestic.

A line of subtitles appeared above his head: "Hello, friend, I am Xiao Shuang."

Many users were stunned. The little Shuang in the tree hole had a specific image?

It was quite cute!

The subtitles of Xiao Shuang appeared again, "I was just born today, but I will grow up with my friends in the future. I have my own values. I know what to do and what not to do!"

The users smiled playfully.

What is Gemini doing? Making a little armored guard?

It looks fun!

Jumping around, it makes people feel good!

But they don't know that this cute little Shuang is wandering in thousands of mobile phones. Once he sees the immoral and negative inflammatory speech, the spear in his hand will suddenly strike out a lightning and smash the information to pieces.

And in the Gemini Building.

The Gemini programmers looked at the brand new code that was born like magic in front of them.

Everyone was stunned.

They knew very well that this Xiaoshuang was a very complex anthropomorphic program!

His core instructions were the twelve codes of conduct written by Emperor San!

‘Prioritize judgment of good and evil’

‘Do not hide any turbulence’

‘Do not lead any trend’

Behind these codes.

is a huge database!

It actually stores more than 80 million good human codes of conduct recorded on the Internet since the birth of the Internet.

And nearly 12 million wrong values ​​and morals!

All Gemini stage information must be screened and summarized by this database!

Especially the unified speech of more than a thousand people!

The programmers exclaimed again and again.

This is simply creating a super iron-faced and selfless judge!

Although this helps the stability of the Gemini, it is too harsh!

Not to mention that Xiaoshuang is the highest level of permission in the self-running code!

These precise codes made the programmers dizzy.

Subconsciously looked in the direction of the server room.

The boss of Emperor San brought a girl in.

Then within 10 minutes, one task was completed, which was basically equivalent to the entire company's 3-month workload!

Is this an overflow of inspiration or the power of passion?

And in the computer room.

Shangguan Yanzhi looked at Xiaoshuang on her mobile phone screen. After several tests, she understood the huge function hidden behind this small program.

"Update in 1 second?"

"The loophole is gone, and it's like a solid wall!"

"Aren't Gemini programmers human???"

She glanced at the burned palm computer and said dully: "Did I trigger something?"

"You reminded me of something very important."

Liu Di's expression was heavy.

Shangguan Yanzhi's accidental hit woke him up.

He was meticulous in thinking, and he could see the whole body from a small part. He thought of all kinds of possibilities in an instant.

Even Xiaoshuang, who had nearly 100 million judgment criteria, was still far from enough in his eyes.

He suddenly understood.

Why can Mo Tong master all knowledge, but his understanding of human nature is extremely slow.

Fortunately, Mo Tong and Liu Di complement each other, and Liu Di is confident that he can pass on the correct values ​​to him.

As for the rest.

Liu Di immediately integrated Xiaoshuang's code of conduct into the database of the "waiter"!

But Liu Di also knew that correcting his own program in time did not mean that the whole world could be protected from disasters.

Around the world, there are tens of thousands of artificial intelligences in their embryonic stages!

At this time, Shangguan Yanzhi asked in a daze, "What can I remind you?"

Liu Di said in a low voice: "It is a terrible thing for intelligence to lose control."

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