My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 529: Secret Entry

"I'll tell you one last time, my company is not for sale!"

Fuyuan Catering President Sun Fuyuan hung up the phone fiercely!

He is walking on the street now.

500 meters ahead is the Haishi headquarters of his Fuyuan Catering!

He looked unhappy because he had just had a big fight with his wife!

But the situation on the roadside made him a little confused.

All along the way, at least 20 small shops on the roadside have suspended business and posted renovation notices.

The secretary said, "Mr. Sun, it is rumored that these stores were acquired by the same company, but the details are confidential. Judging from the renovation project, it should be some kind of smart store."

"Smart store?"

Sun Fuyuan was stunned, "It seems that this smart service is indeed the trend of the times!"

He returned to the office and saw that the desk was empty. He frowned and said, "Secretary Zhang, where is the coffee?"

The secretary apologized, "Mr. Sun, I'm really sorry. For several years, you have only drunk coffee from one store, and that store has now been acquired and suspended."

Sun Fuyuan looked surprised, "Doesn't the owner of that store have feelings? Will he run it for a lifetime?"

The secretary was also helpless, "I heard that the store will still sell coffee after being transformed into a smart store, and it is said that the taste will be better than before."

Another smart transformation? !

Sun Fuyuan sighed deeply.

Sitting behind his desk, his brows were not relaxed.

Recently, the entire physical industry has been turbulent.

A group of black-clothed guys, like locusts, frantically acquired stores, and acquired wherever they went!

Moreover, all the shop owners have signed confidentiality agreements and will never reveal who the acquirer is!

The robot manufacturing industry is also being disrupted.

Many large factories and technology companies have also been acquired at an incredible speed!

It is said that the price offered by the other party is so high that it is impossible to refuse!

This makes many owners of physical groups feel uneasy!

Sun Fuyuan thought for a long time.

Fuyuan Group must not be abandoned by the times!

No matter how large the scale of the enterprise is, there will be a day when it will be left behind!

"Secretary Zhang, you go to make a plan and submit it to the European Intelligent Life Group."

"The main meaning is that as long as they are willing to cooperate with me and jointly build smart stores, I can exchange or sell shares to them at a price 20% lower than the market price!"

Sun Fuyuan's expression was solemn. This has made a great compromise!

The market value of Fuyuan Group is more than 4 billion. This 20% discount is worth at least hundreds of millions!

But the secretary hesitated, "Mr. Sun, I heard a lot of gossip. Minister Nan introduced the company to Lingxi. They seem to be very strong, as strong as IL. Would you like to consider them?"


"How strong can a local Chinese company be?"

"If it were an agricultural company, I wouldn't underestimate it."

"But it chose the technology path beyond its capabilities!"

"I dare to assert that it will be unknown in the international arena in the next 50 years!"

Sun Fuyuan waved his hand impatiently when he said this, "Go prepare the materials quickly. I must find a way to contact Mr. Moore of IL now!"

But the secretary was still unwilling to leave, and said, "Mr. Sun, the reason I mentioned Lingxi is because there is a young man from Lingxi outside. He has been waiting for you for a whole morning. Haha, this guy is a bit fierce. He said that he has completed 300 points and is fully qualified to see you."

"What 300 points?"


Sun Fuyuan was a little annoyed, "Let him get out as far as he can!"

The secretary left angrily.

Sun Fuyuan sat behind his desk, adjusting his mood, grinning and practicing English.

Finally, he made a call 10 minutes later.

He was also bitter in his heart. He visited IL Group many times, but not only did he not see the person in charge, but he didn't even leave a contact number.

He could only call the customer service of the headquarters, hoping to be transferred.


The prompt sounded, a pleasant female voice, 'Welcome to contact IL Lingxi Group, our group is committed to artificial intelligence and robot service industry'

Sun Fuyuan shook his head and smiled, presumably the person who answered the phone was also some kind of artificial intelligence, right?


What is IL Lingxi!

Aren't you IL Group?

Isn't the one in Huaxia called TO Lingxi?

My hair?

"Sir, what can I do for you?"

Finally, a question came from the other end of the phone!

Sun Fuyuan clenched his phone!

"Why did your group change its name!"

"Sir, 7 days ago, our group was honored to cooperate with Huaxia to Lingxi Company and adjusted the technical plan to focus on Lingxi."

"Our 8,000 stores will also be officially renamed."

"Our group has taken another big step towards the ultimate goal."

On the other end of the phone, Sun Fuyuan was completely stunned!

Intelligentlife Group cooperated with to Lingxi?

Where is this cooperation!

The name has been changed to someone else's!

Oh my!

Did I miss something!

To Lingxi can even swallow up a company of this level? !

"Sir, what can I do for you?"

The female voice on the phone was still asking.

But Sun Fuyuan was sweating on his forehead and forgot to answer!

He stood up suddenly!

"Secretary Zhang, where are the 300 points outside the door!"

The secretary stuck his head out and said, "Mr. Sun, didn't you ask me to drive him away?!"

"Oops, I'm confused!"

Sun Fuyuan stamped his feet anxiously!

Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of the window.

The supermarket opposite was installing a plaque, and a gust of wind blew away a corner of the red cloth on the plaque!

Sun Fuyuan's mouth twitched!

‘To Spiritual Analysis——Smart Convenience Store No. 257’

The shops that are being renovated all over the streets and alleys are all torpedo analysis!

Sun Fuyuan suddenly realized that before he knew it, this guy secretly infiltrated Chen Cang and became a giant!

He was stunned for a full five minutes.

Suddenly I remembered something and quickly dialed the phone!

"Mr. Nan, I'm Xiao Sun. I'm really sorry to disturb you!"

Nan Tianhai's majestic voice came, "I heard, you don't want to cooperate with the spiritual analysis, don't worry, I can prevent them from harassing you in the future."


Sun Fuyuan was a little anxious, "Mr. Nan, I want to ask you and Ling Qianjin, can you keep the first 100 preferential treatment places for me!"


Nan Tianhai was also stunned!

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