1 hour later

Sun Fuyuan looked at the young man in a black suit in front of him with a trembling expression.

The investment manager of this witness just showed him a prediction data

To put it simply, if his Fuyuan Catering does not make changes, there will not be any Mao left in 7 years.

"Haha, Manager Tang"

Sun Fuyuan pursed his lips and said: "I am willing to cooperate with your company and the stock price will be reduced by 20%."

“That was the price an hour ago”

The young man's face remained normal, "The company has given the latest calculation, and the price must drop."


Sun Fuyuan was stunned, "Isn't your company very generous?"

The young man said: "Divide people"

Sun Fuyuan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "What conditions does your company have? We can discuss it!"

“I’m pressed for time, so I’ll just tell you something.”

The young man paused and suddenly said: "You will cheat, be sued by your wife, and lose half of your net worth!"

Sun Fuyuan stiffened, "Huh?"

The young man continued: "Your brother-in-law will also lose all his family property and sell off the shop secretly!"

Sun Fuyuan's face turned green, "Huh?!"

The young man stood up and said, "In short, if your stock price drops another 40%, I can save your store, or your life."

Sun Fuyuan was stunned, "Manager Tang, this"

The young man chuckled, "Mr. Sun, you don't need to be grateful to me, just call me Tang Sanlang."

Sun Fuyuan is completely dead!

Tang Sanlang?

This guy is no ordinary tiger!

But what he said

How did he know I was cheating!

My brother-in-law does love gambling too!

Tang Sanlang added: "Of course you have time to verify all this, but I kindly remind you that your company's valuation, in our eyes, is falling by the minute."

Sun Fuyuan felt like he was struck by lightning

He hesitated for a long time and finally gritted his teeth and said, "I agree to cooperate!"


Tang Sanlang nodded, "Three minutes have just passed, and your current purchase price has dropped by another 2%!"

Sun Fuyuan was dumbfounded again!

Fuyuan Catering’s compromise caused a storm in the industry!

Other large chain stores are also panicking!

One after another began to contact to spiritual analysis!

As a result, once they came into contact with the investment managers of the Witnesses, they were defeated one after another!

Fortunately, the deal satisfied them, even though the equity price was very low!

But to Lingxi did not completely acquire their brand as imagined, but turned to cooperation!

The staff are basically retained, and after training, they are sent to independent stores that are wholly owned by Lingxi!

Some industries cannot be completely separated from labor!

But there is one thing

In addition to intelligent operations, the plaque must be changed to "Lingji Branch"!

since a month

The streets of China's large cities can be said to have changed their appearance!

The luminous characters of "to" appeared like mushrooms after a rain!

Many stores opened early

Unified logo, unified membership system, unified service robot!

At the same time, the original character of the store has been preserved!

Traditional delicacies and hand-ground coffee were something you could eat in the past, but you can also eat them now!

It’s just that the service model is completely new!

Ordinary people were curious and once again set off a consumption boom!

The most distinctive among them

It is a consumption system in various stores!

The moment a customer enters the store, facial recognition is activated to identify identity information and match the customer with the most suitable service!

After the consumption is completed, you only need to step out of the threshold, face recognition will be activated again, and you can pay the relevant fees through online banking!

No need to take out your phone or wallet during the entire process!

Customers exclaimed it was amazing!


In the finance department office, Nan Tianhai looked at the data in his hand

‘In the past month, 8,000 stores in various industries have opened! ’

‘There are about 30,000 companies in preparation! ’

‘60,000 stores have been acquired! (Excluding international stores under the IL Group)’

‘Cumulative sales of 3 billion’

‘National consumption data in major cities increased by 16%’

‘Many chain stores have experienced performance growth after being acquired’

Nan Tianhai sighed slightly

Put down the information in your hands

A subordinate shook his head and said: "Minister, these data are very ordinary at the national level, not even comparable to many large real estate companies."

"Even if all his shops are open and the revenue is huge, the profit will not be too much. After all, it is a small business."


Nan Tianhai suddenly smiled, "Then you haven't seen that the focus is not on these businesses, but on his system!"

"This guy has hidden a payment process in his service system!"

Nan Tianhai stood up slowly and looked out the window with his hands behind his back. "As his stores increase, civilians will inevitably form consumption habits, and more and more funds will flow through them."

"Didn't you see his movements?"

"Recharge as a member of Lingxi, and you will get a 90-99 discount on all purchases!"

"This looks tacky, doesn't it?"

"But you can try it"

"If all industries were involved in spiritual analysis, they could be seen everywhere."

"Then more and more civilians will store their funds on it for convenience."

"Let's not talk about the whole world, just talk about our 1.6 billion people in China. If each of us puts some spare money, how big will it be?"

The subordinate of the Finance Department was suddenly stunned!

Vaguely aware of something!

Nan Tianhai shook his head slightly, "The common people think that all this money is in their hands, but in fact it is just a string of codes that he analyzed spiritually!"

"TO Spiritual Analysis covers the entire industry. The money is flowing around, isn't it all in their own pockets?"

"As for these wealth subjects, whether he uses it to expand his strength or upgrade his technology, he can do whatever he wants!"

The subordinates in the Finance Department suddenly trembled!

Then this to spiritual analysis can develop into a hidden money empire!

But Nan Tianhai sighed again, "This is nothing!"

"Through daily consumption, he can also build a credit system at the same time!"

"He knows exactly who has how much assets, how he spends his money, who is a defaulter and who is not!"

"If you go for a financial loan, the return rate will be terrifyingly high!"

"Inside and out, he uses idle funds to earn interest, but he relies on data to make a fool of himself!"

"Those banks are still complacent because they loaned money to the witnesses. In fact, they let people rob their business and they even died without knowing it!"

Nan Tianhai frowned, "As long as he thinks about it, he will be richer than a whole country in a short time!"

The subordinates of the Ministry of Commerce were a little sluggish, "Other countries will not agree to such a terrible trick of gathering idle funds and collecting user credit!"

Nan Tianhai frowned deeply, "That kid also has a name, called Emperor Wu."

The subordinates were sweating profusely in an instant!

Nan Tianhai's eyes were deep, "We are engaged in economics, so we are worried about these things, but Mr. Song is worried about that boy's layout of combat robots!"

The subordinate said nervously: "Can't we stop him?"

Nan Tianhai muttered: "Mr. Song has made arrangements. As long as he loses to the Mo family, everything will belong to China."

And in the experimental cemetery

The data popping up on the devil boy's head has changed to +1866, +6632, +40000!

Although these data are far from enough

But Brother Liu was immersed in the joy of harvest

The payment function of to Lingxi is his idea, right

Even the smart robots in the store have some hidden combat functions!

However, as for Nan Tianhai’s so-called control of finance

and Mr. Song’s alleged robot threat.

Brother Liu didn't care about that, he just operated it conveniently in case of emergencies!

The two old men never imagined that what Brother Liu did was actually to give birth to a super artificial intelligence that people had never heard of!

When the demon boy upgrades, he can uncover mysteries one after another, and even peek into a whole new world!

No matter how powerful the enemy is,

We can all face it calmly and remain invincible!

If ordinary people are on the first floor, then Nan Tianhai is on the second floor, and Mr. Song is on the third floor!

And Brother Liu, he has no level!

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