My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 553 Value for money

Zack sighed softly.

"Including my remarks about the world's Internet trends just now, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to talk to the Third Boss of the Emperor and learn from him!"

Ruan Liangji's eyes widened at this time!

This is simply unimaginable!

How did the Third Boss of the Emperor do it!

What did he do in these three days? !

Ruan Liangji glanced at the big guys on the scene, and they were all respectful at this time!

Liangji was stunned for a moment, and began to flip through the contract absent-mindedly!

The terms in it are extremely detailed!

Including how to cooperate, how to ensure the security of the Gemini algorithm, and even how to join the own businesses of the eight major Internet companies in the future, how to make profits together, how to develop, etc.!

Everything is great!

Ruan Liangji's face is full of shock again!

But Zach said again: "If Director Liangji has no problem here, then our eight major companies will make a statement to the world next."

"First, we want to apologize solemnly and retract our previous remarks about attacking Gemini."

"Then, we will announce to the public that our eight major Internet companies will join forces with Gemini to jointly create world-class software!"

Looking at Zach's sincere eyes.

Ruan Liangji was directly shocked!

This is too unreal!

How come Gemini is going to be internationalized without any care? !

Ding Ding Ding

Ruan Liangji's mobile phone rang.

It was the Gemini message from the third boss of the emperor.

There were only a few words: Do it boldly.

Ruan Liangji's mouth was dry and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

This must be the third boss of the emperor.

Even Jesus can't steal his Gemini account!

Ruan Liangji calmed down for ten minutes.

He finally spoke, "This is the reception room, let's go to the conference room to discuss in detail, I'll call the secretary!"

Everyone nodded silently.

Ruan Liangji stood up and just opened the door of the conference room.

But he saw hundreds of Gemini employees, holding all kinds of mops, brooms, keyboards, etc., blocking the door aggressively!

A programmer pushed his glasses and said with a fearless attitude: "Director Liangji, you give the order, even if I go to jail, I will kill these robbers!"

"Yes, Director, you give the order!"

"Are these robbers here to threaten you today?"

"I just heard you roar, you are a man!"

"Foreigners, I tell you, you all have to leave sideways today!"

Ruan Liangji's expression was extremely complicated, with both touching and helpless!

He looked at the more than 100 colleagues and said with emotion: "Brothers, I can't explain the situation today for a while. Anyway, this is a great thing!"


He looked back and said, "These bosses behind me will soon become our partners!"

"Our Gemini will soon be on the international stage!"

Everyone was still puzzled and held the keyboard tightly in their hands!

Ruan Liangji sighed: "Brothers, our company has the third boss of the emperor, no one can shake it, nothing is a problem!"


Even if Ruan Liangji was concise, he explained it to everyone for a full 10 minutes!

Everyone was stunned!

Finally gave up his guard, stared at the big guys, followed Ruan Liangji into the conference room, and began to discuss the details!

After 10 hours of uninterrupted discussion, Ruan Liangji and the Gemini executives finally reached a preliminary agreement with 8 major Internet companies!


The official websites of the 8 major Internet companies announced a message to the world together!

Apologize to Gemini!

No longer besieging Gemini, but changing to cooperation, cooperation in the form of franchising!

They are each responsible for a region, and will completely push Gemini to the international stage!

The whole world was in an uproar!

Chinese netizens were even more excited!

A comment of "Fuck!!!" was liked by nearly 10 million people!

"I woke up and saw this news, and I thought I was dreaming, but after looking through the websites of 8 companies, I confirmed that Gemini is awesome!"

"These are the eight giants in the world, and Gemini is going to be amazing!"

"China finally has an Internet product that is going global!"

"Those foreigners who look down on our technology are dumbfounded now!"

"What the hell is going on here!"

"You didn't see it, this matter is related to the Argentine Primera Division! The Argentine Primera Division died, and the third elder of the emperor was furious. I don't know what method he used to subdue the eight giants !"

"When Ajia was here, they still wanted to besiege the twins, but now they are all obedient!"

"The relationship between Ajia and Emperor San is really special!"

"To avenge his brother, he used thunderous means, which scared me to death!"

"This is too fierce!"

"Hey, didn't the boss of Emperor San say that he would not develop technology within 1 year?"

"What do you mean by developing technology? He is obviously expanding the user base! In the future, he will invent technology and go directly to the international market!"

"I look forward to my big twins dominating the world!!!"


The netizens who were still immersed in the joy of the expansion of the twins suddenly found another big melon!

The Roth Chai Fei family, known as the world's money empire, also issued a statement!

"The Roth Chai Fei family apologizes to Mr. Emperor San!

The previous reckless behavior was due to our family's poor management. We will act carefully in the future and beg Emperor San to forgive us!

At the same time, we support the twins to go international!"

The netizens exploded again.

"Even Roth Chai Fei is convinced!"

"I heard that the boss behind the 8 major Internet companies is the Ross Chaifei family!"

"It turns out that the third boss of the Emperor directly overturned their nest!"

"So cruel!"

"Ajia's injustice has been redressed!"

At the same time.

Ruan Liangji, who was in the office of Gemini, was also caught off guard by the news!

He never expected that even Ross Chaifei would publicly admit his mistakes!

Ruan Liangji was completely confused. What methods did the third boss of the Emperor use? !

Outsiders thought that the 8 major Internet companies obeyed the orders of the behind-the-scenes boss Ross Chaifei family and came to cooperate.

Little did they know that the third boss of the Emperor was already a major shareholder of these 8 major Internet companies!

If things continue like this, the third boss of the Emperor will become the behind-the-scenes boss of the entire Internet!

Ruan Liangji can already imagine the glorious future of the Gemini!

He looked at the empty office of Ajia again.

He felt complicated.

Boss Ajia, your death is really worth it!


Why do I have such an idea?

Mr. Ajia, don't worry, I will definitely do a good job as a twin!

Your sacrifice will never be in vain!

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