Without any choice

Brother Liu arranged for Kun Sang to pick up the little boy

He carried General Montenegro on his back and sent him to Lord Tuo’s free hospital.

Lord Tuo performed acupuncture on General Montenegro

Hangover and dryness

Heishan fell asleep in a daze, with some tears still hanging on his face full of traces of time.

Master Tuo sighed softly, "Boy, Tianluo is just a microcosm. I have experienced too many such things, and I have built a great country. There are so many unknown warriors that you can't even imagine."

Brother Liu felt heavy and nodded silently.

"As long as there are humans, fighting is inevitable."

Mr. Tuo added: "Don't you know how to study technology? Then go and change the world. Even if the battles in the future turn into mechanical battles or online battles, it doesn't matter!"

Brother Liu nodded.

Whether it's a cyber war or a robot war, at least no one will die!

In retrospect, the Pluto mecha created by Rep also has its own meaning!

At most, the machine will be scrapped, and there will be no parting between life and death like now!

Brother Liu walked out of the house

Looking into the distance, I wonder what contribution I can make in the history of human evolution.

I just hope that we can rely on technology to create a better world!

Jingle Bell

The phone rings

But it was Heidina's excited voice that came, "Mr. Liu, are you okay tonight?!"

Brother Liu was slightly startled.

I really don’t have any plans for the evening

But the way Hetina looks at him is always weird.

Should I be in trouble or not?

Heidina then said: "The company is going to hold a big party today!"

Company party?

Brother Liu felt relieved inexplicably, and then asked: "What party?"

"Our Witness Acquisition acquisition plan has now reached 35,000 stores. In this first month, 52% of the total task has been completed!"

"I promised them that every time a task is exceeded, the company will have a team building celebration!"

"Tonight, the company has booked the entire Queen's Bar. Colleagues want to have a party and relax!"

Brother Liu smiled slightly, "That's fine, everyone has been under a lot of pressure recently, so it's time to relax, but"

But Hetina was the first to say: "I know you have nothing to do, come here quickly, everyone admires you very much, and also wants to thank you in person for the program you provided, and if you encourage them a little, they will definitely be very motivated!"

Brother Liu sighed, "Okay."

Because of Tianluo's incident, he suddenly became quite depressed.

However, the witnesses are a group of energetic young people, and you should be able to relax if you get together with them!

Brother Liu drove to the bustling Haishi Bar Street.

Coincidentally, the Queen's Bar was the place where he met LSA Fei.

Looking at Haishi, this is already the top bar. With the strength of the witnesses, only this place can match the status!

A brand new Viper 1986 parked in front of the bar

Immediately attracted the attention of countless passers-by

When this man in white got out of the car, many beautiful women exclaimed

But when they saw Brother Liu walking straight into the Queen Bar, they were intimidated.

Queen Bar is the most popular place in Haishi these days, and the queue usually stretches for several kilometers!

And today, I heard that a super consortium spent a lot of money to book the venue directly!

Outsiders are not allowed in!

The beauties couldn't help but sigh, this guy has a good car, a handsome guy, and his workplace is also awesome!

He is the man he will never get!

When Brother Liu entered the bar, the place was filled with Witness employees. They smiled and said hello to Brother Liu!

Brother Liu also responded one by one!

Arriving at the central booth, Heidina was already here to greet her.

She had been in and out of shopping malls for many years, and it was obvious at a glance that Brother Liu was unhappy.

Heidina smiled softly, "What's wrong with Mr. Liu? Is there something on your mind?"

Brother Liu was not polite either. He picked up the wine glass and took a sip. "I met an old friend today, which brought back some sad things. Some of my best friends died in a foreign country."

When Brother Liu said this, he picked up the wine glass, smiled at the Witness employees in the distance, and drank it all in one gulp.

Heidina could see clearly that Mr. Liu now perfectly explained what it meant to force a smile.


Heidina sighed slightly, "Birth, old age, illness and death are human nature. I would like to express my condolences to Mr. Liu."


Heidina smiled mysteriously, "It seems that I have chosen the right place today. Mr. Liu, whose career is about to dominate the world but is in a bad mood, will soon be happy."

Brother Liu shook his head helplessly

At this time, the restless music began to play in the bar, and the witness employees exchanged glasses one by one, becoming more and more active!

Liu Di sighed: "There is music and wine here, but it is not enough to relieve my mood. Some pictures can never be erased."

Heidina also shook her head, "Mr. Liu, to tell you the truth, I spent a full 4 million yuan on this Queen's Bar to book the entire venue. Their usual price is only 2 million yuan, which is sky-high. Do you know why? Is it so expensive?”

Brother Liu shrugged, completely uninterested, "I don't know."

"Because a singer is here"

Heidina said excitedly: "Her singing voice is like the sound of nature, and the singers are so mesmerized. Listening to one of her songs can make you forget all the troubles in the world!"

Liu Di laughed again, "How is he compared to Di Yi?"

Heidina curled her lips, "She's worse than Di Yi, but she can definitely make you happy!"

Brother Liu leaned against the backrest and sighed quietly.

He is Emperor Yi

Can sing songs that make everyone emotional and intoxicated

It is also possible to encourage everyone and give everyone strength through songs

But, so what

It can touch millions of people, but it cannot make up for the regrets in my heart.

no matter what

Tianluo will not be resurrected

Yulia villagers will not be resurrected either

Hetina looked helpless and said: "Mr. Liu, please be happy. I tell you, no matter how much money I pay, the singer will only sing one song tonight. If you don't listen carefully, you will miss the only relaxing moment." Chance"

Liu Di forced out a smile and said, "Okay, I'll just take it seriously."

The words just fell

The music stopped and the lights went out!

Even the hundreds of Witness employees fell silent!


A spotlight lights up on the stage!

Under the pure white light, a mysterious figure appeared

She wore a dark green dress with sparkling sequins on the skirt.

Long hair shawl, shining like a goddess descending

Brother Liu is also watching quietly

Her figure is comparable to LSA Fei!

However, the singer was always wearing his back, so it was impossible to see clearly!


Light music sounds

It is a famous Russian song - "Textile Girl"

Then, the singer softly began to sing

The sound is extremely clear, sometimes deep, sometimes bright, just like an oriole, extremely beautiful!

All Witness employees were intoxicated for a moment!

Moreover, the language she sings in is also Russian!

Listening to the pronunciation, it doesn’t sound like a native Chinese!

Brother Liu suddenly straightened up in his chair!

He squinted his eyes and looked hard at that figure, as if he wanted to see her into his eyes!

Hetina covered her mouth and snickered

I asked you to speak harshly. You were dismissive just now, but now you’re not attracted?

But Brother Liu didn’t answer.

Because his heart is constantly churning!

This voice is very familiar to him!

It’s the voice of girl Daisha from Yulia Village!

Brother Liu tightly controlled the urge to rush forward and patiently listened to the entire song!

Until the lights dimmed and the music stopped, the singer didn't look back!

At this time, the witness employees were still immersed in the beautiful melody and could not extricate themselves.

Someone finally responded, "This singing is so beautiful!"


"It's a pity that she can only sing one song!"

"I really want to listen to this song again!"

Brother Liu, on the other hand, looked excited and held the armrest with all his strength.

He wanted to step forward, but he didn't dare to step forward

I'm afraid that I'll be disappointed after seeing the singer's face clearly!

at this moment


The spotlight is on again!

It illuminated the singer's body straight, and the singer slowly turned around!

Everyone held their breath for a moment!

She has never shown her face!

But I saw that this singer had blond hair and blue eyes, with shining eyes, a high bridge of nose, and skin as fine as mutton fat and white jade. She was a top-notch exotic beauty!

Although Brother Liu’s eyes widened,

But his body shrank!

This is not Desha

Daisha has been irradiated and doesn't look like this.


Light music sounded again, and this accompaniment was the banjo, a folk instrument from Wulan Country.

And the singer's eyes flashed, staring closely at Brother Liu

Everyone at the scene was stunned

This beautiful singer actually wants to sing a second song?

Look at her look

Is it sung specifically for the Third Boss?

The third boss of Di San is really charming!

I saw the beautiful singer slowly speaking, her voice was extremely ethereal, as if it was a voice from heaven.

‘A remote village

A small village no one knows about

This is my home

It grows under the most beautiful flowers

It is also born in our hearts

No matter what the world thinks of us

This is home

We will never carry our bags

This is home’

Although the language is Wulan, the beautiful melody actually creates a picture in everyone's mind

It was a small mountain village with beautiful mountains and clear waters, where many simple and honest villagers lived.

The singer slowly walked towards the shocked Liu Di

The spotlight follows her figure all the way

Liu Di was completely frozen, his eyes were flashing and his body was motionless.

The song is over

Everyone has been completely attracted by this magical scene!

Brother Liu, on the other hand, was stunned!

But the singer smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Liu, don't you recognize me? I am Ugly Dasha?"


She took out a black rose from behind

Brother Liu burst into tears for a moment!

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