My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 573 Is he really invisible?

One side of the twin towers.

This is a dead end that no one passes by.

Shangguan Yanzhi rested her chin here, tilting her head to think.

Liu Di walked slowly.

"Scholar, you are here!"

Shangguan Yanzhi saw Liu Di coming, her eyes suddenly lit up, and with a click, she tore open her tights on her chest!

Liu Di just took a step forward at this time, and when he saw this scene, he almost lost his balance and fell into the sewer next to him.

There was no other clothing in Shangguan Yanzhi's tights!

This tear directly exposed her snow-white neck and her well-developed, one-fifth snow-white and round body.

Liu Di lowered his head and covered his face with his hands, "Girl, please respect yourself."


Shangguan Yanzhi continued to tear her clothes.

This time, she tore open the waist area, directly revealing her slender waist without a trace of fat.

"Hehe, wait a minute."


Shangguan Yanzhi also tore her pants, but she tore the trouser legs, a pair of tight trousers, which she tore into hot shorts.

"Girl, stop it."

Liu Di panicked. What does it mean to tear clothes when they meet?

If he shouts a few more times, his reputation will be ruined.

"Liu Di, look."

At this time, Shangguan Yanzhi stood in the alley with her hands behind her back.

There happened to be a pool of water on the ground beside her. The storm on the sea this morning also made Haishi bathed in a light rain.

Shangguan Yanzhi's reflection was reflected in the water.

She was not tall, about 160, and her figure was very thin, but she had twists and turns, and her figure was convex and constricted.

The tights on her body were turned upside down, turning into a tight short-sleeved shirt with a waist exposed, and hot rock-style shorts, and she wore a pair of black leather boots on her feet.

The long black hair was draped over her shoulders, with bangs, black eyes, and a playful and cute expression.

"Scholar, am I pretty?"

"Do I look like a normal person?"

Shangguan Yanzhi smiled brightly.

Liu Di was about to reply that she was pretty, but when he heard her second question, he was silent.

No normal person would tear his clothes in the street.

"I mean, it's not conspicuous to enter Gemini like this."

Shangguan Yanzhi said, taking out a camera from the side and hanging it directly around her neck.

Liu Di squinted and took a look.

The price tag of the camera had not been torn off, and he immediately understood that it was probably stolen just now.

"It seems that you don't believe in my invisibility superpower."

Liu Di sighed leisurely, "Let's go."

The two came to the main street and passed by a digital store. Liu Di had an idea and remitted 3,300 yuan to the store, which was exactly the price of a camera.

The Founder Building, the tallest building in Hai City.

Currently, only the upper half is the office address of Gemini, but Gemini is rich and has 3 independent elevators.

There is a door access control at the elevator door, and there are security guards.

The two of them came to the lobby on the first floor in a dignified manner, and the sturdy security guard looked straight ahead.

Shangguan Yanzhi shuttled back and forth in front of the security guard, waving her hands constantly, but the security guard still ignored her.


Shangguan Yanzhi was slightly stunned, "He really can't see me?"

She looked at Liu Di in confusion, only to see the man in white standing there with his hands behind his back and laughing.

"It's amazing, is there really such a thing as invisibility?"

Shangguan Yanzhi looked surprised, raised her foot, and prepared to climb over the half-person-high access control railing.

"Miss, do you think I'm blind?"

The security guard turned his head slowly, frowned, and said ruthlessly: "Swipe the access control card, or contact your reception manager."


Shangguan Yanzhi looked embarrassed, climbed down from the access control, took small steps back, and looked at Liu Di with anger on her face.

Liu Di shrugged, "I haven't used my special ability yet."


Shangguan Yanzhi sighed helplessly, "Fortunately, my Jade-faced Young Master is not in vain!"

She sat on the reception sofa next to her and took out her palm computer.

Liu Di saw clearly that this little girl was eccentric. When she climbed over the access control just now, she attached a sensor chip to the back of the access control machine.

This can capture the electronic signal of the access control machine.

At this time, she frowned and operated on the computer, "Tsk, an access control system, can it stop me?"

10 minutes later.

"What the hell, what a broken Gemini, an access control system that is stronger than a bank vault, I can't crack it!"

Shangguan Yanzhi cursed!

But Liu Di flipped his hand and two Gemini employee cards appeared in his palm.

Shangguan Yanzhi immediately stared, "Where did it come from?"

Liu Di curled his lips slightly, "I picked it up."


The two swiped their cards and entered the elevator smoothly!


The elevator stopped at the 87th floor. The moment the door opened, Shangguan Yanzhi exclaimed, "Cool!"

In front of her was a spotless reception hall dominated by white and blue lights, full of technology.

Behind the reception desk on one side stood a row of beautiful receptionists in work clothes.

In the other two elevators, hurried figures walked out.

The moment they stepped into the hall, a pleasant voice came from the speakers.

"Dear Mr. Luke of Gaoke Group, welcome to Gemini, you can go to reception room No. 3."

"Worker No. 495, Wei Yongfeng of the technical department, it's a pleasure to meet you, and I wish you a happy new day at work."

"Master Li, the water delivery worker, you have worked hard, please send the purified water to conference room No. 6."

Shangguan Yanzhi widened her eyes, "Oh my god, it's so smart, it also has identity recognition?"

"What will it say if I want to go in?"

She glanced at Liu Di and said in a robot-like tone: "Miss Yumian Langjun, the heinous Internet thief, the server you want to hack is on the 89th floor. Please turn left and go straight. We are looking forward to your evil plan!"

But Liu Di smiled slightly, "Next, it's time to witness the miracle!"


The elevator behind the two opened again.

A little fat man with a Gemini work permit and black-framed glasses walked out.


He bumped into Shangguan Yanzhi.


"What's going on!"

"Did I bump into something?"

"There's nothing here!"

"I must have not rested well!"

The little fat man scratched his head, looked around with a puzzled look, and walked into the office in a detour.

Shangguan Yanzhi opened her mouth wide, "This is not it!"

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