My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 572: State of Mind

at this time.

Other people on the ghost island also woke up one after another.

Tu Yuan and Jianxu stretched out and suddenly saw Brother Liu and the Tianluo warriors on the shore.


"Mr. Liu is actually leading people to boxing. I have to say, he is so handsome!"

Tu Yuan moved his shoulders, "However, this scene is a bit magical. Why does it look so like old Tai Chi?"

Jianxu narrowed his eyes slightly, "Shut up your stupid mouth and your ignorant little eyes. Mr. Liu's punches are definitely not ordinary things."

At this point more people came out of the room.

Xiaotang, Cupcake, Iron Thirty Three, and Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

Everyone looked towards the shore, feeling in awe.

Liu Di led the soldiers with flowing movements. Behind him were the waves crashing on the shore, and on his shoulders was the golden light of the rising sun, although it was silent.

But this momentum, invisible, arrogant to the mountains and rivers.

"The opportunity has come."

Jianxu straightened his back, "I'm going to learn boxing from Mr. Liu, Tu Yuan, can you leave?"

The swarthy little fat man nodded, "Let's go!"

In the eyes of everyone smiling and watching.

Two figures trotted away and joined Liu Di's morning exercise army.

Follow the example of others and start to perform the movements.

But I just learned the movements and didn’t understand any essentials.

for a long time.

Tu Yuan whispered in confusion: "Kidney deficiency, why do I think this is Square Tai Chi? It's incomparable to my upside-down onion!"

Jianxu frowned, looking like "you know what?"

In fact, he was also confused in various ways.

"Look at these more than 200 soldiers, they seem to have learned it!"

Jianxu's hands kept moving.

He also comes from a family of martial arts and has been influenced by ancient martial arts since he was a child. Although he later turned to what his elders regarded as a 'crooked way', he still had some knowledge of martial arts.

But now.

He felt more and more that Mr. Liu's boxing technique was just about moving the muscles and bones, and had no fighting power at all!

But helplessly, in full view of the public, he couldn't just give up.

Jianxu bit the bullet and said to Tu Yuan: "I admit, I was mistaken. Mr. Liu just wants to adapt to old age life early!"

Tu Yuan had a dark look on his face, "Shen Shenxu tricked me and ran away after practice."

Although the words between the two were very low, Brother Liu heard them clearly and smiled helplessly.

Liu Di closed his eyes and said solemnly: "My boxing style is about calmness. The first 24 movements are all about accumulating energy. The last punch is the moment when the fighting spirit breaks out."


Brother Liu suddenly turned around and faced the sea!

The Tianluo warriors immediately turned around.

Thirty nautical miles away from Ghost Island, a storm is raging.

At this time the waves were getting bigger and bigger.

In the distance, a huge wave ten meters high surged over.

Of course, this is not enough to pose a threat to Ghost Island, but everyone on the shore will definitely become drowned.

Brother Liu suddenly retracted his fist and said, "Tianluo warriors, just do whatever you want."

But I saw the Tianluo warriors exhaling in unison!

With a flash of light in his eyes, he unleashed the power he had accumulated for a long time with a punch towards the rolling waves!

Boom boom!

Waves of aura ripples appeared on Tianluo's fist, and the air was quickly compressed, several meters in the air, and blasted directly towards the wave!



Like a huge wave stretching along the city wall, there was a loud roar from inside!

next moment.

An unexpected scene appeared.

The center of the huge wave seemed to be penetrated by an invisible fist, and hundreds of water holes with a diameter of 3 meters appeared!

Even after more than ten seconds, the seawater around the water hole was still spinning rapidly like a whirlpool!

It contains terrifying strangulation ability!

In the blink of an eye, the huge waves riddled with holes could no longer be stabilized, crashing into the sea and falling apart!

The Tianluo warriors all closed their fists, closed their eyes and adjusted their breath.

Even though they were tens of meters apart, the punishers in the stands could clearly feel a burst of water mist hitting their faces.

Everyone gasped!

At least they are all E-level transformers, so they don't have the ability to punch from afar!

Mr. Liu's boxing skills are so profound. He only taught Tianluo for only 20 minutes, but he can actually produce such an effect?

Everyone felt sad.

Mr. Liu is like a treasure trove.

Everyone has gradually accepted his incredible strength and amazing technological level.


He actually took out a set of ancient martial arts again?

And with every gesture, he turned decay into magic and gave birth to such a huge power?

Everyone was speechless.

How much stock does this man, who has his hands behind his hands and a dull expression for a long time, still have?

Tu Yuan and Jianxu were even more stunned.

They had also subconsciously followed the crowd and fired their fists just now.

But at this time, they shook their fists that seemed to be misfired, knowing clearly that they had not exerted any strength at all!

Tu Yuan opened his mouth wide, "Why is this?"

Jianxu stared, "I don't know either."

But I heard Brother Liu's voice, "The most important thing about Qigong is to have no distractions. Compared with Tian Luo, you two have too many distracting thoughts in your hearts."

Tu Yuan was stunned again, "Is mentality so important?"

Brother Liu shook his head helplessly.

Then he looked at the Tianluo warriors who looked calm but had sharp eyes.

Mixed emotions.

This seems to be a realm that others cannot achieve.

But in fact, their lack of focus stems from the scarcity of brain activity.

At this time, Xiaoqiu slowly walked over and glanced at the leader, Chi Mei, "Have breakfast."



The red eyebrow actually showed a dull smile.


The ice in Brother Liu's heart melted a little.

Perhaps for the Tianluo warriors, this is also a rare and precious time to put down all burdens and enjoy a peaceful life.

Demon Boy: "The Tianluo warriors are determined. Toxoplasma cannot be controlled for long. They will soon regain their own personality like Daisha."

Brother Liu nodded slowly.

No matter what, he can't stop. Only by removing the mutated Toxoplasma gondii can Tianluo become the real Tianluo.

Jingle Bell

Brother Liu's phone rang.

"Call the scholar, I have arrived at the scheduled location, may I ask where you are."

Brother Liu sighed helplessly, "You come down from the rooftop first."

in perspective.

Shangguan Rouge was wearing a black tights with a grappling hook on his waist. He was holding a telescope in his left hand and making a phone call in his right hand.

Standing on the rooftop of a high-rise building opposite the Founder Building.

He looked like a flying thief.


"How did you know I was here?"

Shangguan Yanzhi looked around blankly, "Do you have the same idea as me? Are you going to sneak in from the roof? How cool?"

"When entering Gemini, I'm used to taking the main entrance."

Brother Liu said, said hello to everyone, boarded the ship, and rushed to Haishi!

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