My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 555 Hero's Elegy


"Mr. Liu, you are joking. This is the only SS454 you have in China. It is too eye-catching. I just asked around. It is difficult to know where you are."

Xie Yuanzheng rubbed his hands, pointed to the antique car behind him, and said with a smile: "This Viper 1986 is also the only one in China. It is also an American muscle sports car, and it is also black."

"As for the price, I guess you don't care, it's just this car."

"I don't know if you like it, haha"

“Excellent sales!”

Brother Liu had a warm face and said, "I don't want to talk nonsense. Come to my company."

"Mr. Liu, I am where I am today thanks to the support of Siwei's boss. With him here, I will not change jobs."

Xie Yuanzheng shrugged slightly, looking apologetic, "Sorry"

Liu Di nodded slightly, "Very good, very good! Loyalty is an even better quality!"


Brother Liu walked slowly around the Viper and suddenly turned his head, "Hey, Yuan Zheng, has your company been acquired recently?"

But Xie Yuanzheng's expression darkened, "To be honest with Mr. Liu, all our stores have been acquired by an intelligent robot company, and they are going to use a large number of robots to replace our sales."


"I came to recommend a sports car to you because of pressure."

Xie Yuanzheng said and smiled bitterly.

Brother Liu shook his head slightly, "Yuan Zheng, there are many things that robots cannot do, such as attentive service like you."


"I still recommend you to embrace technology more. This is a major trend."

"And talents like you will shine wherever you go."

Brother Liu leaned against the car and thought for a while, "Your position is to be the sales director of my company for the time being. When will you pass on your service attitude to everyone in the company, I will promote you to the sales president."

Xie Yuanzheng smiled bitterly again, "Mr. Liu, you are joking. I will not go to your company. I can't leave my benefactor, Mr. Ma."

Liu Di chuckled, opened the door of the Viper directly, and sat in it.

He started the engine and heard a roar, quite satisfied.

Brother Liu tilted his head and stretched out the window, "Yuanzheng, I want the car. The money has been received. As for the work, your horse will always arrange it for you!"


Brother Liu didn't say anything. With a roar, the limited edition Viper sports car drove away.

Xie Yuanzheng stayed where he was and smiled bitterly

Mr. Liu, you haven’t signed the contract yet

You have a net worth of hundreds of millions, but I’m not afraid of you defaulting on your debts.

But my job cannot be transferred just as you say!

Liu Di felt very comfortable driving this 1986 Viper. An antique car of this age is almost 99% new!

The interior is retro and the power is surging!

It’s not an exaggeration to call it a treasure passed down from generation to generation!

Siwei does have some skills. It was fully acquired by Witness for 700 million, which is not a loss!

Liu Di took a look at the car key chain, and there was a row of numbers on it made of sterling silver - ld-000002!

Smile with relief

Xie Yuanzheng is also a very knowledgeable guy. In his eyes, this deal is already a sure thing!

very good!

And a good general was obtained for the witnesses!

Brother Liu drove through the suburban road. At this time of the evening, the sun was setting in the west, and the car paint reflected the setting sun.

Driving the world's limited edition antique car on an empty road is very pleasant!

I just happened to pick up that guy and asked him to tell me I couldn't afford a car!


Brother Liu was passing by a dilapidated barbecue restaurant in the downtown area.

He suddenly stopped the vehicle and frowned.

He saw a scene that worried him

A majestic old man with gray hair, already drunk

He was lying on the ground next to a pile of vomit

There were several followers in the distance who wanted to help him, but he pushed them away indiscriminately!

"Everyone get out of here!"

"Give me wine!"

The old man yelled and cursed!

Brother Liu got out of the car slowly

The identity of this old man is terrifying to death!

The majestic Chinese three-star general!

A hero with great military exploits!

A man who stomps his feet and makes the entire war department tremble!

at the same time

He is also the instructor of China's secret force, the Tianluo Group, who is known as the most powerful fighter - Black Mountain!

Brother Liu frowned

He shouldn't be like this!

Heishan didn't know how much wine he had drunk, and he was so confused that he didn't recognize his relatives!

He waved his arms, and the guards on the side were pushed back by him.

"Leader, you can't drink anymore, you will have health problems!"

Montenegro waved it over with one arm!

But it was held by a white palm!

Heishan frowned. Although he was old, his strong muscles were far beyond the reach of ordinary old men!

He exerted force and found that his arm was not moving at all!

The opponent's palm is like cast iron and cannot be shaken at all!


Heishan's drunken eyes were hazy, and he looked at the person who came, and suddenly he was stunned, "Brother Liu!"

"Old man Montenegro, you can't drink any more."

Brother Liu frowned

But Heishan suddenly burst into tears and cried, "Boy, you know, I have nowhere to express my grief!"

"You know, those are all my children, 283 children!"

"I watched them grow from rookies to today's indomitable, iron-clad warriors!"

"Six years, I've been together day and night, six years!"

"The conditions at the border are difficult, but they don't say a word!"

Montenegro holds his head and cries!

"Now, they are all gone, no one is left!"

"I can't even see them for the last time, I can't do anything!"

"It's all my fault, I feel so ashamed of them!"

The dignified Heishan General had no dignity left at this time

He was just an old father who lost his child!

Tears flowed, his face was full of regret and self-blame!

Heishan choked and said: "I don't dare to go back to the camp now, I saw their beds, I can't breathe!"

The old man's wailing immediately attracted passers-by to watch

The sky seemed to be infected, and it was drizzling!

And Liu Di

supported the old man's body without saying a word

The appearance of Heishan General also reminded him of the grief in his heart

Dry eyes!

He was extremely desolate in his heart. Even if Heishan General was drunk to this extent, he still didn't mention the words about the War Department and Tianluo in his words

He knew that this was the top secret that could not be passed on

And Liu Di was even more sad

That group of steel warriors, from birth to death, have always been unknown heroes!

I feel ashamed!

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