My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 554 Door-to-Door Sales

Experimental cemetery.

Liu Di studied the i-shaped micron worms for another three days.

Through careful observation, he found that these little guys were constantly mutating. Not only did they grow wings, but their bodies also contained a large amount of metal elements.

The most important thing is that the reason why they can be reduced to 30 square meters now is because their limbs are bent, one holding another, like building blocks.

Of course, these can only be seen clearly through an optical microscope.

If you look at them with the naked eye, they look like a piece of black rubber at this time!

Liu Di couldn't help thinking.

If they are reduced to nanometer level in the future, can't they be combined into objects with higher density?

For example, weapons, transportation tools, and even buildings?

But in that case, there will be prerequisites.

That is, the demon boy can control each of their life forms individually. Only in this way can he construct the shape he wants according to the rules!

This is an unimaginable computing speed.

Even the existing computers of mankind combined together cannot even reach one ten-thousandth of this speed!


Liu Di placed these micron worms in a box and placed them in the Silver Shuttle.

Gold is just one of the foods of i-shaped micron bugs!

Other steel materials, although of inferior quality, are not inedible!

One day, when Brother Liu encounters a strong enemy, these small bugs can completely turn into micron bombs and devour all metals!

Brother Liu knows that the European Union is still working hard to study mechas to fight against cyborgs!

And the demon boy.

The progress of the 9th sequence of weak artificial intelligence has reached 7%.

In the past month or so.

Nearly 5,000 to Lingxi stores have opened, with an average daily flow of more than 4,000 people, and all kinds of data are transmitted every moment.

At first, Brother Liu planned to let the waiter grow independently, but because of the strong enemy such as the Doomsday Association.

He had to copy the data twice, one for the waiter's independent database, and one for the demon boy to merge.

At this time.

The picture of the server room of the waiter appeared in Brother Liu's perspective.

Super hacker Lin Yi, at this time, was sitting in the center of the server with a book in her arms.

The virtual image of the waiter floated in the air.

Lin Yi asked: "Waiter, what kind of flowers in the world are black?"

The waiter nodded and said: "Miss Lin Yi, there are no real black flowers in the world, because such flowers cannot attract insects, cannot pollinate and reproduce offspring, so if they want to survive, they must evolve bright colors. This is true for plants, organisms, and waiters."

Lin Yi nodded slightly and continued: "Why can't giraffes sneeze?"

The waiter thought for a moment, as if he was also collecting answers.

After a moment, he nodded and said: "The giraffe's neck bone is too long. Once it sneezes, it is very likely to be fractured, and it may also die. Therefore, in its evolution, unnecessary functions have been removed."

Lin Yi smiled slightly and closed the book, "You can not only search for information on the Internet now, but also come up with your own opinions. It's great, but these are all brain teasers that elementary school students do."

The waiter bowed and saluted, "Thank you Miss Lin Yi for your praise. The waiter will accelerate learning, follow Mr. Liu's mission, and better serve mankind."

In the experimental cemetery.

Liu Di also smiled with relief.

The evolution of the waiter is not slow. The management system of all smart stores is becoming more and more humanized as the data increases.

People in a certain city like sweets, and people in a certain city like spicy food.

How to display goods in a convenience store will increase people's desire to buy.

It has even been accurate.

What temperature of hot water does a certain customer like to drink!

What flavor of toothpaste does a certain customer like, etc.!

Customs and human habits of various places are constantly entered into the system, and the waiter has also made adjustments to the store's services based on these.

to Lingxi's satisfaction has risen sharply!

Liu Di was slightly disappointed.

If one day, the Gemini database will be integrated with the waiter.

With the personality analysis of Gemini users, the waiter will definitely be the most powerful service system in the world!

However, all this cannot be rushed.

The waiter still needs to grow!

Hedina also called before. Although the witness is not short of money now, it is extremely short of people!

The business expansion is so fast that management talents can't keep up at all!

Liu Di is also helpless.

Although he collected a group of top elite resumes for Hedina.

But it is hard to find a talent who is truly versatile and capable of taking charge of one's own affairs!

Brother Liu walked out of the experimental cemetery.

He wanted to stretch his muscles and pick up Brother Liu.

As soon as he pushed the door, his expression was slightly stunned.

But he saw a black antique sports car parked in the sun, with a dazzling paint finish!

In front of the sports car, a handsome young man in a suit stood straight, bowed and smiled at Brother Liu.

"Mr. Liu, good afternoon."

The man greeted politely.

Brother Liu also smiled gently.

Xie Yuanzheng.

General Manager of Siwei Automobile Sales Company, the former ss454 was sold to Brother Liu by this young man!

Brother Liu had a good impression of this man!

This man was young, but he had extraordinary experience and was well versed in judging people.

At that time, Brother Liu went to Siwei in plain clothes and was looked down upon by the female salesperson. It was this Xie Yuanzheng who had a unique eye and discovered the extraordinaryness of Brother Liu.

And sold a private jet and antique sports car to Brother Liu, creating a record-breaking order of 50 million!

Xie Yuanzheng stepped forward and said with a smile: "Mr. Liu, we haven't seen each other for 5 months. According to your distinguished status, I guess you must have the idea of ​​changing to a new car."

Brother Liu tilted his head, "Why do you think so?"

Xie Yuanzheng bowed slightly, "I have served many wealthy customers, most of them are at this pace, 3 months, they want to try a new car."

"What's more"

Xie Yuanzheng took out his mobile phone, which showed a video of Brother Liu driving a modified ss454 and crashing around in the Longwei compound!

That time, it was Brother Liu who disappeared, and the little boy wanted to force him to show up.

Xie Yuanzheng smiled, "I guess your old car is not in a very good condition now."

Brother Liu sighed leisurely, the condition of the ss454 was not bad, but it was destroyed!

"You are quite capable. You can get this kind of video and find my residence."

"If I didn't know you were just a professional car salesman."

"You are no longer alive now."

Just a moment ago.

Liu Di investigated Xie Yuanzheng's three generations of ancestors and his life trajectory. After confirming that he was safe, he loosened his fist!

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