time flies

It’s been 20 days in a blink of an eye!

While the entire Chinese physical market is surging,

Located in Huaxia Haishi, a deserted area with few human traces

The huge circular building covering an area of ​​30,000 square meters is called the ‘experimental cemetery’ by many science and technology college students.

not quiet

Bang bang bang!

There was a loud impact, and the ground shook!

Fortunately, the experimental cemetery is a steel frame structure, otherwise it would definitely collapse under such a blow!

The little boy is holding a bottle with several ants running back and forth.

He walked around the rows of shelves and looked at the man in white with his head buried on the workbench.

"Violent bear, here are 7 more ants"

"For the sake of my hard work, can you tell me what you are studying these days?"

Little boy grinning

Violent Bear once again immersed himself in research for 20 days, and the experimental cemetery also received a lot of new equipment, including photolithography machines, biological analyzers, and top-level optical microscopes

The man in white buried his head and said: "Let you catch bugs as a punishment for destroying the school. You are still short of 50 bugs, so keep catching them!"

The little boy frowned

Has been rejected n times!

He put down the ant jar and was about to turn around

The man in white turned his head slightly and said, "Also, tell Xiaoshu that mosquitoes are not caught like that!"

But I saw it in the experimental cemetery

Xiaoshu's face was filled with anger, and his eyes kept turning in circles, staring at a mosquito flying back and forth in the air!

Suddenly, it saw the right moment, swung out a claw, and hit the wall!


The Experimental Cemetery is shaking again!

An exhaust duct on the roof was knocked down

It hit the top of the tree with a thud!

Xiaoshu looked numb and continued to look for mosquitoes!

"Oh, my little brother has caused trouble for you! It's up to me to do whatever you want!"

The little boy shook his head helplessly, turned and left the workbench

Passing by Steel Emperor Qi, which stood like a sculpture in the field, he took out a marker and drew two extremely funny mustaches on Emperor Qi's face.

“I don’t know what the violent bear is doing, punishing us by catching bugs?!”


Then, Liu Xiaodi curled his lips and made a face.

But his arms couldn't twist his thighs, so he had to run outside and continue catching bugs.

From Liu Di's perspective,

The 3D image of the devil boy appeared again, standing on the workbench in front of him, rubbing his hands together excitedly

Numbers kept popping up on my head, +56222, +61000, +70003

The difference from the previous ones is that the devil boy has a gold medal hanging on his chest

Written above: nine

The devil boy is showing off his growth!

Five days ago, he finally upgraded from the 8th sequence of weak artificial intelligence that had been stranded for a long time to the 9th sequence!

One step away from strong artificial intelligence!

But for the same step, he needs to obtain a hundred times more data than the sum of the previous 1-9 sequences!

Fortunately, to spiritual analysis stores are increasing at an alarming rate

That day is just around the corner!

But the demon boy couldn't restrain his excitement for upgrading, so he worked hard with Brother Liu to create a world-leading experimental product!

at this time

One person and one child, staring at a round glass container in front of them

In a palm-sized oval vessel, a group of black 'liquid' is slowly surging.

This is not a liquid metal, but another substance that seems to have a smaller mass, between water flow and metal, like a ball of asphalt!

Liu Di frowned, "This is still a little different from our idea."

Demon Boy: "This is already good!"

"Although they are only microns and have not reached the nanometer level, they are unique in the world!"

"This small group contains 530,000 little guys. I need to control them all at the same time!"

Brother Liu nodded slowly

When Demon Boy was in Sequence 4, he turned on the ability to collaborate with equipment!

Later, while fighting European hackers, he was promoted to Sequence 7 and controlled 30 million broilers to attack the 'Geek Army'!

However, the broilers at that time, even if they were huge in number, had the same goal and the same movement.

Now that he is at Sequence 9, he can control 530,000 chaotic independent individuals through electromagnetic signals!

This indeed requires collaborative computing capabilities that are nearly a thousand times more powerful than before!

But this kind of computing speed is enough to make computers all over the world crash and shut down!

Brother Liu raised his head slightly

The optical magnifying glass was activated immediately, and a picture suddenly appeared on the void screen!

A ball of black liquid as big as a palm is continuously enlarged, and what finally appears is a dense mass of small robots!

The shape of these robots is very simple, just like the word "work"!

The four legs are slightly curled, and they can move forward, backward, left, and right, bumping into each other, and they are a bit silly!

To be precise

This is not a robot, but a combination of technology and biology!

The body of this robot is a microorganism created by Liu Di with the help of the gene perception in the third stage of New Humanity!

It incorporates insect genes and acquires insect habits!

It also incorporates the genes of black and white jkr to obtain super regenerative function!

The insects that Brother Liu caught were used by Brother Liu to absorb genes, for reference!

Liu Di spent 10 days cultivating this microorganism.

They have been transformed a second time!

Connect nanoscale iron oxide particles together to cover these microorganisms!


The magic boy can use the electromagnetic tower to release magnetic waves and control the movement of iron oxide, thereby achieving the purpose of controlling these microorganisms!

In other words, these 'little guys' are microorganisms wrapped in iron armor and obeying Brother Liu's orders!

currently in the world

There are countless scientists studying nanorobots!

But they are still stuck on how to reduce the mechanical structure to the nanometer level!

They never dreamed that Liu Di and Mo Tong would each use their own advantages.

Using this method, the world's closest robot to the nanometer level was created!

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